Silver Member
Well have neglected my poor thread in the run up to the festivities . Everything has been so rushed and then christmas morning i discover the wonderful gift from my hubby is flu :cry:. I have spent the last 2 days in bed dosed up to the eyeballs and shivering sweating and shaking being sick and wishing i was no more
I am now up about and feeling a little better other than a hacking cough and runny nose.
On the plus side i am a pound away from losing 5 stone
feeling pleased with that and a little concerned aswell seems quite quick. On the plus side when i am brave enough to venture out i desperately need new clothes.
Hope everyone had a great christmas and happy new year love Julie xxx
I am now up about and feeling a little better other than a hacking cough and runny nose.
On the plus side i am a pound away from losing 5 stone
Hope everyone had a great christmas and happy new year love Julie xxx