Jenny's moved on :)

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I always end up feeling hungry after reading your page Jen, so am off to have a late tea of chicken & skinny chips topped off with a bottle of wine.

Have a lovely weekend, hope the BB stuff is sorted out. You could always have another pizza instead though
I haven't yet tried homemade garlic bread yet, I have been all garlic breaded out since I chomped my way through that lot last weekend! I have a pasta dish planned for Monday though, and shall attempt my own garlicky creation then!!

The latest on the boy - Should be on a flight on Wednesday according to his company. Believe that when I hear "Woo Airport :D" from him...

I ate badly today - Come home, totted it up, it comes to 50 points. So not too bad really, could have been worse! Need to reign it in now plz...!

I did my hair today, and it seems to have come out ok. Hurrah! And the blokes bathroom seems to have survived the dye-attack. Double hurrah!

Vanda, enjoy that bottle of wine m'luv :) You deserve it!! :D

I'm sleepy... x
Re: Jenny - 5.5lbs off since ProPointing :)

What is with the weather?! It's so dull and disheartening....

I can't decide what to do today. I don't want to be at home, but I dunno if I can be bothered to go to Aberdeen.

I spoke to the boy this morning, turns out he was given the wrong info AGAIN yesterday. More delays. We're working on his being home for Christmas now..! He'd better be anyway.

I don't have a lot of positive things to say... Might make a turkey curry for tea though!
What is with the weather?! It's so dull and disheartening....

I can't decide what to do today. I don't want to be at home, but I dunno if I can be bothered to go to Aberdeen.

I spoke to the boy this morning, turns out he was given the wrong info AGAIN yesterday. More delays. We're working on his being home for Christmas now..! He'd better be anyway.

I don't have a lot of positive things to say... Might make a turkey curry for tea though!

Weather is very depressing here today too Jen. I'm meant to be doing cleaning but keep maing a coffee and nipping on here - will take me all day at this rate!

Really hope you are reunited with 'the boy' well before Christmas Jen :fingerscrossed: and everything else crossed for good news.

Hope you manage to have a relaxing weekend.

Thank you Lesley :) I am allowing myself steak and chips for tea, I never have that when he is here as he doesn't like steak, he says the UK can't cut a decent steak apparently...!

The latest date he has been given now is the 9th December... That's the 8th date now we've had for his return... No doubt that will change another 26 times yet. If I feel the way I feel about this, god knows what's going through his mind.
He said he's going to be the size of a house when he gets back, so he's eating too much. Hmm. We can be a couple of semi-detached houses together haha!!

Mmmm steak & chips for tea.....x
Re: Jenny - 5.5lbs off since ProPointing :)

Well fingers crossed for Wednesday then Jen
Have a great weekend whatever your doing
Plus what colour did you dye yer hair hen ?
Re: Jenny - 5.5lbs off since ProPointing :)

Oh poo pants iPhone apt only loaded your last couple of posts after I posted
Boo hiss then I take it poor boyo.
heya hun firstly a huge congrates on the 5.5lbs off since pp started! thats ace news hope your still enjoying it :) sorry to hear about all the delays going on though sounds a nightmare hope it all sorts out for you and the boyo soon! has the replacement glass came yet for the fridge?? hehe made me laugh sorry :p hope your having a lovely weekend and enjoy the steak and chips sounds lush! xxx
Haha, it's ok Kals, he's sat in the "office" today on MSN so I'm pretty much chained to my PC to have a chat. Which is nice, even if he isn't in the best of humours :)

I keep telling him that the food he's having is probably all roadkill... due to the language barrier he's not sure what he's eating. He said he asked what meat was in some stew the other day, and the guy serving started flapping his arms and making himself big-looking... it was turkey..
He's got a bbq later, a staff thing. I said to expect raccoon burgers and rat steaks.... :)

Hahaha, Smirk, the glass has been made, I have to go and collect it. It'll be monday or tuesday though, no rush now he's stuck!

