Jenny's moved on :)

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I'm sure I posted on here earlier lol but alas not
blimey Jen what a plavar with BB's ticket glad you have got it all sorted out now
hopefully you and Captain Birdseye are all snuggled up together now for the evening
have a good one Jen
Haha thanks you lot :)

So.... He r
eturned from his work trip, doesn't seem too bad, they seem to have looked after him ok. I however, although was good enough to say no to chocolate, I could have been better with tea. We went to the new chinese and sampled their menu. The "Banquet for 2".. well there was 2 of us...
Dinner was slightly over-indulgent - Starter of spring rolls, chicken satay, spare ribs, and prawn toast, followed by crispy duck pancakes and then a selection of mains - sweet & sour chicken, peking beef and satay king prawns. With rice and noodles too. I actually ate til I couldn't eat any more.
And hurrah, I have new found motivation. I discovered this in the throes of passion when I felt rather hideous. Bring on the salad, ladies, we've got a few too many curves, they need taking out!

Then today, could barely face breakfast, still too full... but he said I had to eat something and stuffed a slice of toast in my face.
Lunch was a bought beef sandwich, with red onion. Low calorie, no mayo or owt :)
Tea was the chow mein-ish stir fry that I was going to make the other night.

I was just writing a list of calories and stuff, to pin on my wall and I saw something strange. Mince. If I do a portion of beef mince, I use 125g. If I use a portion of quorn mince, it's 100g. Why is that? Hmm. Need to sort THAT out! 100g all the way!

In fact, I am actually contemplating going back to my vegetarian roots, 5 days a week. And just having meat at the weekend. I don't know though, that could be tougher than I think. But it would stop me wanting to cave and have a cheeseburger from the Spoon on a friday! haha.

Starting to plan the 3 course meal for the anniversary too. This, obviously, will be a non-counted day. I have 3 options for each course, and one of the options for dessert is 780 cals a serving alone. Without the dollop of icecream that I will be adding.

Ideas so far are
Starter - a)
some type of soup, b) bruschetta, c) red onion and goats cheese tart
Main - a)
Chicken Cacciatore with penne pasta b) mini lasagnes, possibly chicken and spinach instead of mince c) beef wellington with proper homemade chips
Dessert - a)
Chocolate Fondant with vanilla icecream, b) strawberry creme brulee, c) eton mess maybe?

Who knows. It'll make a mess of his kitchen either way :p haha
Off for a catch up :) I know I'm not commenting a lot people, but I am reading and keeping tabs on you all :p xx
Poor Jen, you're having a bad time of it! If I were you I'd make sure your mum knows that any presents you buy are just from you and not carry your brother any more.

Oh believe me Jess, they have known for years that I have been carrying my brother !!

He's 5 years older - When I got my first job at 15 cleaning out fish tanks in the pet shop for £15 a saturday, he started asking for help with money... I think 11 years is enough now, he's on twice the money that I get, no idea what happens to it...!!!

Your life is so dramatic Jen much more exciting than mine

Haha, I'm sure it's not, I'm just a drama queen :p
I wasnt feeling at all hungry until reading this Jen. I love chinese especially spare ribs and as if that wasnt enough you start dangling a 3 course meal in front of my very eyes. All too much at this time of the night.

I'm voting for - red onion & goats cheese tart, beef wellington and plenty of home made chips & I'll have a portion of all 3 puddings thanks

Have a drama free night
I must admit, I am tempted by the wellington! I have never had it before, but it can't be that tricky, surely!

Every week, I seem to dither and want to chop&change plan. See, I was in the shop earlier and saw the SW magazine and thought "that worked, I could do that again"... sheesh...
Why is that? Impatience? I need my head cracking off something hard... just bloody stick to something. 4 weeks. That's all it takes to retrain one's head to a new way of thinking, right??

Today I'm doing fine foodwise. Was not even tempted to go to the Spoon for lunch, which is ace!

Breakfast - scrambled eggs on toast
Lunch - spaghetti bolonese
Tea - chicken cacciatore - chicken in a creamy tomato sauce, with onions and peppers, and pasta on the side. mmHMM! SO looking forward to tea today!

So here I am on my break, reading my magazine and having my tinned spaghetti, while everyone else tucks into their burgers, or fish n chips. I swear I can actually smell the grease, this is strange. I just don't want it, I'm amazed!!! And now - I am definitely not doing SW. I am totally uninspired by the magazine, it has not won me back!

