Jenny's moved on :)

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Is Just Dance good? I was thinking about getting it but can't find it anywhere.

Have a great weekend chick and enjoy your early night

Hey Claire :D
Well.... I'm into my rock music, and I'm not one to generally speaking throw shapes on the dancefloor, so I figured I would get it, give it a go, and ebay it if I didn't have fun.... But I loved it!! It is such fun! Definitely a keeper!
I got mine last weekend in Asda, Game had it too, but was cheaper in Asda.

And that dress is gorgeous, I love the colour!!
I wii'd a lot... haha

I did my WiiFit thing - +1lb, and 24 years old today.
Then the EA Active Challenge thing
Then a 20 minute cardio toning thing.
Then 5 songs on Just Dance [LOVE IT!!]
and then 3 songs on Samba Amigo, or whatever its called. That's surprisingly difficult actually..!

you did all that in one day and your still standing respect :talk017:
The mug idea is genius i love it :) I'm sure he will too. Have a great weekend my dear. xxx
I certainly do :heartpump: my Wii... haha!!

I have just had a text from my darling to say that could I come and pick him up. Only he doesn't know where he is. He kipped on a friends sofa, the friend has now gone to work this morning and he has no clue where this mate lives. He said he thinks it might be south of the city... Jesus. So I told him to snoop, find a letter or something with an address and I'll google... lol looks like I'll be driving most of the day..!

He seems to have had a good night though, one of the incomprehensible texts I received last night said he was speaking to the Stomp guys :D Hope he's not feeling too poorly..!


Breakfast - Bacon sanger [4]
Lunch & dinner no idea.. Hmm. But! Completed my choccie challenge!! So will have some chocolate today I think!

Might drag him for a mini-hike in the woods today, clear his head a bit? Yes, I am evil..!

Have a great weekend everyone, look forward to catching up on your shenanigans soon!!! x
Well done on completing your challenge! Enjoy your treat :) xx

I very much enjoyed it. We went to the village shop to get The Chocolate, and spent so long in the chocolate aisle, wondering what to get, that the assistant started hovering... I'm sure she thought we were on the nick!
Settled for a Galaxy in the end. Pure n Simple! :D

Saturday's food:
[Do NOT follow for a healthy lifestyle...]
Breakfast - Bacon Sandwich [4]
Lunch - Nothing
Snack - 1/2 a bar of Galaxy [points later]
Tea - KFC. Oops. Worth it though. [19]
Supper - remaining 1/2 bar of Galaxy [5.5]

Surprisingly, 28.5 so only 2.5 over my points. And that is honest and true and counting every bit of chicken cos we divided it up and wrote everything down so I could point it!!

Sunday - Not been feeling great, just the general Mother Nature time grumbles, nowt to worry about, but wanted stodge and lots of it.!
Breakfast - Bacon, egg, toast - 4.5
Lunch - WW Steak Dinner with crispy potatoes - 6.5 (it was reduced in Morrisons, never seen it before. Quite nice, the steak was in a creamy peppercorn sauce.
Tea - two scoops of mashed potato, carrots, a scoop of neeps and some gravy. 5 points
Pudding - It was some WW frozen chocolate thing, 2 points. Not bad actually, small though, could eat the second one.. haha
Crackers and Cheese - 4
tea and 2 digestives - 2

24 points today and might have a slice of toast and jam later with a cuppa.

I have decided to keep up the challenges - My next one will be to have no more than 2 slices of bread a day. :confused:
Biker Boy said it is impossible, but he has a heap of toast for brekkie, and rolls for lunch - he wouldn't be able to do it. I could. Not easy, but I can do it. Just takes a bit of planning!

Monday we start.
Plan is :
B - Two poached eggs, two slices of toast.
L - Chicken Casserole
D - Chicken stirfry

Easy peasy!!! x
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Yay! Glad you enjoyed your chocolate. Excellent choice with the galaxy! Enjoy the rest of your evening. xxx
If I was a guessing kinda gal :D I'd say you enjoyed that chocolate, love the post script for your menu ie do not follow for a healthy lifestyle :8855:
good luck in the next challenge perfectly possible ;)
Day 1 - Bread Challenge - So far, so good... I've had my 2 slices today and coping ok with the prospect of no cheese on toast for supper, and no sarnies for lunch...


