Kat1e's Diary - 7 years low carb - still learning!

Ooooh, sounds really swish and lovely Susie. Will we all be invited to your next big birthday do you think? :D

And glad you had a lovely afternoon tea Katie. Hopefully all the water and dancing will have balanced the books for you. :)
July is when my 3-0 is too! Leo?
ladyfelsham said:
LOL start saving Clare the big 5-0 is in July :eek:

Excellent - what a great excuse for another party :)
Waterworks said:
Ooooh, sounds really swish and lovely Susie. Will we all be invited to your next big birthday do you think? :D

And glad you had a lovely afternoon tea Katie. Hopefully all the water and dancing will have balanced the books for you. :)

Hi Claire, I'm hoping that my tea treat wasn't too bad. Whatever happens on the scales- i can now get into the next size down of my work trousers (Just!!!). How happy does that make me? :D
rosebug said:
July is when my 3-0 is too! Leo?

Sounds like an excuse for a london summer meet up ;)
Evening all
Hi Steve :wavey:

Had a nice relaxed day today. DD spent last night at grandparents and they dropped her straight to theatretrain this morning so we had a lovely grownup morning for a change :D

After lunch decided to start thinking about what to pack for the hols - was going through the wardrobe and found some trousers that once again fit so very excited. This evening may be a bit tiring - DD is having a midnight feast (well in 20 mins lol) - she won her cup of 50 gold drops (reward points) and this was her dream. Whether we will be such doting parents when she runs round the house crazed by chocolate and popcorn in one hour is another matter!:eek:

Diary today:
B bacon and eggs
L chorizo rapido in josephs pita, salad
D salmon, brocolli, spinach, wasabi creme fraiche
S mini pepperami plus might need some cheese later while catching up on a load of House:)

W lots
E nope
A 1 large glass of white
rosebug said:

Are you a fan too? We thought it was just restarting but discovered we had missed 5 episodes somehow! so DH downloaded them today and we are planning a bit of a sesh;)
Am I a fan. I stay up until 2am every Monday to watch the episodes as they air on us tv. I'm also sort of kind of acquainted with one of the actors from the show and terrified of him visiting the UK because I'll be expected to come and say hi and I want to be slim first. I adore the show, although the first 4 seasons were my favorites, 5 and 6 very up and down (fan of taub but not kutner or 13) but this season has been mostly really good again, albeit partly due to some knowing harking back to earlier seasons.

Um, yes, I could basically write an academic thesis on House!
My friend raves about Nurse Jackie Rose. :) Not a huge fan of medical dramas here for some reason though.

Deffo up for a London meet-up in July because I just love London - never mind birthdays! :D
You know the weird thing is I never used to be able to watch medical dramas at all, they either grossed me out or made me cry. Then while I was waiting for my first major surgery I got addicted to scrubs, and the second one it was House! I think it let me feel more familiar with what was going on.

I like most shows with sharply written scripts - would love to write for TV one day. Right now for me it's Silk on the BBC and Being Human, and I'm looking forward to the return of Dr Who next month. Wasn't a fan in the Tennant era but Eccleston and Smith have been great. I just don't have time to watch much right now so I have NJ and BH waiting for me' to finish my uni work.

Oh and I never do anything for my birthday so it would be nice, definitely, to get to say hi to some of you lot :)
Wow Rose, similar reasons but totally different outcomes. Can't get past the credits without bile rising now, LOL.

Looking forward to Dr Who too as I'll be watching it with my eight-year-old for the first time, so this Dr Who will be his first, just as Jon Pertwee was for me the original Dr Who. :D
Strange, isn't it. I didn't purposely get into the hospital shows but they were both during pre-op periods. I'm fascinated by medicine now but the emotional detachment would be impossible for me.

Sylvester McCoy, the poor, much maligned man, was my first Dr. I loved him and Ace so much.
Morning all:)

Still talking about tv - as well as house i like The Mentalist, Monk and of course Dr Who;) actually I'm not very good at medical stuff as i faint at the sight of needles - but just have to hide behind cushions during House lol.

Off out shortly - going round to my best friends house for sunday lunch - we're taking most of it so I'd better get on with the crustless quiches! Then on to a dance workshop this afternoon for 2 hours, dinner out with the other girls followed by monthly dance show - planning to be legal as wi tomorrow

Have a great sunday :D
I haven't seen the mentalist but I have friends who watch. It's with fringe on my 'one day I'll get to it' list.

Ooh show? Do you put it on somewhere?