He'll be home eventually :)

I am very much enjoying ProPoints at the moment, just made a turkey curry for my lunch, which I had with a chapati for 7 points altogether! And bring on the steak & chips!!!!!! DROOL!!!!!! hehe
I love a bit of steak and chips, enjoy.

Hoping BB is home as soon as, he does seem to be sent places where they want to hang onto him for a while.

Weather is grey and miserable here in Wales too, so sofa day for me. Have a lovely rest of the weekend x
Thank you all for the support during this, it's immense, means the world :)

Nik, you are welcome to tea any time, just gimme a bell when you get to Aberdeen station/airport and I'll come and pick you up :p Another OF-Less week? Aw no :(

I had 54 points today, leaving me with 27 weekly points. I had a toast-attack. Which was stupid really, it was pure indulgence, comfort eating, since I went clothes shopping and yet again came away with a bag, a pair of gloves and a hat, for the simple fact that the clothes did not fit... Seriously, the jeans I wear now (and we all know jeans stretch a bit, fair enough, but surely not THIS much).. are a size 22. So I gets a 22 - Too small. 24? No chance, too small. 26? They go up, fasten, but christ, I'd struggle to breathe... I refuse to believe I am back in a 28. Maybe I am, I don't want to be though. I hate clothes. I hate food too. I hate "watching what I eat". It's all rubbish. Whilst I'm on the subject, I also hate money, petrol and cars :p And the need to have Visas in certain parts of Africa....

Anyway, at the point of sitting in the fitting room cubicle in New Look in tears, my phone beeped with an email from the boy to say "Can you get on MSN plz?" I replied with a blunt "I'm in Aberdeen and I hate shopping" He knows me well enough to know this means I'm depressing myself in clothes shops, and replied with "<3 u, smile x"
So I drove to his and spent the rest of the day on MSN speaking to him. He made me see sense, and I feel better now. But I ate about half a loaf of bread while I was at his house, toasted. All pointed, hence the high points...

I'm babbling. I have a loooong day at work tomorrow, maybe I should go to bed...!!!

I'm ok :)

Have a great week people x
Glad your alright jen!
Toast is the ultimate comfort food and you deserve it.
Very very sweet text from him, glad things are getting pinker and fluffier ;)

Ive used all but 6 of my 49 so am pretty stuffed harhar!
Fingers crossed for this week, soon you wont be in size 28s or even 22s. Just keep going!
Ah Jen sounds a bit to me like all this jazz with BB is getting to you. It's horrible when you don't know what to expect i.e. when he might come home. So I can totally understand the toast eating. I'm sure you'll get focused again this week and get back on track, don't you worry.

BTW - I don't even eat steak and chips but for some reason your diary always makes me hungry so now I fancy steak and chips. Hmmmm.

Glad you managed to get some MSN time with BB, fingers crossed it won't be too long before he's back :)
:D Totally agree with Hannah here
me thinks this is mostly stress related due to the boy being stuck in the middle of that flipping hell hole hun.
Plus don't take the shopping thing to heart Jen, its these bloody manufactors cutting the flipping garments so scimpy.
Have a nice day hun xx

Just a quick update to say I'm completely snowed under at work so I haven't actually read my diary, will read up later and speak to you all then... the internet in Land of Hostility is down today, but I have had a text that says Boyo has his passport back :)
I'm presuming this means there is a Visa in there too...
So no more excuse for me stuffing my face.... Bring on the carrot sticks plz...
Ah Jen sounds a bit to me like all this jazz with BB is getting to you. It's horrible when you don't know what to expect i.e. when he might come home. So I can totally understand the toast eating. I'm sure you'll get focused again this week and get back on track, don't you worry.

BTW - I don't even eat steak and chips but for some reason your diary always makes me hungry so now I fancy steak and chips. Hmmmm.

