Jess's Diary - Weighed in a day early..

Oblique ones are the ones where you twist as well - train up the side muscles to hold you in place ;)

I can't imagine you'd need to be 9st 7 to fit into size 10 jeans perfectly - it's about that for me and I'm 5'3".
Reckon you'd fit into size 10s at 9st 10-11 ish.

Is it worth me starting them now so I'll be nice and toned when the fat disappears? :p

It's been a good few years since I was in the 9s, I really don't know! What shape are you? I'll just have to see how it goes! I have a friend who is really slim, slim legs, slim arms (big boobs :mad:), flat stomach, no muffin top.. but she's a size 12 jeans sometimes because her hip bones just don't fit into 10s.

McDonalds have brought out a caramel milkshake?


Not for ever, just a special. Damn them! It just came out as if to mock me and my dieting efforts :p
I did have some wine last night after all. Yum yum. I want some more but don't have any more points :(

I've been a bit naughty and have been weighing myself every day. Can't help it!

Monday: 12 stone 8
Tuesday: 12 stone 9.8.. don't know what happened there!
Wednesday: 12 stone 9.2
Thursday: 12 stone 7.6
Friday: 12 stone 6.6

So looking good for weigh in Monday so far.

Food for today:

1/4 lber - (10.5)
Small fries - (3.5)
Small ice cream flake - (1)

Southern fried chicken breast - (5.5)
200g new pots (2)
Teaspoon of butter spread (0.5)
TLC coleslaw (1.5)
Salad - (0)
Salad cream - (0.5)

25 points.. 4 points over regular points, but that should be ok considering it's a work day.. a very busy one. My legs are killing me!
I'm an apple too :( I have to say it is sometimes the worst shape to be.
I did find, when I did crunches every day for a few weeks that my stomach flattened out - obviously I didn't LOSE any fat, it just redistributed itself and looked a bit better :p

Having said that, I look fantastic in my swimsuit which has tummy control - slim legs, fairly slim arms, small bum, flat (;)) stomach and big boobs :D
What are oblique sit ups pray tell?

Lie on your back with knees bent, feet on the floor. Arms by your sides. Keeping your back on the floor try to touch your left heel with your left hand - back to centre - right heel with right hand. You will be working your oblique muscles there.

Another way is like a regular sit up. Knees bent, feet on floor. Hands behind your head. Lift up into the crunch - then twist so that your left elbow goes towards your right knee - back to centre - then right elbow to left knee.

Having said that, I look fantastic in my swimsuit which has tummy control - slim legs, fairly slim arms, small bum, flat (;)) stomach and big boobs :D

Lucky you.....xx
Just a quick one because I feel really ill! I weighed 12 stone 4.8 this morning. I'm counting the decimals this time because I'd get confused when I rounded up/down how much I'd lost etc. That's a 3.2lb loss :)
Adam had mumps recently and now he has mumps orchitis! It's when complications arise from mumps and your testicle/s swell/s up; it's very painful. I'm being a good little nurse though, so lucky him in that respect :p Bless him. It's only in one testicle but apparently it can shrivel up and lose it's function! Eek, I may want babies one day!
hope Adam's testicle is feeling better soon :D

good to see you back on here and doing well :) missed you while you were away / quiet xxx
Woot, Rach is back. Missed you too, stop losing your internet/computer :p

Swimming costume has arrived! Fits perfectly and looks good.. holds me in and supports the chaps. Good ol' Bravissimo. Unfortunately can't do anything about the wobbly, celulitey legs but c'est la vie. I'm going swimming with my friend Cat soon and with Adam when he's feeling better.

Didn' really know my lunch points at the time of nomming.. New stuff to try so had a chicken supreme (alright, but won't be having again), small fries and mozerella dippers.. totalled it up when I got home and it was 18 points! Just had a southern fried chicken breast and salad for dinner.. was going to have new pots but didn't. Filled me up anyway.

Online shop coming tomorrow, yay. No snacks in it apart from fruit. Having some different meals too :)
i'll try my best Jess! :D

i didnt rate the chicken supreme either.. mozzarella dippers sound yummo though! :drool:

is the swimming costume just for swimming or for holibobs too? x
i'll try my best Jess! :D

i didnt rate the chicken supreme either.. mozzarella dippers sound yummo though! :drool:

is the swimming costume just for swimming or for holibobs too? x

The mozzarella dippers weren't that amazing either! They were alright but again won't be having them.. and I love cheese! I really like the camembert bites that they occasionally do but they've stopped doing them with caramelized onion dip which is sacrilegious! Oh dear, I've just realised how many ! I use.. Terry Pratchett would not approve. Anyway, I still favour the trusty quarter pounder and chicken selects. Yum yum.

The swimming costume is for swimming swimming, rather than holiday swimming as I have no plans to go on holiday any time soon. Too poor :cry: It is a nice costume though and it would do well in a holiday situation, I feel. It ties up at the neck which I don't really like for swimming swimming.. hopefully it won't undo itself mid breast stroke.
i'm sure it wont :) shame about holidays though - i was lucky to have a bit more money in january when we booked, otherwise we wouldnt have had a holiday either.

I have never read anything by Terry Pratchett.. i defo need to get round to it! :p
We have £34 in the bank and I don't get paid until next Thursday.. whoops :rolleyes: Think we are going to have to borrow some money! I had to reschedule my online shop so I have no food here really. I had 2 weetabix with s/s milk and 2 tsps of sugar about an hour again. 3 points so I have 18 left! I fancy sausage, mash, peas and gravy tonight so I am going to have it.. :D
LOL - sounds like the story of my life - no money to buy any food - and a fiver to last a week...hmmm...frozen peas and rice for dinner then.
Hehe, same.. happens to me all the time :p It's not even like I'm a shopaholic or go out all the time, I have nothing to show for it; our cost of basic living is too high :( One more year of studentship then I can get a good job :D Hopefully.

I'm huuuungry. Only had the weetabix. I could have some more but I need my points for big fat sausages. *drool*