Kandy gastric bypass diary before and after(ish) piccies!

Is that cos you should be eating more?!! :confused:

Hiya DQ,
Yes i should be eating 6 times a day and drinking 2 litres of water sugar free squash .
Finding it too hard to eat at work because i cant eat if i am rushing about.
Had a bad experience tonight same as with the chicken but this time with fish boohoo :cry:.
Only took an hour to get it up but think i will give the meat and fish a rest for while :rolleyes:.

Have lost 2 stone now and had a good trying on session with my clothes felt pretty good :D.

Hope your well hunny love Julie xxx
2 stones is so fab julie love,

Well done!!!!

How fabulous it feels when clothes start to become tooo big.... I think your doing great.... imagine what gorgeous clothes you'll be in at Christmas.... are you goign to get soem photos u soon????

Love Nas x
Glad the weight loss is going so well, but :hug99: on the problem you are having with meat/fish. Hope things settle down for you babes xx
2 stones is so fab julie love,

Well done!!!!

How fabulous it feels when clothes start to become tooo big.... I think your doing great.... imagine what gorgeous clothes you'll be in at Christmas.... are you goign to get soem photos u soon????

Love Nas x

Hiya Nas,
Yes it is great and have enjoyed binning some fat clothes already :D

I have got to put the piccies on my laptop but must admit still a little embarrassed about unveiling my fat self haha !

Your holiday piccy looks gorgeous !
Take care luv Julie xxx
Glad the weight loss is going so well, but :hug99: on the problem you are having with meat/fish. Hope things settle down for you babes xx

Hiya DQ,
I am a little concerned about the meat/fish thing its not uncommon for some people to have a stoma that is too small so solids cant easily pass through i am hoping its just me not chewing enough or eating too fast and that is probably the case. I am reluctant to try again because it takes a long time to bring it up and wipes me out for hours afterwards.
Saturday was my baby girls birthday ( she was 12! lol )
While they were all enjoying there party food and waiting for me so i could get the cake out i was upstairs retching for england sorry tmi .

See your not well hunny hope your fighting fit soon
luvs ya Julie xxx
Today i feel a little anxious about my op gone is the high of losing weight because i feel absolutely shattered .

I did very little at the weekend really compared to the usual as i have no energy at all .

I had to spend another 2 hrs yesterday with a bucket in my lap because i felt so sick ( i wasn't though)

I just felt very down and convinced i had done the wrong thing . I was thinking what if it's always like this ? Will i ever be able to socialise without fear of chucking up ? Feeling weak will it ever get better ? Why do i feel like this now ?

I am feeling despondant about what i can eat to the point that i sometimes feel sick before i taste it, they are all things that i have always had trouble with i am not too good with dairy and its really a must after this op . :rolleyes:

I know that in 2 weeks i am allowed to eat anything i wish but i am truly scared about that because thats when the real test will come, what if nothing agrees with me ?

I know i am being a drama queen about it but i have felt really down and i think its important i get this all down for future reference .

Love Julie.
Here's to a better week xxx
Hey julie....

I mean your taking in such little calories... your not goign to be completely buzzing are you????

I am sure with time, trials and errors... this will all become very positive for you!!!! I mean everything has gon so well to date... I was very surprised at how smooth things were going for you.... so I'm sure that there will be a few bumps on the way.... that's just the way it goes whatever you do in life!!!

Have you had any contact with the other lady that had the op with you??? How's she doing???

Stick in there... I'm sure it will get better.... plus dont forget that theres lots of bugs out there... lots of my family have had a horrendous sickness bug all last week... so it could be something like that and nothing to do with your op!!!!!

Lots of Love Nas x
Hey julie....

I mean your taking in such little calories... your not goign to be completely buzzing are you????

I am sure with time, trials and errors... this will all become very positive for you!!!! I mean everything has gon so well to date... I was very surprised at how smooth things were going for you.... so I'm sure that there will be a few bumps on the way.... that's just the way it goes whatever you do in life!!!

