Yesterday was manic! The cool bit was Sonkie popping round for lunch and to come with me to pick up our eldests new uniform from their school. Wemade my son try his blazer on infront of everyone and he looked like he wanted to murder us hehe. After that I took my little darlings into town for some major school uniform supplies.... we spent over an hour and a half in one shop just getting school shoes! I was ready for a breakdown by the end of it... So, we went from there to McDonalds and took the evil food to my mothers. I stole 3 chips from each child and synned then as almost 1/2 a small portion so that is an almost angelic act, me thinks. Not eating them woulda been even better but I am a novice in such fabulousness

I did resist the apple pie and custard (apples from my own tree but baked by mum

) and I coulda eaten kids leftovers but i didnt... I stayed virtuous (ish)
From visiting my mothers we came home, I bathed each kid... applied haircuts & trims where needed, cooked dinner for me and hubby and collapsed into bed at 10pm... then the doorbell rang lol. my mother decided on a latenight visit but only stayed for 10 minutes. She was only passing thru from visiting my sister and just wanted to make sure the kids were ok for their 1st day back, bless her. I didnt feel as tired when she left so i read a few diaries on here and went back to bed.
Getting my 2 youngests up for school this morning was awful. They got up fine but I felt like hell lol. After dropping them off I popped up to Uni to hand in my parking permit application form and MY GOD! they've ripped most of the building down! It is looking rather fab and I am honoured they have considered my attendance worth refurbishing for

. The new gym and pool would have been enough but I guess Im more special than I thought. OK... so turning up there was a bit of a shocker in truth as it kinda hit me that my life will change so much doing this degree... and I kinda cacked meself..

its all real and happening... yikes! exciting whilst petrifying...
So, Im now home to grab my lunch, grab my eldest and pop him to my parents while I go to work. Of course, I have to wake him up first

Boy is he in for a shock on Monday....
So get this... my hubby is going off on a 'rail ale trail' trip on saturday with some blokes from work! alright for some! they pay a tenner for the rail ticket and then go from stop to stop trying different local ales made for different pubs... it just sounds like a pumped up pub crawl to me but he is trying to put a olde worlde grown up twist on it! Shameful! lol. I think that mean I should invite sonya over for a synned drink and a SW meal and redress the balance

Ive remembered Ramadan today so will take my lunch in to eat before the session and will try to make sure no one sees its a ham sarnie
Todays menu... which will no doubt change a few times before im done eating

DAY 2 (of week 14)
WW Yogurt
Pineapple chunks
Ham Salad Sarnie (HEX B)
12g Salad Cream (2 syns)
Icelands BBQ chicken chunks (1.5 syns)
Ainsley Couscous (0.5 syns)
Petit Pois
250ml ‘The One’ milk (HEX A)
Seabrook Crisps 8 syns
Total Daily Syns: 12
Weekly Syns left: (started with up to 105) 86.5