Jen's Diary - 3lb down :)

I am beginning to become quite concerned about myself!! There was a change of venue tonight and we ended up at a different restaurant, it specialised in burgers....I almost died! I kept thinking of the weatherspoons 40 point burgers!! I know there are mental points because theyre coated in that weird oil fat stuff to keep them preserved and there is no way that my grilled chicken burger with 4 chips would be 40 points but I felt sick when we arrived! All I could see on the menu was "cheese" or "mayo" or whatever. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I ended up in tears in the toilet, worried about what to have! I felt so stupid! Obv only my best pal knew, who kept saying how proud she was of the weight I had lost so far and how it was only natural that I would be upset because I want to lose weight so badly...that unfortunately made it much worse! I hope all this is just down to TOTM, but crying in the toilets over a burger....what on earth is that about!! I feel so stupid, yet still emotional!
Awww hunni, sending you loads of

Your not stupid sweetheart your just human and trying to cope with an awful lot, christmas, diet and all the things that go along with everyday life.

Your doing great hun and learning stuff about yourself all the time, just think a while ago you wouldnt of even thought about what you were about to eat and now you are so passionate about eating well and looking after yourself, well done
Thank you Susan, you're right, I wouldnt have throught twice about what I was eating so perhaps its a good think. Just felt the moron from mars crying in the toilets over a burger! lol! Quite mortified this morning! lol
aww bless ya hen! *big hugs* I have to say i would probably worry myself over it (not to point of crying i dont think, but if it was my straight jacket day i wouldnt put it past me i tell you!)

either way, you went, you dealt and you made the healthier choice which is the main thing :) i hope you enjoyed it anyway, after the tears were over.. you poor thing - bless you! *bigger hugs*

you've done so well so far, so proud of you :) even with a couple of blips along the way I know you will get to where you want to be :) xxx
You've got such a lovely heart Rach, thank you for your kind words! going to get hula hooping to make up for it soon! :D
i just realised how close you are to being under 200lbs too! :D well done! How tall are you? about same as me 5'7ish? cause that means you're not far off getting your BMI under 30 and not being classed as obese any more! :D xx
Aww hunny, poor you!!! :hug99: I totally agree with what susan and rach have said. You're doing so well babe. Unfortunately with that success comes that inner voice saying hang on a minute Jen; that's covered in fat/is how many points??? :eek: I know I never had that kind of inner voice before and it takes some getting used to!!! So don't beat yourself up over it. You need to learn to listen to that inner voice as it's there to stop you undoing all your success - an amazing 34 pounds lost babe - but not let it control you and get the better of you like last night. Treat it like a two-way dialogue - listen to it, pause and think, and then justify your choices in your head. A few months ago you'd have automatically gone for the worst choices on the menu and then some. You're different now, this is the new you! And hey, this inner voice, once controlled, could be your new best friend! :D

Besides christmas time in a school is one of the most stressful times of the year - take if from someone who knows! - so am sure that and TOTM has a big part to pay as well.
yeah i am 5'7 too, thats very exciting!! I little BMI ray of sunshine has entered Jen land! :)
Ah Jax, thank you! I am quite stressed with school too, cant wait for Friday! If i never hear nativity songs again I could die happy!! "its a baby, a lovely baby, its a lovely little baby boy...." followed by BANG BANG! as miss watson whacks her head off the desk!! They think Jesus is called Cheese Us too....should probably correct them at some point! lol
Youre all so kind, although most of your posts have made me cry this morning, so thinking I am in just in a rather emotional place ! lol Shall be in floods at the xfactor final!! lol
When I taught nobody at home was allowed to mention Christmas and even more so glitter or I was likely to scream

Totally understand how you are feeling
Big hug

Roll on January
Irene x
Oh god Irene, dont say the G word!! One of my boys poured the whole tub all over the floor on Thursday! Was ready to cry!! lol
OMG girls the G stuff need to be banned!

Chimbo songs - I wake up singing them in my head - :banghead: Arrrrghh!!! Well I pranced around the stage three times this week - it was videoed and now my OH has a copy - dont even ask how he got it - very sore point :mad: - so OH and girls think its flippin hilarious to see all 17 stone of me prancing around the bloody stage dressed up like a flaming christmas santa!!! I so need a night out - just wish it was in Glasgow at the beginning of January :cry:
You are normal keep repeating that to yourself. You did great you made good food choices and cried in the toilets not in the restuarant at the table - well done. Don't beat yourself you are doing so well and that TOTM is a killer for messing you up.