Thank you, I think you are right, I have cut myself a bit of slack given the old stress and comfort eating thing. I didn't want a gain before the Glasgow thing, but tough luck for me I guess! Unless I have a zero point week next week... and the likelihood of that isssssss ZERO!!!

I think people like my chips best - They are never plain chips, I crinkle cut them :p

it's a "spiteful" thing, they have to apply for a visa to come to the UK, so it's a t!t for tat thing... What they don't understand is, we would return to our own country, before the visa ran out where as they don't - But that's a whole other argument which I won't go into :p


And as for the Hummus..... I used to be able to eat that stuff on toast, I was a hummus fiend... Til I did a course at uni [geography degree] and part of that was about sediment - There's a type of soil called hummous, not sure how its spelt, and now I can't look at hummus without thinking of mud and worms... :| So I'll have a nice zero point salsa plz instead, can you knock me one of them up? :p

Plus don't take the shopping thing to heart Jen, its these bloody manufactors cutting the flipping garments so scimpy.

I think you are right, I let it get to me at the time but I came home and did that whole perspective thing, and realised, it's all ok. I will get in a size 14 pair of jeans one day. Even if I have to "amend" the label myself :p

So the boy has his passport back, and I celebrate by eating crisps. I don't even LIKE crisps. I haven't pointed it yet, but I think that even with my 5, yes 5, packs of crisps, which were light ones, from a multipack, so only totals 15pp anyway... I'm STILL within my points. That's a whole weeks worth of food [my three meals a day] right, plus a monster binge on toast, and a binge on crisps.... This can't be healthy.
I'm dithering - this propoints weekly allowance is like giving me a license to binge on junk, I'm not sure this is the right idea...!!!

My week resets on Thursday. Food today totalled 57. I've eaten loads, still within points. Any loss will be a miracle, so Im anticipating a 2lb gain. It'd be fair.

I'm gonna shame myself and list everything I have eaten today, see if that does any good. I was fine til I got in from work!:
Breakfast - Toasted roll & beans
Lunch - chicken & bacon in 2 tortilla wraps, and a pack of snack a jacks
Tea - 2.5 quorn sausages, 250g potato, 1 carrot, 1 pepper all veg chipped and dry roasted, vegetable gravy and a bread roll cos the gravy was too nice to leave...
Pudding - WW Fruit Crumble & custard, not to be repeated, will donate remaining crumble to the Dad Fund...
Evening rubbish - 5 packs of Walkers crisps, and an apple.

Actually, apart from the crisps, its probably not that bad.
I still have 12 weekly points left.

I think I'm obsessing with points maybe.
If I cut down to 35 points a day, would that encourage me to eat more veg do you think? Something to consider I reckon...

Tomorrow, I have a stupid departmental meeting with stupid buffet laid on which will be mayonnaisey sandwiches, and cakes. They aren't even nice but I'll feel obliged to eat. If only I could make myself vegetarian again, then I'd get a special plate all of my own :D But I cant do that.
Then tomorrow, Harry Potter! We're going to F&Bs for tea, I plan on the Bolognese for 16 or the Chicken Penne Romana for 17. And half a bag of maltesers which is 10pp.

So mushrooms on toast for breakfast then.....!!!
Happy days that BB has his passport back, and Harry Potter tomorrow double happy days.

I am not sure what to add about the food and pointing stuff due to me having a meltdown over the past week and jacking it all in. I do think you are being too hard on yourself though, on the other hand using most of your points on junkish food isnt a good plan either, this is part of the reason I jacked it in. See I told you I couldnt add anything of any use, sorry about that.

I do hope you find a way that suits you without being too hard on yourself. Jen in all seriousness you are so lovely and supportive to everyone else on here, you wouldnt dream of saying things to us that you say to yourself, so be kind to yourself and maybe try and take some pressure off yourself for a few days.

Whatever you do have a lovely day and enjoy HP tomorrow
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