Calm down ladies, that was a guess.. haven't weighed myself for ages! After this weekend may not be afterall!
Adam's nan is in hospital

She is in intensive care though is stable. She nearly died at one point, though thankful we didn't find that out until she was stable as it happened during the night and they let us know in the morning. Adam was raised by his grandparents as well as his parents so he's very worried. I never knew my dad's parents nor my mum's mum and her dad died when I was 11ish so I've not really had grandparents and they feel like grandparents to me. It's very sad. She's on the mend but will never be back to 100%
In terms of diet I've been on off on off.. definately off this weekend, went to the shire as had Aussie relatives over so lots of family stuff going on. I do miss being close to home, going up to visit is just not the same. Anywho, I have a wedding in 6 weeks. I'm setting a goal of 14lbs by then. I don't know how much I weigh but probably 12 stone 8, my "resting" weight. I bought the dress after I lost my stone so I want to get back there. I'm going to start running tomorrow, with Adam. I saw my uncle this weekend and he's lost 2.5 stone in 3 months just from taking up running and cutting out his 3 worst foods.. cheese, biscuits and crisps. Nothing else, just those. He was pretty big so if he can do it I can, just gotta stop being a whingy cowbag and get through the worst part

I really can't be bothered to point right now though. I think I will limit myself to 10 points for lunch (10.5 if I want a quarter pounder

) and just have healthy dinners, no crisps, only dark chocolate etc.