I had a nice birthday

I mostly got money but I got a couple of pressies. A ukulele from Adam which I need to learn how to play, a recipe book and a box of Lush stuff from the rents (Adam has already used a bath bomb and had a massage with the bar

he also had the first go on my ukulele.. always the way), a gift card for the cinema (awesome idea, I think!) and THREE boxes of chocolates which I shared out. Oh and I saw two friends, one gave me a bath bomb and some earrings and the other a lovely notebook to write all my wedding plans in, but I'll probably use it to write my recipes in that I tweak. I need to perfect my spag bol!
On the actual day Adam and I tottered into London and went around the natural history museum. Really enjoyed that, but I really, REALLY hate kids. They just run about and stand right in front of you. Not enough parents tell their kids off for doing rude stuff, really pees me off; I feel rage build up inside me and I could just punt the little *******. Too many school groups of primary age, they are not old enough to appreciate evolution and shiz like I do, so get them out my way! You'd start to read something and some little chite will barge in front and shove their snotty little nose against the glass. Grr. Take them to the zoo or whatever. We are going to go back on one of the adult only evenings, I just can't take that many kids, it actually ruins my experience. Aren't I such a grumpy old cow? Well I'm 22 now, so I'm going downhill. My mum said the only time she ever felt really old was when she turned 22.
Anyway, after that we went to the British Museum as Adam wanted to go but I've been before and I was bored. It was too humid that day so I made him leave

Well it was my day! My friend Beth can go with him next time she's in London, she's about to do a masters in ancient history/archaeology or something and she loves that stuff. His own personal tour guide. So we went to a beer garden in Camden and saw Jenny Frost from Snog, Marry, Avoid (not Atomic Kitten, who cares about that!). I had a pint of cider, Adam had a couple of beers then we moved on to happy hour cocktails down the road. These cocktails are usually £7 each and are sooo good, but we only ever drink them at happy hour (which is more like happy 2 hours), BOGSF. We had 5 cocktails then stumbled to a Lebanese place for a massive set meal. Home!
BBQ was fun, my mum and two aunties got v.v. dunk and it's hilarious. They (minus my mum) are huge Twihards

They want me to have a vampire theme for my wedding.. no a fairy theme... purple, pink and green! I have actually picked a theme, midsummers nights dream/enchanted forest.. sort of a dark fairytale theme. I loved the place I visited on Friday, it's so rustic. The barn is pretty small, but then it looks like we have lots of friends! Massive, gorgeous beer garden. I would much rather sit outside chatting to everyone and have the kids playing games than spend the whole night dancing. I will just dip in and out for a few dances. Weather depending of course. The tables would be set out in a "U" shape rather than individual tables, I'd keep the tables bare with no flowers, just tall candlesticks and fruit bowls. I will look at other places, but I do love this one!
I had some NSVs this weekend. I was starving at lunch whilst viewing the pub/barn and ordered shared camembert with bread to start and a burger and chips. I was satisfied after the start and I've finally realised that I don't need to eat loads just because I'm starving. Also, I was out for lunch and bought a slice of drizzle cake for after. I love lemon drizzle cake but I wasn't hungry, so I just ate half to get a little taste. I could have finished it, but I didn't need to. I don't like eating food cooked at mum and dad's house, cos the kitchen is always so messy. Usually I buy a steakbake, packet of crisps, cheese dippy thing and a chocolate bar with a diet coke. This time I just bought a steakbake and a bottle of water! It doesn't sound much but I felt very proud. I still ate a lot of crap and probably too much but it was better than it could have been. I didn't have a burger at the BBQ as I didn't fancy one, I just had a couple of slices of really thin pizza. I am not going to weigh myself until I move as there is no point. I am definitely ready to diet when I move. I'm pretty much the same as January 1st so I've wasted 6 months, but it's better than gaining I guess. I really would like to be in a size 12 by Christmas as I look so much better in winter and want to wear skinny jeans with high boots and snuggly jumpers. I think I look ok in the mirror but when I see photos I realise how fat I look. I'll post one from my birthday. I thought I looked ok, but my face is so chubby and I am a blob

I think a stone will make me look a lot better though. I've been looking for gyms in the area of where we are moving too and I am really ready

Adam's making appointments for Friday to view, then it will be about 3 weeks