Afternoon everyone, my day has gone from ok to bad

. I had my doctors appointment this morning, I need to go for my hospital appointment on Tuesday afternoon after group and then to my aunts and staying over, so won't be able to post my weigh in result till Wednesday morning. Anyway that was the ok part of the day ...
after my doc's appointment I went to the gym and did my workout, silly me as I was walking out I went past their scales and weighed myself, I've gained :cry:. I don't think it's my food because I have been having very low syns this week and eating lots of fruit and veg. I think this all has to do with me exercising again or the only other thing I can think of is SALT. When I was doing the challenges, I was on zero salt and it really gave me fab losses. I have heard a lot about salt retaining water in our bodies. This week when I resumed normal eating, I have started using soy sauce in my cooking. I love soy sauce but its very high in sodium. Ontop of that I normally buy that brand called `LO SALT ' which simply is reduced sodium salt, but since I've run out I've been using normal table salt in my cooking which is higher in sodium

I'm so fed up, I felt like I was doing something good for my body, but going back to the gym is making me gain again. I was planning on having 2 rest days anyway on Sunday and Monday, so I will still go gym tomorrow, might as well complete my 5 days. Then I will see what the result is on Tuesday, if its a gain then I will stop gym until I lose another 2 stone, then when I'm 1 stone away from target I will resume gym again, because its affecting my losses

Sorry everyone for my rant, I'm just not a very happy bunny today :cry:.
Kay xx