Gold Member
Week on Saturday ye
yeah that's very likely why, but you may find if you stick with it a bigger loss next Thursday. You must be excited! When you buying a dress?Do you think this happened Leigh I don't get it been good and done two sp days. Today when out I had tuna pasta salad, cheese ,hifis and crisps so been good
Well first time Iv sat down today lol , contacts are in and I can see a lot better apparently with contacts they will never get the prescription as close as you can with glasses. Vision a lot better tho cause cleaned up when I got back was irritating me haha last time I couldn't see it. These are thicker lenses so can tell there in your eye more than the others so will hve to see how I get on.
Shopping went well Olivia was a little star she's now learnt how to peel a orange quite cute to watch lol bless her . Wanted a cheap week this week didn't happen still 80 but spent well over last week, oh well. Also forgot prawns decided going to have prawn pasta salad for tea really fancy it.
Really tired today didn't sleep very well last night then was awake at 4 this morning when he went work so will be ready for bed later. Haven't eaten anything yet which is odd for me not going to force myself tho if I'm not hungry.
Hope ur all having a good Friday