Have you had any contact with the other lady that had the op with you??? How's she doing???

Stick in there... I'm sure it will get better.... plus dont forget that theres lots of bugs out there... lots of my family have had a horrendous sickness bug all last week... so it could be something like that and nothing to do with your op!!!!!

Lots of Love Nas x
Hiya Nas,

I have kept in contact with my op buddy and she is not doing very well at all ,she may have to go back and have some corrective surgery if things don't improve . She can only stomach blended foods and sloppy foods so i am 1 stage ahead of her and i am pretty sure that the sickness is just me not chewing everything small enough its hard to stay conscious of how your eating when there are distractions around .
The 1st piece of chicken i ate went down a treat so i think it must be me .

I am sure i am just having a bad few days which is to be expected when i have been so hyper for 3 wks lol .

Take care hun lotsa luv Julie xxx
How about soups Julie? you could make a lovely chicken soup and dice the chicken really small or even blend the whole thing. You need to get the nutrition in to feel stronger. I have to say I am not a great meta eater but I do enjoy the flavour, so soup does it for me (got one on the go as we speak! Would give you a bowl if I could!).

Sounds like you are doing fabtastically though honey, so try not to get down. You have been so brave and Not at All a drama queen; I am sure if it had been me I would have been whinging for England!

Take care and try to do that little and often thing; I am sure that will help.

Loads of love
How about soups Julie? you could make a lovely chicken soup and dice the chicken really small or even blend the whole thing. You need to get the nutrition in to feel stronger. I have to say I am not a great meta eater but I do enjoy the flavour, so soup does it for me (got one on the go as we speak! Would give you a bowl if I could!).

Sounds like you are doing fabtastically though honey, so try not to get down. You have been so brave and Not at All a drama queen; I am sure if it had been me I would have been whinging for England!

Take care and try to do that little and often thing; I am sure that will help.

Loads of love

Hiya Barb,
Have just been talking to a lady from a bypass forum and her and several others seem to think that eating chicken and fish is something i shouldnt be considering untill around 6 weeks out and for some meat is one of the hardest things to digest and are still struggling almost 2 years out which has made me feel alot better i will just carry on with the other things for a few weeks now, until i have calmed down a bit.

I can eat the tins of big soup so i will have it twice a day and then i will be having a whole tin so plenty of protein.
Feel i must concentrate on getting the meals in and upping the water intake too . Done quite well this morning liquid wise so will carry on with it .

Good to see your doing so well :D
Lotsa luv Julie xxx
Hiya Kandy just read your thread and thought I would say well done you.

Its my first visit back to minis in a year, but I do remember you talking about possibly having the op if the SSing didn't work for you way back on the DH boards (seems like a life time ago). Glad things are going well for you and that the pounds are rolling off. Good luck
Hiya Barbara,
Thank you it has sure been an experience thus far. I have been on and off ss for 2 years now and it was very soul destroying for me personally ( although i know it's a great tool for others ) .

I am truly pleased i have had this op i would be suffering terribly with guilt associated with food this time of the year and although i am having some troubles with my plumbing i wouldnt swap it ! lol

Good luck with your ssing and thanks for dropping in, i love having visitors :D lol
take care hun love Julie xxx :D
Hi hun, just popping by to say good morning and how you doing today.

I think you're doing fantabulously babes, so keep up the good work xxx
Hi hun, just popping by to say good morning and how you doing today.

I think you're doing fantabulously babes, so keep up the good work xxx

Hiya hunnybunch,
i always do what seargent sarah tells me lol !

I think your pretty fantabulous yourself , love Julie xxx
Hiya Julie.

Hope all is goign good in Julie's world!!!!

Love Nas x

Hiya Nas,
going good today been busy, eaten properly, drunk plenty and busy at work and did some exercise must keep motivated .

Hope your better than yesterday hun, love Julie xxx