I would quite happily join in the family room shenanigans!

Someone just tell me where I have to be and when, and I'll appear!
As for the "Romantic snowy weekend in".... I can't decide how piffed off I am. On a scale of slightly miffed to infuriatingly narked, I really don't know where I sit.
Since I took so much time off work this week, on Wednesday to pick him up from the airport and with the snow yesterday, I was meant to go in today to make up my hours. Til someone said "but I've been away for aaaaaages, do you have to go to work, it's a saturday, we always spend saturday together"... So not needing much persuasion to stay in bed, I text my boss and said a slight white lie that the roads were too bad and I wouldn't make it in today.
Then after lunch, say, 1pm? He goes and gets his coat on and said he has to go. J = Go where?
BB = To Stonehaven [which is about an hour away in good conditions]
J = Why?
BB = To pick up something for mum.
J = Oh ok.
BB = And then I'll drop it off at my Mum's and I'm gonna stay for tea.
J = Oh.
BB = S'pose you can come if you like but Mum's booked somewhere so I'll have to tell her.
Last time they did this and I turned up, Mum was less than impressed that an extra person was there and made it well known...]
J = Yeah maybe, let me go and see what clothes I packed [
I really want to get on with these people, I want to see them more often and feel welcome damn it... I'm completely not at the stage yet where I can see his family in scruffy jeans and a hoody!]
And while I was in the bedroom looking through my bag for something vaguely better than a well-worn cardi from Tescos sale...
BB = I did tell you my sister is up with future-brother-in-law and this is a family thing, didn't I..?
Great. Wonderful. Fantastic. "this is a family thing and you weren't invited". That's what it says to me!!!!
So I said I didn't really have anything to wear and that I'd stay here.
And there is no milk, so I had to drive to get some... Roads not too bad, some tw@t doing 12 mph all the way to the dual carriageway... rather annoying... When I got to the shop, I got ID'd for the bottle of cider I wanted. No ID on me, it's in the car and it's too cold to fanny about going across that carpark... So I'll drink his Morgans instead.
I can't even watch X Factor, cos he'll get back halfway through and want me to rewind it.
I'm pee'd off!!!
I think I want a JML Magic Scarf. £15 though, I'm mean
I have a concoction of turkey steak with tomato and mozzarella filling, wrapped in prosciutto and baked, then served with veg for my tea... I think anyway. I fancy something special for some reason. And he can do the bloody dishes when he gets back. I'm having a night off.
And a chocolate sundae thing for pudding - 3pp.