Haha Jess, no no drunken ramblings. Though when we were back at his house and he was being forced to drink a glass of water before bed, I did have a description of the stripper, and how she was only there for 4 1/2 minutes, and she was all silicon and fake hair and fake nails... And yes, he is Scottish

I love love LOVE his accent! Doubt I'd ever get him to wear a kilt though haha
Thanks for the motivation boosting powers, Hannah

It's really strange, I don't know how it's happened. I turned down cakes at work again today, and decided on broccoli instead of cheese on toast, when I was feeling peckish earlier... Bloimey!
I love the fishy shaped pizza, that is quality and I have to try something like that myself! Awesome!
I tried to make a star one too, but it just looked funny haha.
Maybe a biiiiiiiig smiley face!
See, if I was doing a Come Dine With Me, everything would be weird. We're talking steak cut into fish shaped with cookie cutters, or blue cake, or somethings like that haha. Move over, Heston Blumenthal...!
Thanks Kals

Feeling a bit better now, but not sure if that is purely down to mums birthday cake!!
As for BB running about after me - As if! I had a text off him at lunchtime saying "Have u managed food today or are you still "funny"?"
hah. Thanks for the sympathy, darling..!
I've done a bit better foodwise today.
Breakfast was poached eggs on toast
Lunch was a WW chicken casserole with dumplings. Well, I found a singular dumpling. False advertising, Weightwatchers, not impressed
Tea was a minted turkey steak, potato wedges and broccoli. Though the broccoli got eaten in dribs and drabs as the wedges were baking..!
Snacks at work - I had a banana and a muller strawberry granola yogurty thing. I like these a little too much I think. But the rate I eat them, I'll be sick of the sight of them by the end of the month, and back to my fat free vanilla stuff.
Oh, and I returned the Nintendogs - all in one piece...