4.9lbs DOWN !!!!!!!!!!!

Good morning everyone, well my shouting says it all I am beyond happy however I need to point out that I started last Saturday with a DD so I had 4DD's and 3 UP's this second week will be the other way round as I am having 2 UD's this weekend.
It works! I convinced myself it works and not only it works I am in a much better place. I have a cupboard full of sweet stuff, fruit bowl is full again, bread in the bread bin and not once on any of my DD I was tempted to go and raid them. It's so liberating and it m akes all the difference to be able to say you can have that tomorrow instead of you cannot have that because you're on a diet,remember? I have a life again and my poor husband loves it, he had a loss of 7lbs this week (I know I nealry battered him with the scales this morning) and life is good. I want to thank all of you that helped me so much this week all the questions and moaning and shouting LOL
I'VE LOST WEIGHT EATING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now please excuse me but this skinny biatch needs to get ready for some racing *ooo err*