Has the power of the horn
when do you break up?xxx
We break up on Friday honey, cant wait!!!
when do you break up?xxx
Ha ha, oh thats a nightmare! You would never guess what goes on in a typical day in school! lol!OMG girls the G stuff need to be banned!
Chimbo songs - I wake up singing them in my head -Arrrrghh!!! Well I pranced around the stage three times this week - it was videoed and now my OH has a copy - dont even ask how he got it - very sore point
- so OH and girls think its flippin hilarious to see all 17 stone of me prancing around the bloody stage dressed up like a flaming christmas santa!!! I so need a night out - just wish it was in Glasgow at the beginning of January :cry:
Thank you so much honey, SOOO glad I didnt cry at the table, could feel the tears coming so quickly made my excuses! lol!You are normal keep repeating that to yourself. You did great you made good food choices and cried in the toilets not in the restuarant at the table - well done. Don't beat yourself you are doing so well and that TOTM is a killer for messing you up.
On another note if you succumb and kill a glitter spraying little one can I kill a moaning patient - we'd get off I'm sure if we got a jury of 12 teachers or doctors receptionists.
Chin up forward into the fray thats Christmas we're all here right behind you supporting that journey.
Big Hugs
Glitter is pretty, if it didnt look so nice there is no way I would use it, just a shame 6 year olds cant just be sensible!! ha ha!! Oh no, by the time you come to Glasgow I will be de-schooled so we can skip up Argyle Street singing away!!i love glitter and xmas songs! i promise i wont hum them too much in glasgow Jen![]()
Aww, poor Jen! Crying on the toilet is better than thinking "I'm here now, might as well have a double bacon cheese beef burger!" quote]
Ha ha!! I like the "F*** it" attitude! I am so glad you are all so kind, felt like a
right nutter! ha ha!
Aw, sweetheart, I really felt for you when I read your posts today.
It is good that you are serious about losing weight but I guess for all of us, as M says, its about doing what "normal" folks do - we are all kind of all or nothing and I suppose that leads to us freaking out occassionally.
You made good choices - be really proud of yourself - and you care which is even better.
Love and hugs
Rosie xxxxxxx
Thank you so much Rosie, thats a really kind message. I am feeling much better about the whole thing. was in tears again this morning but now thinking that its a good thing that I care about whats going into my body and I am not just shoving food in like its going out of fashion! Just have to get over the crying part...dont want people to think I am a wimp! lol!