Jumping to JUDDD to get me to goal, and beyond!

Mixed emotions for you today. Five years isn't long is it. Bless your wee dad...

As for the wedding anniversary...

Have a great day today. Enjoy acting like a normal person who eats food! X
Mixed emotions for you today. Five years isn't long is it. Bless your wee dad...

He'd been deteriorating with Alzheimer's for seven years before that so when he died it was a blessing to be honest. Weirdly though, I woke up at 5.10am this morning to go to the loo and it was exactly 5.10am five years ago that my mum rang me to tell me he'd died in the night. :eek:
He'd been deteriorating with Alzheimer's for seven years before that so when he died it was a blessing to be honest. Weirdly though, I woke up at 5.10am this morning to go to the loo and it was exactly 5.10am five years ago that my mum rang me to tell me he'd died in the night. :eek:

It's strange how those things happen.

I had a funny feeling one sat night. It was an X factor final night in December and I was settling to watch that. I had a quick notion to go n visit my gran as she hadn't been well. So at 9.00pm I decided to do 3 hour drive from north west England to Scotland, I arrived at midnight and when I knocked, there was a commotion behind the door. She had collapsed behind the door and my uncle, who had decided to stay the night, was struggling to get her off the floor. Anyway, we got her up to bed, changed, settled and I had a nice chat with her. She then drifted away a few hours later. Don't know what made me do the drive on a blustery, winters night, Something made me be there at the end.

I have a very good friend who's birthday is the same date as my dads passing and her wedding date is also her husbands birthday, which was also my dads birthday (30th July)

I'll try to tell you this story without it being long winded:

I lived in South Africa as child and my nanna used to send newspapers over to us from Scotland. My mum, whilst pregnant with my sister Wendy, read about a young girl (9 yrs old) who had been killed by a neighbour in our home town. The paper reported that the girls mum was pregnant.

4 years later we moved back to Scotland and ended up next door to that family. My sister Wendy became best friends with their girl, as they were born within days of each other, albeit in different countries.

The girl looked exactly like her sister who had been killed, to the point where my cousin, who had moved to the States, collapsed during a visit, when she saw her running down the street, as she thought it was Angela. They had been best friends.

The guy who had committed the crime was sentenced and served his time in a prison. The guy was eventually coming to the end of his sentence and was due to be released. My sister had joined the police force. One day, she was sent to the prison with a colleague to investigate a suspicious death. It turned out to be the murderer. She went to the morgue for his post morgen and it appears he died by lethal injection, the day before his release. It was felt that the other prisoners were involved.

How's that for coincidences? My sister was unborn, inside my mum in South Africa, when he committed murder in Scotland, and she ended up at his post morgen and investigating his death. Karma?

Sorry that's a bit spooky! X
That gave me goose bumps TH!
Hi Cate. Pleased to see how well you're doing!
I have a very good friend who's birthday is the same date as my dads passing and her wedding date is also her husbands birthday, which was also my dads birthday (30th July)

30th July is my brother's birthday.

The other story is amazing.
It's strange how those things happen.

I had a funny feeling one sat night. It was an X factor final night in December and I was settling to watch that. I had a quick notion to go n visit my gran as she hadn't been well. So at 9.00pm I decided to do 3 hour drive from north west England to Scotland, I arrived at midnight and when I knocked, there was a commotion behind the door. She had collapsed behind the door and my uncle, who had decided to stay the night, was struggling to get her off the floor. Anyway, we got her up to bed, changed, settled and I had a nice chat with her. She then drifted away a few hours later. Don't know what made me do the drive on a blustery, winters night, Something made me be there at the end.

I have a very good friend who's birthday is the same date as my dads passing and her wedding date is also her husbands birthday, which was also my dads birthday (30th July)

I'll try to tell you this story without it being long winded:

I lived in South Africa as child and my nanna used to send newspapers over to us from Scotland. My mum, whilst pregnant with my sister Wendy, read about a young girl (9 yrs old) who had been killed by a neighbour in our home town. The paper reported that the girls mum was pregnant.

