Jumping to JUDDD to get me to goal, and beyond!

Day 10 - DD

Felt hungry this morning but after a glass of water and a coffee that's subsided. Will have my shake around 9.30am just before I take James to golf camp as want to try and get 10 hours of 'fasting' time in today.
Have a great day today xx
I'm on the fast train with you & for the first time since I started 4 months ago I'm wishing trains had seatbelts x
I'm on the fast train with you & for the first time since I started 4 months ago I'm wishing trains had seatbelts x

You've done so well and so close to ur target - hope ur fast day goes well today - u can do it - ur seatbelt's in ur mind I reckon!!
Pepperoni pizza has just gone on my 'have it tomorrow' list. Just cooked one for James for lunch and am still salivating.
I lay money on it that when you can have it tomorrow you won't want it x

LOL. I've just driven past the Chinese and thought to myself that I think I'd prefer their Singapore noodles with salted spicy ribs than pepperoni pizza tomorrow!! So fickle. Will have to decide. Maybe I'll have a Chinese at the weekend. New mantra - everything I want but just not all at the same time!
Day 10 - DD

8.00am - coffee with milk
9.30am - Exante bar; coffee with milk
2.00pm - Coke Zero
4.00pm - coffee with milk
5.00pm - coffee with milk
8.00pm - Exante shake

Another successful DD. Had a couple of coffees at my neighbour's so might have gone slightly over my 500 cals as had a bit of extra milk but nothing to get my knickers in a twist over. Looking forward to an UD tomorrow which I think will be quite controlled as it's my day in my client's office and I never really think about food when I'm there. Still, if I'm restrained during the day I can indulge tomorrow night when James won't be here as he's going for a sleepover at a friend's. Whatever happens, I intend to enjoy my food.
Well done on another great down day! I'm planning bacon butty for breakfast, huge chicken Caesar salad for lunch in croutons transported to work in my amazing new satchel shaped cool bag I bought tonight at asda & salsa chicken & either rice or cous cous for tea mmmmmmm
Well done Cate. Good going there. How exciting is the idea of food?!

I've bought brown seeded bread n butter so I'm thinking toast for breakfast with some fruit.

Don't know about lunch and dinner will be with my friend. Hopefully pizza! I feel happy knowing I've got a dr Oetekers pizza with my name on it, even if I don't end up having it tomorrow!

Sleep well x
Well done on your loss and another successful DD. Can't wait to see your menus for today; I,too, no longer eat low fat dairy or vegetable-based oils/margarine. Still need to give up the sweeteners, though. I don't consume much dairy, but love Greek Yoghurt.
Day 11 - UD

8.30am - cheese and ham toastie. my Greek yoghurt/blueberries/strawberries combo, coffee with milk
10.30am - white coffee
1.00pm - Exante bar
1.30pm - white coffee
6.30pm - 2 x small glasses white wine
8.30pm - pepperoni pizza with salad, scotch egg, 2 x Bueno bars

Went a bit mad last night. And will have definitely eaten more than my 1895 cals; more like 2,800. Up until the evening I was fine. I didn't eat during the day because I was in my client's office and am never organised enough to take a packed lunch so just grabbed an Exante bar as usual and had that. Plcked James up from my mum's in the evening and dropped him round at his friend's for the sleepover and the mum asked me in and we had a couple of small glasses of wine. Then I headed off to Lidl for my pepperoni pizza. The girls were right - I wasn't craving it anymore but I wasn't feeling like anything else in particular so had that. I was so hungry by now I bought the scotch eggs too, fully intending to eat one in the car on the way home but then decided, no, to act with some restraint and to wait until I got home. Got in the door and put the pizza in the oven. I was tempted to have some pitta and houmous while waiting for the pizza to cook but I didn't deciding that I could wait 20 minutes. The old me would definitely have eaten the scotch egg in the car and had the pitta while waiting for the pizza to be ready. So that was all good. Then I went mad and had the whole pizza, plus the scotch egg which I didn't need and then two Bueno bars. One would have been fine. Still learning.

Looking at my calories during the day - the toastie, the fruit and yoghurt and the Exante bar, this probably wasn't any more than 800 cals so what I then managed to put away in a couple of hours in the evening amounted to around 2,000 cal, 800 of which were in the pizza. It's frightening how it all adds up so quickly.

Anyway Day 12 today and my last DD of the week. Two UDs to look forward to over the weekend.
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