Lainie, I think it was Morrisons I saw it in... I hadn't seen it before either, but then it did take a while for the "Creamy Mushroom" sauce to make it to Aberdeen too... I'm not sure how new the casserole one is, I saw it in the magazine last week and grumbled that I'd never seen it haha. Then bang, next shopping trip, welllll lookie here!!
Aye, if you can pop that monitor in the post, that would be grand

Kals - Fed up??? You could say that haha.
Got a text off Biker Boy last night about half 8ish, saying "I'm bored"
"Ok.... I have no DVDs, no TV, no games, no music, no internet... and YOU'RE bored??"
5 minutes later...
"but you're not at the other end of the internet

Hahaha! Bless.
Last night wasn't too bad. I had a bit of a pamper, and actually spoke to my parents for an hour til they immersed themselves in a repeat of Midsomer Murders.
Tonight, I'm off to the gym after work, then I need to cook tea, and make my lunch for tomorrow, then I might bag up some old clothes for the charity shop. Or read one of those book things I hear so much about!
Or I might stop at Tescos and see if there's a DS game that takes my fancy.
The weather is so horrible here today, it really is wintry and I just want to be curled up in bed with a mug of cocoa and a good chickflick to watch.
My scales don't seem to be working right either. This morning I managed to weigh 19.2, 18.3, 18.6.5, 18.12, 17.13, and then 18.1... In the space of 10 minutes. SO! God knows. I think I'm about 18.10 at the moment. But I'm not in the right frame of mind to be honest.
Food today -
Breakfast: Beans on toast 4
Lunch: disappointing carbonara, not enough seasoning 6
Tea: Fancy stodge. Its that kinda day but maybe going to Curves before tea will shock me into something healthy..
Snacks: Apple, banana, chocolate bar which dad brought me from his weekend away, ww rice pudding, options hot choc [=9]
19 / 25
Not as bad as I thought actually!! 6 for tea, easy pickings!
Have a good evening peoples!! I miss you all

PS - Biker's said he'll "entertain" me tomorrow night, and then at the weekend we can go monitor shopping so I don't get ripped off for being a girl
