Jumping to JUDDD to get me to goal, and beyond!

I felt really hungry this morning but had my shake at 9am and feel OK now. Just about to have my first coffee of the day. Keeping an eye on this forum as waiting for Ali to post her weigh-in results - first in a month! Sad I know. LOL.
Well done cate ure doing fab!! Love reading your diary. This is all a learning curve hun n its for life! So dont be so hard on yourself. Xx you had lots of achievements yesterday too!! Woohoo!
5.30pm - right at this minute I'm really wishing it was an UD as really fancy steak pie and chips with gravy from the Top Gun chippy because it is so pie and chips weather here. Almost hoping the weather's just as bad tomorrow because that's what I'll be having for lunch if it is. :eating:
Well done cate ure doing fab!! Love reading your diary. This is all a learning curve hun n its for life! So dont be so hard on yourself. Xx you had lots of achievements yesterday too!! Woohoo!

Thanks Goose. Glad you're enjoying my ramblings. Documenting this weight loss venture is helping me stay accountable and stick with it both on this thread and on my original Exante thread.
Day 12 - DD

8.00am - up and water
9.00am - Exante shake
10.30am - coffee with milk
1.00pm - coffee with milk
4.00pm - Coke Zero
6.50pm - Exante shake

Another good DD. Feeling hungry now and just about to have my last shake and then go and pick James up from his friend's. No wine there for me tonight. Funny how the hunger comes and goes during the day. I felt fine half an hour ago.

So that's the last fast done for the week. Sighs with relief! Two days of food to look forward to. No food events planned for this weekend (apart from the pie and chips) so am going to try and not go mad. Hope everyone has a fab weekend. :)
Well done on another good day Cate.

My be a silly question but what's the difference between Greek yoghurt & ordinary yoghurt.

Have a great weekend planning your food :D x
Well done cate! Have a lovely weekend x
May be a silly question but what's the difference between Greek yoghurt & ordinary yoghurt.

Briefly, it's strained more to get rid of more of the liquid whey so it's thicker and has a higher fat content so it's creamier than ordinary yoghurt and of course higher in calories. It's also higher in protein and lower in carbs than regular natural yoghurt. Better in cooking too as thanks to the higher fat content it doesn't curdle. You can Google the difference for more details if you want any more hun.
So, I do have a food event this weekend. Tomorrow I have my friend's dad's 70th birthday party. She's having a buffet style open house from 3pm on. Forgot we'd been invited. So we're going to that. Looking forward to it as will be able to pick at bits which is one of my favourite ways to eat and I'll be having a few drinks too. I LOVE JUDDD!!! :D
So, I do have a food event this weekend. Tomorrow I have my friend's dad's 70th birthday party. She's having a buffet style open house from 3pm on. Forgot we'd been invited. So we're going to that. Looking forward to it as will be able to pick at bits which is one of my favourite ways to eat and I'll be having a few drinks too. I LOVE JUDDD!!! :D

It's very handy isn't it?! X
Oo enjoy the BBQ! X
Or rather the buffet! Where did I get BBQ from I wonder? Sorry
9.10am and am waking up with my first coffee of the day. Went to bed last night dreaming of having a bacon baguette - even took the baguette out of the freezer. But this morning not sure what I feel like. It's so frustrating finally being able to eat all this stuff to then discover that quite often you don't really want it. Like in a lot of areas of life the old maxim holds true: that we always want what we can't have.

So plan for the day is to pop to see my mum (it's the 5th anniversary of my dad's death today not to mention what would have been my 28th wedding anniversary if I hadn't got divorced!! LOL - can't believe that that was 28 years ago - yikes), get the washing done and the housework, get a 70th birthday card for my friend's dad and then get down to her's for between 3-4pm. So looking forward the buffet! Have a great day everyone.