Jonsgirl's Atkins daily blah blah

Oh jonsgirl, you've just described exactly how I feel meeting new people - anxious, tongue-tied and desperately wishing I could think up something to say! I really sympathise with you and admire the fact that you're not letting it stand in the way of giving your son an awesome party. I'm sure it will go much better than you expect - as the host you'll have much less time to stand around chatting with the other parents. Plus if you're struggling, you can send in the hubby to charm the parents while you busy yourself with the food and the kids.
Well done on the party JG - you'll find you are so busy that just just do your thing, and all the mums will muck in, so it's actually a really nice low-pressure way to meet people. So brave of you to book it when it's such a challenge to you - what a good mum you are, and I bet your son has an absolute ball. :)
Oooh pics of dressing table please! So wonderful to get the things you want, after working so hard for them - you deserve it hun! I've had bedside tables in boxes for about two years as well, but hopefully in a month they will be out of the boxes woohoo!

And how fab is your decision to give your wee boy a party, that is so brilliant - there's no need to feel nervous, you're a fab person so i say the other mums will be lucky to know you :) And it's a wonderful thing for your lad.

Your wish is my command Susie,

its nothing special, it's only from ikea but I love it. Please excuse the grubby temporary chair - I will be re upholstering it - hopefully in purple satin - next weekend!!

and woohoo to getting the bedside tables out after all this time - I've got a tonne of stuff in my spare room just waiting to be put out - ornaments and pictures and things - every time I go abroad I have a rule that I will buy one thing I absolutely love - to remind me of my time away. Usually buy something for the house and its all there in boxes waiting for me lol xx


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Oh jonsgirl, you've just described exactly how I feel meeting new people - anxious, tongue-tied and desperately wishing I could think up something to say! I really sympathise with you and admire the fact that you're not letting it stand in the way of giving your son an awesome party. I'm sure it will go much better than you expect - as the host you'll have much less time to stand around chatting with the other parents. Plus if you're struggling, you can send in the hubby to charm the parents while you busy yourself with the food and the kids.

oh messy, I could cry when I think about all the things I've missed out on because of my lack of confidence - jobs I really wanted, men I liked, making friends, I was offered a place on an amazingly good university course and turned it down because they mentioned we'd have to work in groups and the thought of it made my blood run cold. I can't believe all the opportunities I've been offered and not taken because of my stupid hang ups.

Most tragic is the fact that I was so very painfully shy as a child - i didnt speak to anyone but my mum for years, even to the point that I wouldn't even talk to my own grandparents because I didn't see them often and I too was nervous around them. I still dwell on that today and beat myself up about it. They died when I was eleven and I would give anything to go back in time and talk to my nan.

i've felt my confidence growing slowly over the years for a variety of reasons - finally having family that love me for who i am and accept me for all my faults without me having to put on an act (my hubby and my in laws - I never had that from my own family, they are very critical)

getting my job which I really really wanted and being told afterwards that I had beaten about 150 other applicants to get it - that was a massive confidence boost.

but the thing that has helped my confidence increase even more recently is losing weight, feeling really good about myself and liking what I see in the mirror for the first time in ages. The support and encouragement I get on here also helps massively.

i still lack confidence and I still have wobbles but when I think back to how nervous I used to be I realise how far I have come xx
You've come such a long way :) your confidence will get even better with each week that passes x a massive high five and a well done :D x x
Thanks all for the lovely words of encouragement about little ones party - its made me all the more determined to give him a great party. He is really really excited, he's been telling everyone about his party - even total strangers - he's just seen dispicable me 2 so he's decided he wants me to make him a minion cake - it will be a challenge but I've seen a few designs online so I think it's probably do able - I'll have a go anyway. It's a bit of a running joke now every year he asks for a really ambitious cake - first it was a fireman Sam fire engine, last year it was lightning McQueen. He won't let me buy one or get one made either - he always says "you do it mummy - you can do anything" love that he's got much more confidence in my abilities than I do lol xx
Lovely to organise a party for him, bless you, well done! Shyness can be a real issue, but it sounds like you really have come a long way and what an ego boost about your job, beating all those people.

As for the minion cake, as you say plenty on the internet. My daughter wanted a hello kitty one for her birthday, I'll post you my attempts, first one looked a nightmare,
View attachment 108808

second one was better, 1380524638097.jpg

I got idea from this utube video, using cupcakes instead of one cake. Easier to break up/cut up and portion out and very easy to do, it was only my 2nd attempt to decorate a cake, EVER! Anyway, you're such a whizz in the kitchen, you'll be grand!

Apologies it's all in Portuguese (?) But just keep watching, you'll get the idea. I used butter cream icing (1 part room temp butter to 2 parts icing sugar, a tbsp milk, mix well) and bought a nozzle set the pound shop and food colouring! Et viola! x
Hi JG, so fleshing reading your recent posts. Your doing so brilliantly overcoming your issues with weight and confidence. Your son hits the nail on the head when he says 'you can do anything!' You really can. Your so blessed to have a wonderful hubby and in laws x.

Dressing table looks fab, fab.

We must've had babies at the same time as my eldest is 6 on the 4th of November.
The party will be excellent!! I love how the little ones see us so different from how we see ourselves x I love your son knows you can do anything you set your mind to. used to hate children's parties also!! But now I wave goodbye to son when he goes off for a meal or to the cinema, and a bit of me misses not being involved x

Oh and that dressing table is lovely x you lucky thing x
Cakes too difficult for me! We often order special cake toppers though - you can get them printed with a photo and message and DD always loves that:)
Hi lovely ladies,

well yesterday was.......interesting lol

we did have a lovely day - spent a couple of hours at the soft play and then went for a picnic in the the woods and played football with the kids - the weather was lovely so it was nice to make the most of it.

after lunch we took the kids bowling which they really enjoyed and then went out to tea! Not much on the menu to suit me - no salad or anything so I had chicken wrapped in cheese and bacon which was great except it came covered in BBQ sauce which I scraped off as best as I could.

