Wow, I have no idea why, but I woke up this morning feeling like I have been hit by a truck...! My chest and tummy feel all strange, kinda tight almost, and bruised when I move. I can't see any actual bruises though. Very strange...
I went a bit OTT for breakfast this morning - Had a toasted roll with ham, poached eggs and hollandaise sauce. It was good

I can't seem to poach eggs properly anymore though, these took about 15 minutes again, I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.! Ah well. Scrambled eggs are the way forward!
What do we have on the cards for today...
Work, followed by linedancing, and then chicken and potatoes for tea.
I went to Asda to have a look at the clothes, for me friday night thingummy. I have come away with a black linen jacket to wear over a green dress type thing, think it will look ok with some accessories, we'll see how it looks together tonight.
Since it looks like winter is upon us today, I got a WW spag bol for my lunch, it's not too bad actually, better than I remember! I also noticed that there was a *drumroll please, very exciting*
weightwatchers pepperoni pizza in the freezer.... FINALLY SOMEONE HEARS MY CALL!!!!!
I have to go BACK to asda after work now and get that. The thing is, I have a ham & pineapple pizza in the freezer and a spicy chicken one in the fridge, can I really warrant having 3 pizzas at home?
BUT! If I dont get it, they may think there is no demand, and stop making them, and it will all be my fault.
Maybe I should buy 4......