I've definitely been 100%. Off plan that is..
There was no way that I could have pointed yesterday, ..
I finally got my backside in gear and got to the fellas house at quarter to 10 on friday night, and he still wouldn't tell me where we were going.
Saturday morning, I get woken up with scrambled eggs on toast and he says "It's a nice day, fancy going to Aviemore?"
ie to the Wildlife Park to see the polar bear...
So we drove to Aviemore, and went to the park, and saw heaps of animals - the polar bear, tigers, snow monkeys, arctic foxes [which were black, not white!], pine martins, bison, and my favourite - mooses. Meese. Elks. I am mildly obsessed with Mooses. Amazing animals. There was Prezwalski Horses too, which were mental. They just stopped on the road in front of the cars and refused to budge, it was such a sight, you'd have thought they were statues, they were that still....
We had a light lunch in the cafe, then walked round the zoo bit. Afterwards, we went to the car and drove to one of the lochs, had some sandwiches, and some fruit, and then walked round the loch. It was about 95 minutes, and 6km, so that was quite a lot for me in one day! We got back to the car, shared a chocolate brownie, and went into Aviemore for a cuppa tea and a loo-break before driving back home.
Stopping on the way home to get booze.
And then at his, he made the most delicious risotto, which was so tasty. Very rich so we didn't have huge portions, and stuffed it out with broccoli. He laughed at me because he gave me veg to chop, and I didn't know what it was... I never knew celery came in sticks like that! I would never PICK to eat that stuff, it just ends up in food haha. Anyway, despite eating heaps of celery and broccoli, I don't think that would have balanced out the wine, cider and chocolate pudding that was also consumed. To be fair, he was trying to be helpful with the dessert. They were in those little basins, and had molten chocolate inside sponge cake. He said to me, "these really aren't diet friendly, are you sure you want one? 560 cals each Jen" Answer "yes and have you got any vanilla icecream to go with it?" haha.
I'm paying for the gluttony now though. I just dont think I can hack rich food anymore. The cheesey risotto, and chocolatey dessert, its just too much, my tummy's been talking all night and all day so far. Just gurgling... Oops. Back on the stirfries for tea I think..!
It was such a lovely day. The sun stayed out, and we all nicey nicey to each other too, it was really good. Seriously pink and fluffy. We even spoke loads about London!
Today, I had to make a swift exit to get home and help in the preparations for His Highness showing up tomorrow with the girlfriend. So I rammed a slice of toast with apricot jam down my throat, drank a quarter of a cup of tea [he's out of tetleys. It was posh smokey smelly tea. Eurgh] and left him to watch the GP. I had the leftover quorn steak stuff for my lunch and am about to plot what is for my tea...
OH! I went into the big Tescos to look at their clothes. Usually, I seem to be about a 20-22 on top, so I can sometimes get into things there. I had a good look round, and tried on some stuff, and got a couple of vest tops and a hoodie, but then when I was heading to the till, I went passed the kaftans and things. I thought I could do with one of them, it's only cheap, and saw its S, M L or XL. So I went for the XL. And it's like a tent! I need a belt!!!!
So that cheered me up

Simple things, ey....