Now is where things got interesting - mum in law had arranged with the pub to have a cake brought out and to have happy birthday sung by the waiters. So we all sang happy birthday and then we did three cheers for the birthday boy. Anyway my little one was cheering along with everybody else and this random woman turned round in her chair to my son and shouted at him "shhhhhh some people are trying to eat" well I just lost it.

In the past I would have probably kept quiet and festered quietly but the new me doesn't take any crap especially not where my little one is concerned - I went up to her and told her that there were 20 other empty tables in the pub and if she didn't like noise she shouldn't have sat next to the only one with young children sitting on it and she should move if she didnt like it - it was also pretty obvious we were having a party we had balloons and everything lol. I was calm and polite which is a bloody miracle as I wanted to rip her face off! I'm not a rude person by nature and I hate confrontation and rudeness but nobody upsets my little boy!

To be honest I would have said a lot more but I had parents in law with me and didn't want to embarrass them or ruin their day. I wouldn't care but the kids had been playing lovely and quietly together until this point and all they were doing was singing happy birthday to their grandad - we always try to be considerate to other people when we eat out we don't let our kids get out of their chairs or make excess noise so I feel she was being really unfair.

I have to admit that after that me and my sister in law got a bit mischievous and deliberately made as much noise as possible just to annoy the stupid woman. I'm not normally petty like that but she really wound me up. As I said there was hardly anybody else in the place ( three tables right over the other end of the pub ) so we weren't bothering anyone else but her.

As we left I saw her looking and she was obviously talking about us so me and the mother in law turned round to her and shouted "hip hip hooray" as loud as we could - her blooming face was a picture. When we went outside I saw her still staring at me through the window so I shouted "bye love, see you later" waved and blew her a kiss - soooooo childish I know but I couldn't resist.

This is so not like me - I'm very shy and would normally let people walk all over me so I did surprise myself and it did feel quite liberating to say exactly what I thought to a perfect stranger.

So my food yesterday was a bit dodgy with the BBQ sauce etc so today I am clean and green:

b: black coffee one sweetner
l: some German sausage from Aldi.
d: chicken wrapped in bacon, stuffed mushroom. Sf jelly and soya cream.
Haha good for you :D this made me proper giggle... What a moody cow! I think you handled it very well, I think I would have tipped my dinner over her head.

Hope your son wasn't upset x amazing what a lil confidence can do for a girl eh honey ;p nice one x x hehe
Good on you for not taking crap from the horrible woman yesterday - why on earth would she pick a six year old to shout at anyway? idiot. And how sweet that he still thinks you can do anything. :D
Well done!!! The lioness come out well and truly!! X she sounds a miserable bint! I know when I have been in restaurants it's seeing kids excited and happy that makes me smile, it's contagious it make life just a little bit nicer!! X
Thanks ladies,

No he wasn't upset fortunately - he's a tough little thing - in fact I'm surprised he didn't take her on himself because he's very bold and in the past he has told people off if he thinks they are being rude. You would have thought she would have spoken to me if she'd been annoyed though instead of picking on a 5 year old little boy :-(

I just don't get what their problem was - her husband also made some comment about " maybe we should start cheering and annoy everyone too" there was nobody else in the vicinity apart from us and them and the staff?????? Random or what? They had a teen with them too who never took his eyes off his dinner - he probably didn't dare - must be a barrel of laughs in their house lol!

Anyway - today I have little one at home because of the teachers strike - only found out on Friday - grrrrrrr! Luckily because I work from home I can work round it but the other mums at school who work in big offices, tesco's, for the NHS etc are really struggling because of the short notice.

So I decided I would just work a couple of hours this morning while hubby was here to occupy Jacob and finish at lunchtime when hubby went to work. Don't feel like I really achieved anything much but despite that when I looked at the clock it was 2 pm! Little one was happily playing with his cars in his bedroom and I hadn't heard a peep from him- he's such a good boy when he knows I am working which is good because it makes everything so much easier.

Foodwise I've not eaten much because I've completely lost my appetite. I need to make sure I'm eating enough because i dont want to make myself ill but I don't want to force myself if I'm not hungry so I'll try to eat a proper meal later

b: black coffee with one sweetner.
l: some sf jelly with soya cream.
d: chicken wrapped in bacon and a stuffed mushroom.
Woohoo I am so proud of you - what a stupid cow that woman was - and I love the way your sister and mum inlaw joined in! :D

Some people are just completely thoughtless, and it's good to put them in their place and not internalise it!
Woohoo I am so proud of you - what a stupid cow that woman was - and I love the way your sister and mum inlaw joined in! :D

Some people are just completely thoughtless, and it's good to put them in their place and not internalise it!

lol Susie,

i am a bad influence on my family. I'm glad I said something I would have kicked myself for ages afterwards if I'd let her get away with it x
Hey good for you for sticking up to that rude jealous woman. She was obviously just hating because you guys were actually having a good time.

Woohoo to the new robust JG xx.

We didn't get the teachers strike here luckily. Hope you do manage to eat better today as although it's good you don't need as much food as before you also need to keep your metabolism firing with enough calories.
Thanks busy - I often lose my appetite when I'm in ketosis. I really just don't want to eat anything. I know Atkins says eat when you are hungry stop when you are full but by that token I wouldn't eat at all. I really do feel like I'm forcing it down.

At least there's no doubt I'm in ketosis - no appetite, can't keep off the loo and my mouth tastes disgusting - I'm a textbook case lol xx