Breakfast - Toast and Jam - [3]
Snack - Carrot Cake + tea [1] - 9am and I'm eating cake. Not good..!
Snack - a fudge [2]
Lunch - Chicken Casserole + Dumplings [6]
Snack - Yogurt and an apple [1.5]
Tea - Chicken Stir Fry with noodles [7.5]

Total of 21 - Leaves a bit of lee-way for evening munchies.

I intend to have a bit of quality Wii time tonight, and some Me Time after weigh in tonight... Fingers crossed for something coming off ..!

I kinda didn't really click that jacket potatoes are 2.5 to 3 points... That's ace, way better than I thought. Think I might have to work them into my lunchtime routine instead of sandwiches...! Hmmmmm.

Today seems to be a lack-of-concentration+skivey day... Unintentionally. I have tonnes to do. Just can't quite be bothered...! x
I love a bit of Wii time me, i've not long got off mine i'm trying to unlock this freestep bit of Wii fit.
anyways fingers and toes crossed for you hen x
Eurgh, EA Active is evil. Adam did it first then when I did mine, even though I made my own profile it was calibrated incorrectly. When I did the squats it wouldn't register me as going down. I went down further and further until my ass was nearly touching the floor and Adam kept saying I wasn't going down far enough :cool: I did this over and over until Adam strapped it on and he declared that yes, it wasn't working. He bloody pushed me over trying to force me down! I skipped all the squats in the workout after that :p I will make up my own with just cardio.. running and boxing etc.
I never quite got the "lets do loads of work" thing today. Oops. Start again tomorrow, fingers crossed I can be bothered then..!

08.02.2010 UPDATED - Went a bit snack-crazy at work. Boredom, mainly...

Breakfast:- Toast and Jam - [3]
Lunch:- Chicken Casserole + Dumplings [6]
Tea:-Chicken Stir Fry - 1 chicken breast, 1/2 pack of noodles, veggies, and 1/2 pack of Pad Thai sauce - [5.5]
Pudding:- WW Chocolate Brownie Dessert thing [2]
Snacks at work:- [deep breath]
2 WW Carrot cake slices, 2 WW toffee cookies, apple, yogurt, and a fudge - total [7]

So that is 23.5 so far.

And WEIGH IN. Shock horror. Lost 3lbs, so I'm happy :D

I love the EA Active one! I have all the boxing set up, I think my fellas worried, I keep saying YEAH I'M GOING BOXING!! hahaha
The worst one for me is the side lunge thingies, I cant get it to recognise them too easily... :S
Enjoy your Wii time my dear and well done for beginning your new challenge. I'm sure you can do it. :) xxx
Aw thanks Saski!! :D It's already harder than the chocolate one to be honest, I nearly reached for toast when I got home from work...
Might have to re-evaluate this. Cereal for breakie, so I can have toast at tea/supper time!!!!

It's like the Krypton Factor, trying to ration bread :p !
Hi Jen

I haven't posted on your diary before - sorry about that - life and work gets in the way!!

I love the idea of your little challenges - do you have a different one every week?

Well done on the 3lb loss - that's fantastic!

Hi Twiggy :) Thanks for popping in!

It started with a bet, I said that if Rage Against the Machine got to Christmas Number One, instead of the X Factor guy, then I would give up chocolate til I was 30.
Then it happened, I had a minor nervous breakdown [was 25 at the time... long time til I'm 30!], and my fella said that I didn't HAVE to do it, but we decided on a goodwill gesture of a 30 day challenge, no chocolate for 30 days.

I did it! And I felt great for doing it, so I thought about doing it again, but it might not be a challenge this time. So I thought, what do I have too much of? Bread. Let's limit that. I don't want to cut it out completely, but limiting to 2 slices a day. Sometimes I have been having up to 8 or 10 slices a day, which... is ok point-wise, but thats as much as 1000 cals in bread, which is not great..

The fitness one, well, that started as the 30 Day Challenge on the Wii, on the EA Active thing. But I didn't really like the set challenge that it picked, too much running and kick-backs and stuff which I didn't enjoy, so I have been doing my own custom workouts and stuff, just generally upping my exercise. As in, doing some.

Not sure what the next challenge will be. I'm going to keep up with the fitness one, maybe extend it to actually setting foot in the gym. Terrifying, huh..!

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