Jenny's moved on :)

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If you go to the loo, she'll stand and scratch at the door while you're in there, whimpering... I tried letting her in the bathroom once to keep her quiet, but she just stood and stared at me, with those eyes.... Decided never to do that again :p
Hahahaha! I so had an image of this. Proper made me chuckle - thanks for that Jen!

My favourite herb at the minute is Herbs de Province, it's just unreal!
I love how you have an ingredient of the month Nik! Hahaha! Maybe we should start this in the diaries!

My head hurts.
Ooh so does mine trying to understand the visa stuff! All I can say is I hope it gets sorted soon for both of your sakes.

Hope you have a good week Jen - enjoy not being at work and enjoy the birthday cake.

After your loss last week hope you have another good week. Loving the updates you are doing re: discover/PP points values as it helps to put things in perspective.

Hope your day gets better Jen - huggles to you x
Re: Jenny: ProPoints Yay! Calories Nay!!

Thanks Hannah, I guess its just a matter of hanging fire til something happens, or someone says something.... I just don't want him getting stuck, or banged up or something..... Nope, can't think like that, everything will be fine, yus yus...!

Contemplating dinnerooney... Plenty points to play with, AND I just turned down banana cake that someone brought in. Strange, I appear to have lost my appetite!
Re: Jenny: ProPoints Yay! Calories Nay!!

Well can't blame you from having a headache all this visa stuff sounds extremely frustrating indeed Jen
Hope it gets sorted quickly for him
I'm not liking the sound of him having to send his passport off ? What if it gets lost ?
Ooh heck I'd have a headache too, but hold on a minute if it was HF I'd probably be rejoicing haha!!
I know Kals...
Whatever happens, there must be an appeals process. In which case, we're taking on one of the biggest oil companies in the world............

If I'm a bit scared, I can't even imagine what's going through his head. Without meaning to sound too melodramatic, this has been the longest week of my life... I can't imagine what the next will be like.......
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Aw Jen. I'm sure it'll all sort itself out..xx

What did u end up having for dinner....or what are you having if not already!.xx
I'm sure it will too Jen

Can't say I blame you for feeling that way though
it's bad enough he had to go to that god forsaken place without
all the aggro the visa has caused
think deportation and criminal record a bit to steep overkill comes to mind
it's not like anyone would want to go and stay there is it.
Thank you Team Fabulous for the support :) You're way better than a supersized bar of Galaxy and a KFC Bargain Bucket :D

Tea tonight was a ready meal (oops) Singapore noodles with two slices of bread, followed by 3 slices of garlic bread. That's it, garlic bread all gone now.. Why don't they do these things in single-person packs, I have no idea.... Total of 22pp for the evening.
Total for the day 44pp / 30 weekly left.

My plan tomorrow was based on being at work - Supernoodles for lunch, and then fish & chips for tea... booger that..!! NEW plan for tomorrow!!!!
Breakfast - some concoction of bacon & poached egg.
Lunch - Sausage casserole, or toad in the 'ole with broccolis
Tea - Some bolognesey type thing, turkey maybe. Or maybe burgers & chips... Mmmmm :D

You've all left me now, for the members section... :( I'm not moving... I'm a contractor, can't get a mortgage or a lease to move house.... :p
I'm sure everything visa will be sorted Jen, I know this country has some problems but surely they cant really think someone who could return here would choose to stay there iykwim.

On the garlic bread front dont ww do some sort of garlic ball things in packs of just 2? I seem to remember seeing them is Asda or maybe I was just wishful thinking, I shall take a trip and have a look. I love garlic so useful for those antisocial moments.

Have a lovely positive thinking Tuesday
They do V!!! They do garlic ciabattas, which are I think 6pp for a serving and garlic dough balls which are 1pp each... Unfortunately, all my localcrappysmallTescos stocked that wasn't full fat, was the Tesco Light Choice Garlic Bread Slices - 9 slices in a pack.

I'm sure Morries do a better selection of low fat garlic bread.... Lovin the garlic-y-ness...!


I've convinced myself with the Visa thing, he won't get banged up. That's enough for now :)

This propointing - It's the first time I have ever even looked at Carb values... Shocking really...! Some things I have looked at are over 100 in the carbs.. thats grams innit? Ack...!!

Have a great day people!! :) x
Just while you're on about garlic bread.....I do my own. Buy small ciabattas and chop em up into slices, mix garlic puree (the one that they sell next to tomato puree not the chunks as it goes horrid bitter) and a little bit of olive oil together and spread on the bread. Whack in the oven for a bit. I find that it means I don't eat too much - because I can freeze ciabatta without wanting to eat it and also because you can buy the smaller ones or the rolls. I never buy normal garlic bread now to be honest - just easier to do that and so much less fat.

Anyway - sorry to hear that you're still stressed re: BB. Like Nikster and Kally have said, it is sure to sort itself out, it's not like they'd want to keep him there and british embassies abroad are usually very efficient.

Sorry to have left you alone in WW. I got panicky since everyone else was moving I'm a complete sheep. Oh and summat else - but will chat about it in my diary when I get round to it.

Hope you have a great day hun x
Just while you're on about garlic bread.....I do my own. Buy small ciabattas and chop em up into slices, mix garlic puree (the one that they sell next to tomato puree not the chunks as it goes horrid bitter) and a little bit of olive oil together and spread on the bread. Whack in the oven for a bit.

Sorry to have left you alone in WW.
You know, I never once thought of making my own. I see recipes all the time that say toast bread and scrape a clove of garlic over it... But your way sounds way better - In fact, I bought some of that puree stuff... And some sundried tomato stuff too, I'd not seen that before!!!! :) Fankoo! Will try it out soon!

I don't blame anyone for moving to the MO section at all, I can totally understand privacy and whatnot :D Just so long as Im allowed to gatecrash, that's ok haha!!!

I was saying to Nikki the other day my main fear is getting lost and having to get a cab and not understanding a word the cabbie say's

Just do what I do.... Speak louder and slower in a frightfully British Accent so that they understand what you are saying, hahaaa!! The amount of grief I get for being ENGLISH up here, is unbelievable... I play up to it more often than not ;)

I have no idea what a glaswegian accent sounds like - Biker said I'll struggle but it shouldn't be as bad as a Doric accent from North Aberdeenshire. Which is good, because I still cannat understand these people sometimes. "Fit like the day".... What the f*** are you saying, man?!

Love it :D [Translation - "fit like the day" - how are you today :|]

I've been googling "Scottish Sayings" and when we get into a cab, as long as we say "See you Jimmy" we'll be ok :D

You only really need one slice of bread, and believe it or not, very satisfying

Haahahaha, see, Nik's got it ;)

And one slice of bread???? Surely not, this is ME we are speaking aboot here, ken?

[Translation - "ken" - to know :|]

I ate terribly badly today!!!
Lots of chocolate cake.
LOTS of chocolate cake.
Chocolate sponge cake with chocolate sauce, one that you heat in the microwave. Infact, three that you heat in the microwave. I have one left, it has gone in the freezer to stop me eating it now...!
I felt like poo, I'm full of cold and headachey, and now, I have the worst tummy ache from the amount of sugar I have consumed.... I'll learn one day!

Actually, to be fair, apart from the chocolate cake, it wasn't too bad.

Breakfast was poached eggs and mushrooms on a toasted roll, Lunch was an 8pp burger which was gorgeous! and tea was the turkey bolognese from the Just for Me cookbook. Which was very good actually! I stuffed it out with veggies and have frozen a couple of portions for my own ready-meals for the future. Starting to get concerned about processed stuff... You know something? Biker has never had a ready meal. The nearest is a jar curry sauce that he's added meat and veg to. This kinda made me feel a bit ashamed, why is that?

Anyway, all the veg padded out my bolognese to be only 7pp including the pasta - That's well low!!! Most ready meals are way above that, so I was proud of that!

I had a sneaky peek on the scales today - Up 2 lbs, so it'll be a super filling day tomorrow, with lots of veg, and as a result, probably not a lot of propoints eaten.... That's ok though. I'm not 100% convinced that this "binge fund" is a good idea for me.... We shall see though! What is it they say? PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING ;) hahahahaha well I sure had enough of that......

Night peoples!!! xxx
I am not sure whether to offer my sympathy for the chocolate munching or congratulations on a job well done, I shall ponder on this for a while.

Hope you have a fab day tomorrow, oh and well done for popping the last choc pud in the freezer. I'm afraid to say I would have just gone for the full house and scoffed the lot
I was tempted.....! It's 10pp a serving though - Might need that during X Factor on Saturday.... ;)

Just totted up my scores, 59 points today, that leaves me with 13pp til Friday Reset ...!
God Jen - chocolate pud? I am like Vanda and in two minds! I am drooling slightly, frothing at the mouth - but then again you're just like me in that if I buy things like that I eat them all in one go. Unfortunately this just means I miss out because I can't buy them at all. Still struggling to avoid scoffing pink 'n' whites I've got in my drawer at work. And they're disgusting. I'd be no good with 4 chocolate puds in the fridge!

Anyway, hope you have a better day today. If you stick with it this week you're sure to see another decent loss.

Hope you have a good day - got anything planned?

Sending hugs :)

P.S. Please can you make me poached eggs on toast? I'm so sick of Oats so Simples.
hahahahah @ the choccy pud Jen that fare made me chuckle that did as last night I brought two of these frozen choccy light choice puddings for me old man, done his in the micro for his aftere smelt it and did the other for myself hahaha!!
so not harcombe friendly but alas not to bad on points so I pointed yesterdays grub a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do eh!!
Nik...i widnae get in the taxi and say "see you jimmy" if ye ken whits gid fur ye!!!

You'd proably get a glesga kiss!!!

Hope u had a great day
13pp you can do it Jen.. dooooooo iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit :D haha! hope you have a good day tomorrow xxx
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