We can do it

Glad your holiday gain is gone.
Breakfast/Lunch (because I got up super late)
Shreddies, banana, apple and milk. (HEA and HEB)
Planning on making sw carbonara-including pasta, chicken, bacon, peas, sweetcorn, mushrooms, peppers and onions. Quark and an egg thrown in too!
And I wish I hadn't just typed out all the ingredients as it makes it seem like A LOT.
Gym today
20 minutes on the treadmill (I'm SO unbelievably $hit at running it's ridiculous...I managed a whole TWO minutes out of 20, the rest was a fast walk).
5 minutes on the rowing machine (1000m)
5 minutes on the exercise bike (the reclined one)
24 reps at 15kg on the chest press.
30 reps of some leg machine that hurts the front of your thighs like hell. First set of reps was 15kg and the second 15 were 10kg.
Some arm machine that feels like you're swimming.
Ok, now that I've typed it out it doesn't seem very much. I might actually start a thread asking for gym advice.