Ooh March, soon be here!!
I'm fed up. Nothing happens unless I arrange it, book it, pay for it... Just in general. The fella, my parents, my friends... I am "the organiser" and I have bloody had enough of it, I quit!!
I got told last night that we aren't doing valentines day. Then when I said it was a bit late in the day to cancel it, he said "oh. Well don't go OTT like you do for everything else."
Which prompted a pi$$ off, can't be bothered with you today, strop off to bed early. At least I make some kind of effort!!
NEXT PARAGRAPH - POTENTIALLY TMI OF A GIRLY NATURE. FEEL FREE TO IGNORE...! [not that any blokes read this anyway, but felt I should warn yas!]
I'm in a horrendously foul mood. My mum bore the brunt of it this morning, think that I will take her out for tea on friday to make up for that, I was a horrible cow to her. Went from laughing at the dog, to being so furious with the Bloke and with work, to bursting into tears cos I'm fat and ugly, and back to furiosity... Bloody hormones. She knows it's my hormones, I changed the pill that I am on but this is way worse so think I might change back.!
Anyway... I went off early last night. Dyed my hair, I decided that it was time to grow up and stop having funny coloured hair for a bit. So the purple is pretty much gone now, it's a mid to dark brown. It's still darker than I would like, but I'm not willing to bleach it. Hopefully it'll grow quickly so I can get it lobbed off..! I have got an appointment for a trim on saturday. I need the layers cut back in. Why is it that
I actually want to just sit here, at work, and file my nails. That's not like me... I'm struggling with boredom, I just want to eat non stop, and it's tough today.
So here's the plan...
Breakfast - Poached eggs on toast [5]
Lunch - TLC Chicken Tikka Snack Pot [4.5]
Dinner - Chicken + Mushroom pasta bake, homemade and SO looking forward to it! [5]
Snacks - Yogurt, banana, cereal bar, 2 WW cookies, Malteser hot chocolate, apple. Total [7]
I don't know how much the Malteser hot choc was, it said 99 cals on the pack. I made it with water, so I have counted 2 for this.
Total today - 21.5
4.5 left. Might make up a potato into chips later. Ooh, I actually might have that instead of pasta tonight. Hmmm
I'm sticking to the bread thing too

It's tougher than I thought though. I really want to have a ciabatta with my tea, but no, I will refrain and have that tomorrow with some pasta thing instead.
And I think... I will fail my Exercise challenge. The last two days, I have done nothing, out of feeling sorry for myself, and pure laziness. I don't think I can logistically fit in 4 workouts in 3 days, can I?? Can I have an extra day please????!!!!