On another note if you succumb and kill a glitter spraying little one can I kill a moaning patient - we'd get off I'm sure if we got a jury of 12 teachers or doctors receptionists.

Chin up forward into the fray thats Christmas we're all here right behind you supporting that journey.

Big Hugs

i love glitter and xmas songs! i promise i wont hum them too much in glasgow Jen ;) :D
OMG girls the G stuff need to be banned!

Chimbo songs - I wake up singing them in my head - :banghead: Arrrrghh!!! Well I pranced around the stage three times this week - it was videoed and now my OH has a copy - dont even ask how he got it - very sore point :mad: - so OH and girls think its flippin hilarious to see all 17 stone of me prancing around the bloody stage dressed up like a flaming christmas santa!!! I so need a night out - just wish it was in Glasgow at the beginning of January :cry:
Ha ha, oh thats a nightmare! You would never guess what goes on in a typical day in school! lol!
Wish you were coming to Glasgow too! Is there def no way? :(
You are normal keep repeating that to yourself. You did great you made good food choices and cried in the toilets not in the restuarant at the table - well done. Don't beat yourself you are doing so well and that TOTM is a killer for messing you up.

On another note if you succumb and kill a glitter spraying little one can I kill a moaning patient - we'd get off I'm sure if we got a jury of 12 teachers or doctors receptionists.

Chin up forward into the fray thats Christmas we're all here right behind you supporting that journey.

Big Hugs

Thank you so much honey, SOOO glad I didnt cry at the table, could feel the tears coming so quickly made my excuses! lol!
Just saw that Claire from Steps has a workout video coming out after xmas where she basically just teaches you the dance it!! So all extra weight will be gone! lol
I would gladly be on your jury anyday if you want to kill a moaning patient!! I cant be doing with moaners!! There are a good few moaning teachers too that need to be dealt with!! lol!!
i love glitter and xmas songs! i promise i wont hum them too much in glasgow Jen ;) :D
Glitter is pretty, if it didnt look so nice there is no way I would use it, just a shame 6 year olds cant just be sensible!! ha ha!! Oh no, by the time you come to Glasgow I will be de-schooled so we can skip up Argyle Street singing away!! :D I love xmas songs, although we hardly sing any good ones, its all weird songs we sing. They hardly sing Jingle Bells and stuff in my school :( Its most sad! They just sing its a freaking baby!! lol
Aww, poor Jen! Crying on the toilet is better than thinking "I'm here now, might as well have a double bacon cheese beef burger!" I wish I was as strong as you, even if it did make me weep! I'd take crying over lack of willpower any day :) Just remember in future, one bad moment you can't avoid isn't going to stop you being slim and healthy, which you most definately are. You're doing so well!
Aw, sweetheart, I really felt for you when I read your posts today.

It is good that you are serious about losing weight but I guess for all of us, as M says, its about doing what "normal" folks do - we are all kind of all or nothing and I suppose that leads to us freaking out occassionally.

You made good choices - be really proud of yourself - and you care which is even better.

Love and hugs
Rosie xxxxxxx
Aww, poor Jen! Crying on the toilet is better than thinking "I'm here now, might as well have a double bacon cheese beef burger!" quote]
Ha ha!! I like the "F*** it" attitude! I am so glad you are all so kind, felt like a
right nutter! ha ha!

Aw, sweetheart, I really felt for you when I read your posts today.

It is good that you are serious about losing weight but I guess for all of us, as M says, its about doing what "normal" folks do - we are all kind of all or nothing and I suppose that leads to us freaking out occassionally.

You made good choices - be really proud of yourself - and you care which is even better.

Love and hugs
Rosie xxxxxxx

Thank you so much Rosie, thats a really kind message. I am feeling much better about the whole thing. was in tears again this morning but now thinking that its a good thing that I care about whats going into my body and I am not just shoving food in like its going out of fashion! Just have to get over the crying part...dont want people to think I am a wimp! lol!
Hey hon, Jess is right. So many of us would have gone into full-on bugger-it mode when faced with that situation. You made the best choice you could under the circumstances so well done.

If you're worried about the points, you can always cut back by your four a day.

Was the restaurant a chain? Can you find their nutritional values online and work out how many points you had? I'm sure you'd find it a pleasant surprise.

Laughing at your nativity and glitter stories btw. I used to travel round primary schools doing sign language and braille workshops with the kids and their amazingly short attention span used to really make me laugh. I once had to compete with the window cleaner - no contest! A story about a glittery fish in speech and sign versus a man with a squeegee...