Thank you all

I know this place is the best, I <3 it.
Rach - That sounds like something I could do, the interval thing! Perfect for a short attention span too! Cross Trainers, I have a personal hatred for. I am DETERMINED by the end of the year to be able to do 10 minutes again. I say again, I managed to get up to 7 minutes before, once... 10 minutes is my Jan 2011 aim..! I don't know why, but it just beats me.
Vanda - I don't know much about GI stuff, I will have to look into it. Sometimes I think a break from counting everything can be a good move, whether you calorie count, or use points, sometimes a break is as good as a rest, and I'm glad that I read about the Core thing, for a bit of a change.
I will let you know how I get on at Curves

They said I should go at least 3 times a week and when I got my measurements, she said to get down to a size 12, I am to lose 77 inches.... Sounds like a lot but we have to start somewhere!
Nik - 
At least you can guarantee that the fasting is pretty much a one off thing, it isn't a bad food rut that you have ended up in by mistake, and once Ramadan's out the way, you'll be right back focussed again sorted Old Fella out too!! I'm interested, does he bother about his weight at all? I'm not calling him a chubber or anything hehe, I just noticed a lot of people's other half's seem to jump on the scales too when us girls decide to diet - either to support us, or out of curiosity. I'm curious as to whether Ramadan's had any impact on him weightwise. Just being nosey hehe! My dad does "starvey" days, when he feels the need to lose weight. He'll have toast for breakfast, a cuppasoup for lunch and some soup for tea, and he loses the weight within seconds almost. But then he pigs out the rest of the time on fry ups and cakes, so it's a bad cycle that he is in... Men ey... What was I saying? Oh yeah. Glad that my babbling helped somewhat

Mumma K 
Thank you for the hug

I am not giving up, no way, there is still plenty of fight in me yet, and by taking the self-inflicted pressure off a little bit, I already feel a million times better and way more positive. That's you that inspired that, so thank you so much
Lainie - Thank you

I think sometimes we all lose a bit of focus and this time, it was my turn to get slapped in the face with realisation !!!
Onwards and upwards. Well downwards. Whatever... You know what I mean!!!
Anyway, stop making me go all emo on you! hehe I reward you with a minor episode from Psychojenny
The boy had his vaccinations yesterday, and had a shock when I said that no, I wasn't going to drop everything and head over for TLC and sympathy.
BB - "Well can I get a hug soon?"
J - You can get a hug anytime you want, I'm not stopping you.
BB - "Do you want a hug?"
J - I've wanted a hug since I got ill, dear. It's hardly my decision apparently.
BB - "can we watch X factor together on saturday please?"
J - Yeah I suppose, but I can't stay, I have to get home for the dogs.
BB - "Can't I come to your house?"
J - Oh. Yeah ok, if you like.
He's currently got typhoid, hep A, hep B, meningitis, diptheria, polio, tetanus, yellow fever, rabies and god knows what else in his system.... and he turns round and says "Do you think I'll be ok to drink on friday night?" Erm... no dear. Please don't risk it. "but the doc said I could have a couple of drinks, but I might regret it"... Well there you go. Listen to the pro..!! And can you really go out with
the lads [aka bunch of rowdy engineers] and have only a couple of drinks?? Exactly.
Ten minutes later, he's telling me he's off trekking in the Cairngorms on Saturday.

even MORE reason not to drink, me thinks..!
Today, I am on target. Poached eggs were scrummy for breakfast, and my stirfry for lunch survived a blitz in the microwave ok
And I might feel the pull of the vending machine, but it's not particularly strong!
I finally found all the jazz about the Glasgow thing... I think I click around here with my eyes shut sometimes!
Dependent on the date, I would quite like to pop along for a german sausage lunch and to say hello

You had me at "christmas market"... But be prepared for extreme childish OOHS and AAHS looking at the lights and stuff...... And much giggling at Nik in a ginger wig!
It was funny, I was waiting for a report to run at work, and decided to start catching up on Minis while it was doing it's thing.... My manager's stood behind me trying to ask me about the KPIs for last month and I'm like "Yeah yeah, two minutes, this is interesting"...... haha
I'm getting round the diaries tonight for a good catch up

Looking forward to it! xx