The Problems
It's quite an extensive list, really.
1 - I like food. It is a hobby, I love cooking, baking, all but the washing up
2 - Emotional Eating - I resort to food when I'm upset. which means chocolate usually. Or toast. or cakes. Plural..
3 - Mother Nature - Mother Nature Time. The painters. TOTM. Whatever you call it, it affects different people in different ways. Me? I get tummy cramps and it helps to have a full tummy. I used to have an overwhelming desire to eat chocolate too, but recently I don't get that urge. But habit still tells me to eat chocolate when I'm temperamental.
4 - Breakfast [Yes, the most important meal of the day, No to a three course banquet - Mother does actually sometimes have "breakfast pudding"... I do not want to end up like that]
5 - Bread - I eat way too much bread. Usually breakfast is something on toast, followed by a sandwich mid morning, occasionally something with bread/tortillas etc for lunch, and maybe some bread [naan or a roll depending on cuisine] with tea. And maybe toast before bed... Anyway.. Too much bread! two servings per day. No more. Less is ok
6 - Boredom. Especially when I am at work. I get bored, which leads to constant snacking. .
7 - Variety - Yes, this is a downfall. I was vegetarian for 14/15 years, and had a kinda fixed and boring diet. Pasta, potatoes, tuna and quorn. And that was good. Now I will eat anything, and in a week I want mince, and chicken, and bacon, and quorn, and fish, and veggies, and pasta dishes... It's too much, I need to stop being so greedy! I end up buying everything that I fancy in the shop, and then I end up eating bigger portions to "use it up"... NOT GOOD!
8 - Lack of planning - Linked to #7.
9 - Motivation - I have nothing to look forward to. This sounds really depressing, I know, what I mean is no special events to get glammed up for, no deadlines. BB's sister's wedding, but I dont even know if they have set a date, or even if they intend to do the wedding, or stay engaged..!
10 - Too much of everything - Too many treats, too much protein, too much carbs... need to limit SOMETHING! surely..
11 - Clean Plate - I've been brought up to be greatful for food - "Think of all the starving children in Africa", "If you don't finish your main, you dont get icecream"...etc etc etc. Even now, I have bits of pieces of leftovers in bags in the freezer. Couldn't tell you what they are, but I feel wrong throwing food out...?!
12 - Bread and Cheese - As you all know, I'm always going on about this. Low income family growing up, watch the pennies, pad out meals with bread to "mop up", and cheese on the top for easy+cheap taste.
13 - Accepting "fat clothes". NO! Stop this!! Stop searching for Size XXFAT in shops/Internet. Just stop it! Stop buying damn clothes that you don't need. It just tells you that it's ok to stay that size cos you have the clothes already...
14 - Vice-less - I don't smoke, I don't take drugs. I very rarely drink.. This somehow tells me subconsciously that it's ok to be a cake-fiend.
15 - The Brother. Yes, I'm including him. My brother,is 4 years older than me and has always been the apple of my mother's eye. Not that we have favourites in this family, but in my family there's always been a clear divide between me and dad, and mum and bruv... When we were kids, and it was an occasion, we both got chocolate, sweets, whatever. I'm talking christmas selection boxes, easter eggs, advent calendars, that kinda thing. My brother always nicked my stuff, always took my chocolate and I always got told off for it when I was a kidlet. When I got wise to this, I realised that if I ate it straight away, I would actually get to have some of my own sweets... I think this is where the bingenecessity came from. eat up before someone else gets it...
16 - Nigella-itis - I want to be a domestic goddess, which means cooking loads and eating lots of cake to be amazingly wonderful.
Potential solutions to follow...