Hi Kath im doing fine thanks on day three now and still going strong![]()
Yey! Well done
Hi Kath im doing fine thanks on day three now and still going strong![]()
Thanks MiniI'll have a chat with him tonight and see what he says. Like I say he has had a similar thing some time ago and it went away of it's own accord after a few days. My friend's husband had exactly the same symptoms a year ago and he went to hospital - they checked him out and it turned out it was just a muscle strain. It's very likely hubby has the same as he's in the building trade and does a lot of graft so does pull muscles from time to time, seems worse in this cold weather. I will insiste he visit the doctor if it returns. I will interrogate him tonight though and find what sort of pain it was yesterday.
Thanks for the info mini it's really useful and thanks for the concern
Kath xx
Hi Kath,
Hopefully it is nothing but I would feel much happier if you ran it by a doctor.
Love Mini xxx
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay you see ''a size 18 for christmas'' ''a size 18 for christmas''' yeah yeah yeah~~~~ I know you love my singing
Fantastic hunni its the gym and of course all your hard work at abstinance![]()
Fantastic Kath,10 minutesyou fit person you I struggled to do 5 legs were
Yes I was a 18-20 7 weeks ago and now 14-16 (big bossoms lol) it feels great.Your easily do the 18 and I bet the 16 will follow before you can blink well done you
The both of you are sooo brave in going to the gym
Great going though![]()
Hi Kath,
You had a brill weight loss this week and it is great that you now fit into size 22 jeans!!!
It is so exciting come down the sizes...I remember how thrilling it was to get into a size 18 jeans....I felt so skinny and normal once again and it was like saying I was no longer confined to fat shops...that freedom feeling was magic.
I got so excited as well to see how I was doing in the gym and typical of me I over did it and then I stopped going![]()
I am still playing around with the idea of going swimming again, sure do miss it.
Well done with all your successes .![]()
Love Mini xxx
Blimey - don't come online for a few hours and miss all the fun!!!!!!!!
Wow! Well done on the jeans!! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!
And to think just a few weeks ago u were a 26 - just shows how great this plan actually works!
Soo glad hubby is ok!
Well done!! Big hugs!
Much love, chelle xx
Hi Hun,
I TOTALLY understand where u're coming from with the drinking thing! Men never seem to think that a couple of beers are enough! I went to a Birthday party recently with Hubby, and he'd been working lots throughout the week and had hardly eaten anything - and he'd not drunk for some months. Before we went out, I pointed these things out and said it would be wise not to drink too much. Obviously, he thought it was just cos I was ssing and wanted to drink, but I've never been a big drinker anyway!!! Well, to cut a VERY long story short he ended up drinking over half a bottle of vodka - the huge bottles. He was fine up until we got home, then all of a sudden he was vioently ill - he was being sick and at one point choking on it. I almost called an ambulance as he looked soo ill & was shiverring uncontrollably. The next day, I didn't say anything and he couldn't apologise enough - he's says he can't understand why he couldn't have had a couple of drinks and enjoyed them rather then just drink for the sake of getting drunk!
I do think u're in the right, and especially after he's been having chest pains - to drink that much with the excuse of 'everyone else is having the same' and 'i used to drink more before' is just crazy!! Icemoose once said "do the journey not just the diet" - and I've recently worked this out and it's true!!! I understand also about overindulgence - it makes me feel ill just seeing huge amounts of food being "stuffed in" just for the sake of it - unfortunately, tho, I used to do this ALOT. My mum once said "we dispise things in others that we see within ourselves" and it's true - I wouldn't go as far as dispise, but I can certainly relate to recognising my habits in other people and it makes me feel sad and see how weak I was.
Men lose weight much quicker than us women (grrr) so maybe he would be better suited to a more conventional plan - such as Atkins? Personally, I really don't think mixing alcohol and breaking and coming back to ssing is a wise healthy choice - for me, it would trick me into beleiving that I can still eat crap and "get away with it." Just a thought!
Hope Monkey gets better soon - big hugs and kisses!
Take care hun, much love, chelle xx
OMG! You must've been beside yourself when your hubby was ill like that![]()
I am a classic binge eater, shoving everything I can in my mouth and supersonic speed! Normally I would have gone out that night, had a load to drink, had chips on way home and then chocolate when I got in. The next day would be followed with copious rounds of buttered toast and then continued all night with 'hangover food'. I know every diet on earth lol, but have never before managed to actually look properly at my 'eating to excess'. Seeing hubby doing it is making me quite disgusted, but probably the disgust is with myself because I can see the 'old me' and it is quite sad isn't it![]()
Hi Hun,
Yeh, it wasn't a pleasant sight - but one never to be repeated again I can tell u that for sure!!!! Next time, I'll just accidently-on-purpose drop the bottle LOL!!! Thankfully he recovered a few days after!
Yup - 'supersonic speed'... I recognise that!!!!!!!!!! We used to go to family meals out at our local curry house and when I think back of how much I would shovel in - I wasn't tasting the food, I was half chewing and gulping it down but thinking of what I was going to eat next, whilst eyeing up the last whatever it was on the shared plate in the middle of the table so I can get it before anyone else![]()
Saturday nights used to be "treat night" but it never occured to me that the several takeaways we'd had in the week should have been more than enuff!! I'd demolish a full family size bag of peanut M&Ms, a large egg custard tartlet and all this BEFORE yet another takeaway arrived. With the mindset of, I'll be good tomorrow!!!!! LOL!!! 'Piggy' springs to mind!!!!
This is certainly a positive thing recognising this, I never ever want to return to that again and need to learn it's ok to leave food on the plate or save it for later.
We're doing good.... we're definately doing the journey!!!!!
Much love, chelle xx