Jenny's moved on :)

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Lainie, I think it was Morrisons I saw it in... I hadn't seen it before either, but then it did take a while for the "Creamy Mushroom" sauce to make it to Aberdeen too... I'm not sure how new the casserole one is, I saw it in the magazine last week and grumbled that I'd never seen it haha. Then bang, next shopping trip, welllll lookie here!! :D
Aye, if you can pop that monitor in the post, that would be grand ;) haha

Kals - Fed up??? You could say that haha.
Got a text off Biker Boy last night about half 8ish, saying "I'm bored"
"Ok.... I have no DVDs, no TV, no games, no music, no internet... and YOU'RE bored??"
5 minutes later...
"but you're not at the other end of the internet :( "

Hahaha! Bless.

Last night wasn't too bad. I had a bit of a pamper, and actually spoke to my parents for an hour til they immersed themselves in a repeat of Midsomer Murders.
Tonight, I'm off to the gym after work, then I need to cook tea, and make my lunch for tomorrow, then I might bag up some old clothes for the charity shop. Or read one of those book things I hear so much about!
Or I might stop at Tescos and see if there's a DS game that takes my fancy.
The weather is so horrible here today, it really is wintry and I just want to be curled up in bed with a mug of cocoa and a good chickflick to watch.

My scales don't seem to be working right either. This morning I managed to weigh 19.2, 18.3, 18.6.5, 18.12, 17.13, and then 18.1... In the space of 10 minutes. SO! God knows. I think I'm about 18.10 at the moment. But I'm not in the right frame of mind to be honest.

Food today -
Breakfast: Beans on toast 4
Lunch: disappointing carbonara, not enough seasoning 6
Tea: Fancy stodge. Its that kinda day but maybe going to Curves before tea will shock me into something healthy..
Snacks: Apple, banana, chocolate bar which dad brought me from his weekend away, ww rice pudding, options hot choc [=9]

19 / 25

Not as bad as I thought actually!! 6 for tea, easy pickings!

Have a good evening peoples!! I miss you all :( x

PS - Biker's said he'll "entertain" me tomorrow night, and then at the weekend we can go monitor shopping so I don't get ripped off for being a girl :) Hurrah!
I am now wondering what sort of 'entertainment' BB has in store for you Jen, but heres hoping it will put a big smile on your face
I am now wondering what sort of 'entertainment' BB has in store for you Jen, but heres hoping it will put a big smile on your face

Very much wondering the same thing, naughty me :p :eek: Hope it's lovely, whatever it turns out to be! Enjoy monitor shopping, it's always worth haggling even if they claim to have fixed prices... We got Currys down 7% on a brand new 42" HD TV and Sky+ HD box and starter pack, when the manager first started off with 'well, manager's discretion is just 2%, I can only push it to 3% if the item is damaged'! :D

BB does seem to get mushier and mushier... you'd never have been able to predict the 'other end of the internet' comment! Awww, bless :)

:D Afternoon Jen

haha!! at BB being on the other end of a monitorless
Sounds like he's got some eventful plans coming up for ye the Jen ;)
Short Update

Jury Service means short staffed at work

Chit hit le fan this lunchtime when management returns from long weekend and realises that the handover list to ME was left locked in her office. Which means heaps of reports and stuff didn't get done by deadlines. FYI NOT MY FAULT But this = busy me. Not fair, Wednesday's meant to be my doss-day.. Maybe this will shock the department into actually doing something for once

I don't think, now, that I am getting much in the way of entertainment tonight :( It was hinted at crazy golf or cinema, which considering both the places are at the same place as F&Bs, I jumped to the yay calzone conclusion. Now I get an email saying "what do u want for tea, I have nothing in the house"... So I'm now thinking my entertainment will be, yup, repeats of QI on Dave. Wonderful..

Parents were at loggerheads last night, teatime til about 2am. So I resorted to comfort eating.

New favourite breakfast - Toasted bagel, ham and a poached egg.... :D

I feel bored, stressed, fed up and miserable today. Actually, that's a lie. I am up and down like a yo-yo today.

I'm pointing everything. I have 1.5 points left today, this is not including dinnertime. F*** a duck...

I know I'm always saying this, and people'll be like "here she goes again".. Class tomorrow, a friend is insisting that I come along with her, she's lost 10lbs in 6 weeks on WW, with plenty of nights out and stuff in the mix. Maybe having someone to answer to would help boost my motivation. I read about someone losing limbs because of diabetes, my mum has Type 2 diabetes and it's in my dad's family too, so I have started to think it's only a matter of time for me. And I keep having nightmares about my arms falling off. They're comical in that they literally just fall off when I'm walking along, not like horror-film style blood & gangrene and stuff, but scary still.

Oh the other thing is, it looks like someone wants a lift to Glasgow at the weekend. I haven't been asked directly, and I'm not offering :p

I realise this is pretty negative. I'm actually pretty positive at the moment, just taking the opportunity while The Boss is in a meeting to catch up.
I got the Shop guide, and the Eat Out guide, and I'm going to Curves after work. I'm getting a cuddle off BB whether he likes it or not, he's left the key in "The Usual Place" so that I dont have to wait if he's late home from work. Then tomorrow, it's Curves, then the WW class, then home for a good tea, and then - it's friday, which is my favourite day of the working week! And then saturday, could be a trip to Glasgow, or a trip to the retail park to get a new monitor. We shall see.

Woo - 1 hour til I can leave this place. Rock on.........!
:D hahaha!!!

