Thank you, Team Fabulous
A short update on my day so far - I got up, had cereal and a banana, since there was no bread for toast. hah. So much for my dry toast day...
Went to work, realised that
no-one has done anything that I asked them to cover while I was off... So caught up with everything that was urgent for month-end and sent lots of "sorry my colleagues are useless" emails to various managers. Most of whom are on leave today, since it's bank holiday. I await the backlash tomorrow
I had decided not to eat at work, incase I had a poorly tum. So come 1pm when everyone was tucking in to their greasy takeaways and burgers from the van, the smell was driving me mad... I didn't actually feel hungry though, thats the strange thing. I left and went to the pharmacy, to speak to the nice nursey type lady. She said that I should be better after this length of time, and that I should avoid anything dairy, and only eat plain basic food for a couple of days - dry bread, or toast, porridge made with water [ew no thanks], baked or dry roasted potatoes, plain pasta with just tomatoes. No eggs, no milk, no fruit, no meat. I asked if I could have plain quorn, like the pieces and the fillets and she said that should be ok, but not too much...
If I still have a poorly tum after 24-48 hrs of this, I "simply must make an appointment" and see a doctor, as it could be gastroenteritis. To which I asked how they would deal with that, and she said plain food, plenty of fluid and rest. So whats the point going to the docs, when she's just told me all that for free?

She suggested getting some electrolyte replacement stuff too. Nice. It says blackcurrant flavour on the packet. I am anticipating pinkish powderry yuckness...
Then I called in to Tescos, to get some quorn and some bread. And quorn is on offer. And quorn has special promotion packs - get two packs with these codes on, get a cheap recipe book....
Don't mind if I do...!
I told BB about Edinburgh, and he said "Oh ok." GEE THANKS FOR THE ENTHOOSIASM, GEEKOID. Then I text him today to say I was taking the afternoon off to go to the docs. Nothing.
I weighed myself today, and have put on 5lbs. I dont understand...! Ah well, we'll chop off a leg or something, lose weight that way...