The boy has been told that his next trip could be a location that is known to be not-good for British people. Especially if they get wind of the fact that you work in the oil industry. Lots of muggings, occasional kidnappings, etc. As in if he goes there, he will be under armed escort most of the time. They had planned to send him to the States in September, and this will be in place of that trip. I wanted him to go back to Texas to get me something cowboy related..... If he goes to this not-nice place instead, I will be on edge with worry, I know it. But it will only be a couple of weeks.
I'm tempted to see how many calories this is, but no, stick to the points.
J - Sorry for being a moody coo, I'm just fed up, being poorly is making me pretty low, I just want some TLC and no-one'll come near me. I'll keep myself to myself for a couple of days, sorry
BB - You'll be better soon and maybe then I'll get you some ice cream
J - Make it a meatball calzone from F&Bs with either a) a toffee waffle pudding or b) cinema and icecream and I'll quit whinging. Deal?
BB - Ok