I haven't been to the gym for ages but when I used to go i'd do cardio every day and every other day I'd do tiny weights, 5-10kg just for toning. My cardio used to be as much rowing as I could (not very much as it used to wear me out really quickly, prob 500 metres). Then 30 mins cross trainer on a low intensity program; 20 min treadmill on a cross country program, fast walk.
Interestingly, I used to find when I hammered it working my arse off doing high intensity I didn't lose any weight! I read somewhere about your weight loss zone heart rates so I worked out a lower level rather than try and kill myself. Also used to give me really bad shakiness and I had to drive for 30 mins afterwards so couldn't do it.
I used to do the couch to 5k in the gym when it was quiet - I'm such a tw*t that I won't run if too many people are there because they might think I run too heavy footed or they might hear me out of breath - loser!
I haven't been to the gym for ages but when I used to go i'd do cardio every day and every other day I'd do tiny weights, 5-10kg just for toning. My cardio used to be as much rowing as I could (not very much as it used to wear me out really quickly, prob 500 metres). Then 30 mins cross trainer on a low intensity program; 20 min treadmill on a cross country program, fast walk.
Interestingly, I used to find when I hammered it working my arse off doing high intensity I didn't lose any weight! I read somewhere about your weight loss zone heart rates so I worked out a lower level rather than try and kill myself. Also used to give me really bad shakiness and I had to drive for 30 mins afterwards so couldn't do it.
I used to do the couch to 5k in the gym when it was quiet - I'm such a tw*t that I won't run if too many people are there because they might think I run too heavy footed or they might hear me out of breath - loser!