Gold Member
This explains it perfectly for me Intermittent Fasting, Stress and Anxiety | The IF Life so definitely not going to fast until I have calmed down, the mentally obsessing part is very much me anyway, I am an overthinker!
This explains it perfectly for me Intermittent Fasting, Stress and Anxiety | The IF Life so definitely not going to fast until I have calmed down, the mentally obsessing part is very much me anyway, I am an overthinker!
My anxiety comes out with illnesses more then me actually feeling it. I get ill every winter cos I think my body can't cope anymore and the winters here are savage and I have to be outside a huge amount of the time. I bottle stuff up too and usually OH gets it over "nothing" cos I store up grievances for months then blow up over the last straw.I do wonder if dieting long term can create a chemical imbalance in our bodies too but I have no idea if that's scientifically possible. Yesterday I went out for the day with OH and we went for lunch and I realised I was absolutely starving. If I'd been at home I wouldn't have had anything to eat. I did wonder, at the time, if I do that on a regular basis. IF only works if it's intermittent. Maybe your calories are too low on your UD so you body is under stress most of the time instead of intermittently? It could lead to adrenaline fatigue especially with what's been going on there. xx
Just had a long chat with OH at lunchtime about this and he brought up how focused I have been on getting my holiday weight off, I've lost nearly 12lbs of it and when I think about it I did pull out all the stops to get it off, thats a lot in 16 days!
You could be on to something regarding the UD cals, as I didn't have any UD's at all the first week back except drinks at the weekend...empty calories from booze really, everything else has been an MD or less food wise, he also commented on that he's never liked the idea of me going for very long periods of time without eating and he's happy I am laying off it for now. I think you've hit the nail on the head with the intermittent bit, looking back I was happiest and more successful on JUDDD when I stopped interfering in it, i.e. just fasted every other day and didn't think too much about other days, lately I've been far too extreme in my approach, even on UD's trying to limit my intake, it's not good and this is where it's got me. So hopefully this will serve as useful info to anyone who's tempted to take IF too far.
I also believe now, looking back at my stats I was not eating enough on UD's and thats when my "failed fasts" started and then my weight just went all over the place, that of course was the beginning of the stress factor, I just thought I was failing at dieting yet again, not that my body was shouting warnings from the rooftops and ploughed on regardless. In the end I wasn't eating properly any days!
This really has been a big wake up call for me, after only a couple of days of following SW (mainly because I think my body needs lots of healthy stuff at the moment), I am astonished at how little I can eat in a sitting, sometimes only managing half a portion. It's really brought home to me that I have a lot of work to do to feel well again.
I am the same as you, I save stuff up and have a twice yearly blow out with OH, he's well use to it now and doesn't take them particularly seriously any more, I shall have to review my tactics!![]()
I was down again this morning 13/15 since 10th August I am very pleased, feeling a little better today as well. The last few days I've been having at least half my plate full of veggies and just snacking on fruit and ff yog's if needed, although not needed much to be honest.
Lb I think you are dead right about the 36 hour fasts if/when I go back to JUDDD I would be more interested in doing the 24 hour ones rather than the big ones as it's worth noting that if you do 4:3 it means you are actually not eating or eating very little for 108 hours/168 per week, no wonder my OH was getting hacked off with it and then theres me trying to restrict what I was eating in the remaining UD's 60 hours, god no wonder I am not well.