Thank you all

Hoping for slightly lower on the stress scale this week, however I was accidentally copied in on an email [which was then recalled but I have good settings on my work-emails and read it before the recall...] saying that my department's work is being outsourced to Malaysia... so.... the words ABANDON SHIP KEEP EAR TO GROUND PLZ have been text to Biker Boy and several other contacts in various oil companies, and hopefully something will come of it if this finance thing doesn't come off.
I actually feel so stressed I don't know what to do. I don't know if I want to cry, scream, pull my hair out, curl up and sleep, throw up, gorge myself on chocolate and pizza, or just get horrendously drunk til I pass out. And everyone at work just thinks I'm in a mood. Oh well. Sorry, dog eat dog, as someone said. Number one first...
My plan for the week:
Monday - Work, Line dancing
Tuesday - Work, Gym
Wednesday - Work, out for tea with mum - Going to ASK so I might have a pizza

I need to look at the Eat Out guide before I go, decide on something wonderful!
Thursday - Work, Gym, WW class
Friday - Work, Gym
Nothing particularly exciting... I did however get a nice longline top/dress in the sale, £3, can't go wrong! Think Biker needs to take me out for dinner or lunch or something!
Suppose I'd better get some work done.... :wave_cry: