Ah Jen sounds a bit to me like all this jazz with BB is getting to you. It's horrible when you don't know what to expect i.e. when he might come home. So I can totally understand the toast eating. I'm sure you'll get focused again this week and get back on track, don't you worry.
BTW - I don't even eat steak and chips but for some reason your diary always makes me hungry so now I fancy steak and chips. Hmmmm.
Thank you, I think you are right, I have cut myself a bit of slack given the old stress and comfort eating thing. I didn't want a gain before the Glasgow thing, but tough luck for me I guess! Unless I have a zero point week next week... and the likelihood of that isssssss ZERO!!!
I think people like my chips best - They are never plain chips, I crinkle cut them
it's a "spiteful" thing, they have to apply for a visa to come to the UK, so it's a t!t for tat thing... What they don't understand is, we would return to our own country, before the visa ran out where as they don't - But that's a whole other argument which I won't go into
And as for the Hummus..... I used to be able to eat that stuff on toast, I was a hummus fiend... Til I did a course at uni [geography degree] and part of that was about sediment - There's a type of soil called hummous, not sure how its spelt, and now I can't look at hummus without thinking of mud and worms... :| So I'll have a nice zero point salsa plz instead, can you knock me one of them up?
Plus don't take the shopping thing to heart Jen, its these bloody manufactors cutting the flipping garments so scimpy.
I think you are right, I let it get to me at the time but I came home and did that whole perspective thing, and realised, it's all ok. I will get in a size 14 pair of jeans one day. Even if I have to "amend" the label myself
So the boy has his passport back, and I celebrate by eating crisps. I don't even LIKE crisps. I haven't pointed it yet, but I think that even with my 5, yes
5, packs of crisps, which were light ones, from a multipack, so only totals 15pp anyway... I'm STILL within my points. That's a whole weeks worth of food [my three meals a day] right, plus a monster binge on toast, and a binge on crisps.... This can't be healthy.
I'm dithering - this propoints weekly allowance is like giving me a license to binge on junk, I'm not sure this is the right idea...!!!
My week resets on Thursday. Food today totalled 57. I've eaten loads, still within points. Any loss will be a miracle, so Im anticipating a 2lb gain. It'd be fair.
I'm gonna shame myself and list everything I have eaten today, see if that does any good. I was fine til I got in from work!:
Breakfast - Toasted roll & beans
Lunch - chicken & bacon in 2 tortilla wraps, and a pack of snack a jacks
Tea - 2.5 quorn sausages, 250g potato, 1 carrot, 1 pepper all veg chipped and dry roasted, vegetable gravy and a bread roll cos the gravy was too nice to leave...
Pudding - WW Fruit Crumble & custard, not to be repeated, will donate remaining crumble to the Dad Fund...
Evening rubbish - 5 packs of Walkers crisps, and an apple.
Actually, apart from the crisps, its probably not that bad.
I still have 12 weekly points left.
I think I'm obsessing with points maybe.
If I cut down to 35 points a day, would that encourage me to eat more veg do you think? Something to consider I reckon...
Tomorrow, I have a stupid departmental meeting with stupid buffet laid on which will be mayonnaisey sandwiches, and cakes. They aren't even nice but I'll feel obliged to eat. If only I could make myself vegetarian again, then I'd get a special plate all of my own

But I cant do that.
Then tomorrow, Harry Potter! We're going to F&Bs for tea, I plan on the Bolognese for 16 or the Chicken Penne Romana for 17. And half a bag of maltesers which is 10pp.
So mushrooms on toast for breakfast then.....!!!