4 years later we moved back to Scotland and ended up next door to that family. My sister Wendy became best friends with their girl, as they were born within days of each other, albeit in different countries.

The girl looked exactly like her sister who had been killed, to the point where my cousin, who had moved to the States, collapsed during a visit, when she saw her running down the street, as she thought it was Angela. They had been best friends.

The guy who had committed the crime was sentenced and served his time in a prison. The guy was eventually coming to the end of his sentence and was due to be released. My sister had joined the police force. One day, she was sent to the prison with a colleague to investigate a suspicious death. It turned out to be the murderer. She went to the morgue for his post morgen and it appears he died by lethal injection, the day before his release. It was felt that the other prisoners were involved.

How's that for coincidences? My sister was unborn, inside my mum in South Africa, when he committed murder in Scotland, and she ended up at his post morgen and investigating his death. Karma?

Sorry that's a bit spooky! X

I have goose bumps!!
Day 13 - UD

9.10am - coffee with milk
10.30am - bacon baguette
1pm - small bar of chocolate, coffee
2.30pm - bowl of chopped up nectarine and blueberries with Greek yog and brown sugar
Evening at party - plate of curry and rice, pakoras, trifle, cup cake, four glasses of wine, one of prosecco

I know this sounds daft but I really wanted to eat more at the party but was so stuffed I just couldn't. Lying here on the sofa feeling a bit sick in fact. Think my stomach has shrunk for sure.
11.00am - had a terrible night's sleep. Had heartburn and felt like I could have been sick at any moment. If I wasn't such a coward about being sick I'd have stuck my fingers down my throat. Also had the clammy sweats you get when you're body is getting ready to throw up. Managed to avoid it though by lying perfectly still. Finally dropped off sometime after 2.00am and then woke up at 5.00am and from then - apologies for this next bit - until about 7.30am needed the loo about four times for no. 2s. Left the house at 8.10am to take James to golf and took a coffee with me. Since we got back I've had a bacon and fried egg sandwich, six oatcakes spread with butter bean dip, small bar of chocolate and a Bueno bar. Feeling vaguely human again now. Definitely feeling like I've got a hangover but with no headache. Going to have a Coke Zero now and hope that this completes my recovery. James has got a friend coming over about 12pm so while they monopolise the living room with the Xbox I'll crack on with some ironing and then take to my bedroom for the afternoon and either have a nap, watch some TV or catch up on some reading or more likely all three. :)
Hope you're feeling better soon Cate. It probably didn't suit you having wine and so much rich food after so long on low carb and low calorie meals!
Hoping you feel better honey xx
That's Strange but hope its cleared through your system now Cate. X
How are you doing?
Day 14 - UD

8.30am - coffee with milk
9.30am - bacon and egg sandwich; six oatcakes with butter bean dip; small bar of chocolate; Bueno bar
11.00am - Coke Zero
2pm - small bar of chocolate
4pm - 2 x slices of ham, scotch egg, potato salad, noodle salad
8pm - bowl of chopped up nectarine and blueberries with Greek yog and sugar
10pm - 10 x Haribo Strawbs

So yesterday's food was driven very much by eating what I felt like when I felt like it due to the delicate nature of my stomach. I made enchiladas for James and his friend for tea and I really wanted them too but in the event just couldn't face eating anything at 7pm after having eaten at 4pm so ended up just having fruit and yoghurt at 8pm.

So today is the start of my third week of JUDDING; it's a DD which is almost a relief as feel my body needs a break. Weigh in tomorrow. Feeling very nervous about it. Still feel that I have to get a better handle on my UDs.
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I think you're doing brilliantly Cate! It's just the guilt of eating normally you need to get past, that's what Juddd is all about
Just catching up on your diary chick - Juddd looks like it suits you- your first week loss was fab well done! Glad you are over whatever ailed you the other day :)
I bet you'll have a fab loss tomorrow - good luck!!!