And I had intended to have a roll with my spaghetti, but it had gone hairy. That's the third one this week that's gone funny. Maybe I should stop getting rolls :p

As of next week, I am getting back in the habit of cooking. This ready-meal-laziness has gone on long enough, and it's not like I don't have the time in the evenings to cook. Someone has to take over Katie's crown, it may as well be me!
Starting tonight with the cacciatore :)

I am making cupcakes for my mum's birthday. It comes to 2.5 points a slice, the cake "serves 6".... I'm going to make it into 8 cupcakes instead of one big cake - half fudge and half strawberry flavoured. And obviously the strawberry ones will be pink and glittery! x
Aw to pink and glittery cupcakes :D

I've never had beef wellington either but always wanted to try it, menu sounds delicious anyway

Have a lovely day

So I had a *really* successful shopping trip.
Here's the list:
Yogurt, bread rolls, fruit, pork, parma ham, squash, skimmed milk, philly xlight, pasta sauce and fish [cobbler, hoki, salmon etc].

Here's my receipt:

Turkey steak, button mushrooms, birds eye breaded chicken, WW loaf, birdseye breaded cod fillets, pasta, creme fraiche, pizza base mix.

I have no tomatoes, no chicken, and no philly to make the cacciatore. Bum. What a tart...

Hahaha, yes, for tonight!

I had a turkey steak with rice, peas and sweetcorn instead. And very nice it was too!!!!


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Was that the turkey in the chinese styleeeee marinade!!! love them to the moon and back!!! haha!!! Me needs to buy them by the trolley load!!! y.u.m!!!!

As for anniv dinner....i would like.....bruschetta, beef wellington (also never tried it but omg it always looks fab) and then the choc fondant!!!!

What date and time du want me??!!!

have a great weekend and keep that motivation's very tempramental and disappears at the blink of an eye!!!!

:O No, I haven't had the chinese marinaded one.... this was the "hot n spicey" one, and I have a mint one in the fridge... must keep an eye out for the chinesey one!!! Its such a good idea, good prices too. I'm a convert!

I'm gutted, I feel like I have been hit by a truck. I'm all achey and my throat feels like barbed wire. Must make sure I drink plenty of fluids today, I cant afford to be off ill at the moment.

Breakfast - quorn sausage butty
snack - nutella on toast
lunch - spicy beef pizza
tea - I haven't got that far yet...
And I haven't pointed anything yet. Oops

Today is the big stag do, meaning that I am on call for Taxi duty. I'm so pleased he got back for it, and so hoping he has a good day & night. Was very pleased that I woke up to sunshine - hopefully he has the sun too!!!

I felt cheeky, so I text him a pic of my lunch and said "mmmmm fish :p"


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Hahahahaha at the fishy pizza!!! fantastic...what was the response from BB?.xx
Loving the fishy pizza. Long may the motivation continue, sending positive thoughts. Hope you are feeling chipper tonight
Dear Minimin's family,

Just a teeny update on my weekend... SOMEONE was very drunk again last night, and felt worse for wear today. It wasn't me... Needless to say, the stag do that I was so anxious he got home for was a total success!

I'm not feeling great. I think I have caught a bug or something, I feel fluey rather than coldy, and I think I'm going to bed in 5 minutes. It's 10pm..
Today I have managed to eat a slice of toast with jam, 2 chocolate hobnobs, and a bowl of pasta with ham chopped into it. And I only had the pasta to shut him up nagging at me...!

I have to eat that broccoli tomorrow, before it walks out the fridge and follows me to work...

OH! And I got some parma ham, or prosciutto? maybe anyway, with an idea of doing saltimbocco. I think. It might be called something entirely different.........

I got stuff to make mum lasagna for her birthday tea tomorrow. And got home and dad has been to the geet expensive butcher and got ribeye steak for her - her other favourite. So lasagna will happen another time in the week now. :)

Have a great week this week everyone :)
Jenny & Motivation x
What a nice catch up this has been Jen. Apart from the fact you're poorly of course - get well soon chicky! So nice to hear you and BB getting on so well and it sounds like you had a lovely weekend.

And as for the return of motivation - well done you. Excellent work. It's so nice to feel in control and when you were describing 'smelling the grease' I totally knew what you meant. So I'm sending you proper positive vibes that your motivation sticks with you for a couple of weeks - once you see a decent loss you won't need to maintain motivation cos that'll do it for you.

Hope you have a great day Jen - plenty of lemsip!
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