Loving it, Diabettes also runs in my family Jen and as far as I'm aware they all still have there limbs intact
I think arms falling off etc is pretty extreme :D
Much tittering at the arms falling off bit too. I'm diabetic so shall be checking mine at regular intervals just in the offchance one should make a break for it

Have a fab rest of the week
Thank you all, I have less worries about losing limbs after eating a Mars bar now!!

Last night was ok, despite the foul mood that I was in. I went to Curves after work, and christ, I must have burnt some calories, I felt ace afterwards though! Maybe not immediately after..! Instead of a jar curry, we got a chinese carryout and I had chicken in blackbean sauce, which was so good :)

We looked at Glasgow, for this weekend. I was working on the motive of "if I'm driving, we're staying over somewhere, even just a Travelodge on the motorway somewhere, and I want out for tea, and you're paying for petrol and making it up to me sometime next week too"... Needless to say, having totted all this up mentally, he has now decided that he will get a train instead for a £25 return fare... :D
It's not that I don't want to be helpful, or whatever, but I just cannot be bothered spending all day saturday driving!

Still intending to go to Class tonight and get officially signed up. I told Biker last night, and he said he'd be behind me 100% because he just wants me to be happy and he knows I am not.

Since tomorrow is my official restart, part of me thinks I need to have a blow out tonight, but no. I'm not going to.
Instead of getting a full fat pizza, and cake, and whatever else, I'm going to have a baked spud for tea, and some cheese on toast later. And a piece of WW carrot cake with a cuppa, at suppertime.

I'm gonna do it this time. I knows it. Feel it in me bones! xx
you can do this Jen :D i know sometimes we need that kick up the bum to make us do what we're supposed to - i defo think class helps.

hope you have a lovely day and well done for going to Curves :) xxx

Jen, where the hell is my invite to Glasgow eh? :giggle:

Hahaha, you'd think with discovering that it'll only cost him £25 return, I should be kicking off for my invite!!!!
I'm not going with him, he's just going away on his own! Our one day of the week together, and he's emigrating to Glasgow..... :wave_cry:

Lol :)

I dont want to look at stinky cars anyway.......... hahahah!!
Hoorah to you for curves, for restarting plan, for resisting the last meal blowout and most of all for the way you got out of the driving genius.

Hope you have a great rest of the week
Thanks V :D
I just popped on for a quick minty to say that
1) I never say "minty".
2) I went to class and it seems ok even though I was shaking like a leaf :)
3) I have a new monitor. And I can't quite get the resolution right... The screen is MAHOOSIVE!!

I'm so tired. Gonna have a cuppa and a cookie, and hit the hay. Big hugs to you all x
Just popping in to wish you all the best for your restart Jen. You sound sooo positive, I'm sure you'll crack it in no time. Glad the class went well - the first one is always the worst. Well done for starting the gym too - and even better that you enjoyed it, I'm very impressed - I find the gym like gardening, no matter how much I try and tell myself I love it, I just hate it!

Have a great Friday Jen.


hahaha, thanks Nik... No it's sorted now, normal text is fine :p The screen looks really odd - I've gone from a 17" square screen to a 20" widescreen. It looks pretty snazzy though, I think I will like it!

Lesley :D Thank you! I think with the exercise thing, it's a case of trying as much different stuff as you can, something one day will click I think. I'm going to give Line Dancing a go too. :D haha With you on the gardening though, that really is pants...

I felt inspired today. I owe it to myself to be 100% for a week, just to see what happens when you actually stick to a plan. So - 28 points per day, I am ashamed to say. Religiously tracking every morsel, even, yes, EVEN milk in tea. I'm not going to do any of my "no bread, no chocolate, no crisps"... that kinda thing. Working on the priciple that WW lets you have anything provided you point it, I don't need to stop myself having anything. So yay!

Toasted Muffin and Beans 5
Jacket with ham and philly 4.5
Stir fry with chicken, beansprouts, mushrooms, pepper and rice 4.5

banana 1.5
Walkers Thai Sensations 3
WW Triple Choc Bar 1.5
2 Fruit & nut cookies 5


And looking forward to a good weekend. The boy is away to Glasgow at stupid o clock in the morning, and said could I get some stuff from the supermarket on the way over for XFactor. So looks like I still get my cuddle :D

Work's gone a bit strange. Over the past week, it has been implied that I am being demoted, in responsibility only not to be effected with my wages thankfully. So I contacted the manager of a different department and had an "informal chat" with several people today, who would welcome my application for any positions and strongly recommend that I apply for jobs X Y and Z that are soon to be advertised.
Then I get told that I have further training in my current department set up for the next 2 to 3 months.... So I will be multifunctional and the only person who "knows all" in my department.
So I dunno what to think or do now. I'm still applying for jobs X Y and Z. I dont understand why they are willing to train me to be a guru in the department but they wont take me on permanently.! I couldn't speak to Biker for advice today, he was working late late and then up early tomorrow for the train, I didnt want to bamboozle him....

Woo it's the weekend!!! :D x
Ah Jen, shame we don't live closer 'cause I would have joined you for line dancing - I've always quite fancied it!

Hope you have a lovely weekend and good luck with sticking to your points.

i agree on the line dancing.. it sounds so good :D

well done for going back to class hun, you're very brave but you will be rewarded for it :) xxx
Good luck on getting back to tracking every morsel Jen
that's the worst part ain't it having to keep account for
On a selfish front I shall of course miss your no bread, no cheese, no chocolate days
Have a lovely weekend Jenny Penny Xx
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