Jumping to JUDDD to get me to goal, and beyond!

Cant really add much Cate but keep at it and you will be rewarded with a loss

Love from sleepy lol x
Oh my god Cate, what she said ^^
Weebuns what a great reply, and wow your stats are amazing you are doing really well!!
Ali is the star of this forum and a wise old (not) owl!! :worthy:
Day 16 - UD

8.00am - bacon sandwich, two oatcakes with butter bean dip, coffee with milk
9.30am - coffee with milk
1.45pm - Exante bar, usual yoghurt and fruit combo. Coke Zero
5.30pm - small plate of cabbage and gravy with one roast potato, one scoop of Carte D'Or Eton Mess ice cream (just to taste)
7.30pm - enchiladas with salad, 1/2 bar of chocolate (275 cals in the chocolate)

Not a bad UD overall. As I was in the office today I have drunk shed loads of water but I can see I'm retaining as I have swollen ankles. Was organised enough to prepare my yog and fruit combo to take with me but just took an Exante bar to have in place of a sandwich. After work I arrived at my mum's to pick up James. As I walked into the living room the first words out of his mouth were 'are you eating here?' It transpires that mum hadn't had as many ribs as she thought and had saved some for me but he wanted them. When I said he could have them his exact words were 'mum, you're a legend'. So I ended up with a plate of cabbage and gravy and a single roastie. Wasn't overly bothered because in my head I was having the last remaining serving of enchiladas which are now in the oven re-heating. Think I'll have half a bar of chocolate as my after dinner treat as I am taking Ali's advice not to drastically cut my UD calories. I agree that two weeks isn't long enough to get a proper feel for how this is going to work out for me long-term, especially having just come off 12 weeks of VLCDing.
Hey, I know the weigh in wasn't what you were after, but logging back in after all this time it's brilliant to see you've had some excellent weight loss! I don't know much about JUDD but it could be glycogen weight, water retention (esp in this heat and with drinking alcohol I've had to really up my water intake) and just your body adapting. Give it time. A change is as good as a rest and I reckon it's just your metabolism getting used to the change. Also, having a quick read, what's struck me most is that you're really being mindful about what you eat. It's that kinda thing that's going to have a real lasting impact on your weight. So, you stayed the same this week (0.4lbs really doesn't count as a gain), what you really gained was insight and control around your eating habits if you ask me.

Thanks for that, hun. Am feeling a bit more rational tonight.
Why should you be embarrassed??? You are doing great, trust me. Google 2nd week weight loss and you will see that on many of the mainstream diets 2nd week weight loss is notoriously weird..gains, sts...it's why so many people chuck their diets. You have done nothing wrong it is just your body adjusting. Your body and digestive system is getting used to food again..I had a sts when I increased my fibre intake as it was sucking up extra liquid and making me heavier...it went the next week with a whoosh. Don't panic!! Whatever you do don't start slashing your UDs dramatically...it doesn't work. I've seen so many people doing that and then they just disappear off to try something else. Think of the positives of this last week...eating with your son, social occasions without guilt, all the gorgeous food you've had to eat...if you'd done that "cheating" while still on a vlcd how much would you have put on?? 0.4lbs is nothing..if you had got up an hour or so later and peed a bit more it would have been a sts. I know it's hard not to be disappointed but just give it time. One week's weigh in is nothing in the scheme of things...it isn't indicative of a trend. I would avoid the daily weighing as fear the fluctuations you get daily with fasting would just make you more anxious that it wasn't working. Keep doing what you've been doing and see what the scales say next week. It does work if you stick with it x

As always, lots of common sense. I am certainly going to be sticking with it. Thanks hun.
OMG, my ankles are huuuuuuuge.:eek:
Don't be daft, lass!
Oh Cate...I do think that it will just be your body settling back into more normal food!

that very very small gain is nothing in the brilliant journey you have had so far.

keep the focus
Check out the new JUDDD challenge to keep you motivated Cate.

Kitty, I can't find this. Where is it? TBH not sure I want to sign up to a challenge as I don't want to put any extra pressure on myself and set myself up for failure. Not sure I have the type of personality that responds well to these challenges. I know they're meant to keep you motivated but I think that they have a detrimental effect on me if I don't achieve the goal. With that in mind, I've taken my goal date off my stats. I've just determined in my own mind that I shall keep going until I get there and the when is something of an irrelevance - within reason of course!
Thank you for that. No pressure Cate, you have to do what works for you x

Well I've done it. Didn't want to be a party pooper. You never know, it might help me stay off the chocolate on my UDs!!
Day 17 - DD

6.30am - coffee with milk
9.00am - Exante shake
11.00am - coffee with milk
2.30pm - mug of bouillon
6.00pm - Coke Zero
7.00pm - Exante product

I don't know what it is about today but it can't be over soon enough for me so that I can EAT SOMETHING. Thing is, I'm not even that hungry - well no hungrier than I have been on other DDs (am writing this at 6.00pm); just really want to eat.

Going to cook James' tea now and I'll have a Coke Zero while I'm doing that. Then I'm going to make my own butter bean dip concoction to keep in the fridge. Got a recipe off the internet. Will hold out and won't have my last Exante product until around 7pm. Shake or bar, shake or bar, shake or bar??? Can hardly contain my excitement - not! LOL. Tomorrow though pie or scampi, pie or scampi, pie or scampi - now that's what I call a decision! :eat: If I hadn't signed up for Kitty's challenge I might even had had both!!

Hope everyone's had a good day.