Kay's journey to health and happiness

I hope its the PF waving her magic wand and making your tummy gurgle Kay. xx

Thanks Sheila, I hope so too. This weight thing gets so stressful when the pf doesn't show up. I've started to get anxious about Tuesday again. Last week I didn't lose anything, I really want my 3 stone award this week Sheila, I'm worried if I don't I might end up having a blow out and going off the rails :( . Sorry for rant. I know I don't sound my usual self today.

Kay xx
Thanks Sheila, I hope so too. This weight thing gets so stressful when the pf doesn't show up. I've started to get anxious about Tuesday again. Last week I didn't lose anything, I really want my 3 stone award this week Sheila, I'm worried if I don't I might end up having a blow out and going off the rails :( . Sorry for rant. I know I don't sound my usual self today.

Kay xx

You wont gain hun - your having a cracking week. Just been looking at this and thinking could stressing about WI be causing it, and the fact that your maybe not getting as much exercise as you used to since your operation.

Worth thinking about and maybe go easy on yourself and not worry every week about the scales. In an ideal world we would lose every week and be at target in no time, but unfortunately life gets in the way sometimes, you need to look at the positives and how far you have come on your journey Kay. Dont focus on the negative - just do your best and no one (including you) could ask for more.

Most cases of constipation are not caused by a specific condition and it may be difficult to identify the exact cause.
However, several factors can increase your chances of having constipation, including:

  • not eating enough fibre, such as fruit, vegetables and cereals
  • a change in your routine or lifestyle, such as a change in your eating habits
  • having limited privacy when using the toilet
  • ignoring the urge to pass stools
  • immobility or lack of exercise
  • not drinking enough fluids
  • stress/anxiety
I went through a stage a while ago of not 'going' on a Wednesday morning before weigh in.... Stress!! X

Your prob right Kathryn its prob because I'm stressed for Tuesday. Will try not to worry, but its hard :rolleyes: .

Kay xx
You wont gain hun - your having a cracking week. Just been looking at this and thinking could stressing about WI be causing it, and the fact that your maybe not getting as much exercise as you used to since your operation.

Worth thinking about and maybe go easy on yourself and not worry every week about the scales. In an ideal world we would lose every week and be at target in no time, but unfortunately life gets in the way sometimes, you need to look at the positives and how far you have come on your journey Kay. Dont focus on the negative - just do your best and no one (including you) could ask for more.

Most cases of constipation are not caused by a specific condition and it may be difficult to identify the exact cause.
However, several factors can increase your chances of having constipation, including:

  • not eating enough fibre, such as fruit, vegetables and cereals
  • a change in your routine or lifestyle, such as a change in your eating habits
  • having limited privacy when using the toilet
  • ignoring the urge to pass stools
  • immobility or lack of exercise
  • not drinking enough fluids
  • stress/anxiety

Thanks Sheila, so many points in that list can affect the pf from coming your right. I know I am drinking enough and eating enough fibre but I think it might be stress and lack of exercise. I think I need to re start the gym from this week hopefully. Thanks again for your support when I'm feeling down, really appreciate it :). Hope your weekend has been good.

Kay xx
Anytime hunni - i'm only doing what I know you all do for me and others when we have a bad day/week. The support is amazing.

My weekend has been good thanks Kay I am going to have an early night im getting too old to go out on the lash until the early hours lol x
Anytime hunni - i'm only doing what I know you all do for me and others when we have a bad day/week. The support is amazing.

My weekend has been good thanks Kay I am going to have an early night im getting too old to go out on the lash until the early hours lol x

Oh me too, hope you have a good nights sleep hun. Night night :)

Kay xx
Thanks Rae Rae I hope so, I have weigh in on Tuesday so feeling a bit anxious. I had a sts last week can't afford not to have a loss this week. How has your weekend been so far ? :)

Kay xx

Been good thankyou. Enjoyed my day off yesterday, was a rare time me and my fiancé had the same day off so spent the day with bim and we didn't stop laughing. Been in work today but it's flown over so its all good. Night hun xx
Night night ladies, going to watch TOWIE then straight to bed. Catch up with you all tomorrow :) .

Kay xx

I'm just catching up on ur day - naughty p fairy - hope she calls soon - but as others have said - so pls try to believe it - ur doing well - unfortunately weight loss doesn't come in a straight line graph even when we're being good - life and our bodies get in the way - understand ur frustration being so close to 3 stone off - just look in the mirror with a b4 pic in ur hand - that shd give u a massive boost - take carex
Night night Kayx
untitled14.png......:eek: the longest 24 hours ! :(

Morning everyone, the pf visited me this morning but again just a brief guest appearance :rolleyes: I hope she comes back again in the day. I have woken up with a big jelly belly and bloating this morning. I really hope this goes down by tomorrow's weigh in. I feel heavier than I did last week :(. I'm tempted to go on the home scales and check but am still resisting. Planning on eating light today and drinking plenty more fluids. Think I will stay away from my favourite coffee because it dehydrates me. Going to have another green day today. I hope you are all having a nice Monday :).

Kay xx
Oh Kay hope you feel better soon. Just been to the veg shop with my three year old son and he insisted we bought sprouts for our tea couldn't help thinking of you lol!
Oh Kay hope you feel better soon. Just been to the veg shop with my three year old son and he insisted we bought sprouts for our tea couldn't help thinking of you lol!

Thanks so much :) hehe I may attempt some more tonight :D !

Kay xx
Kay why don't you try some peppermint tea, supposed to be good for bloating xx

Thanks Rae Rae :), I'm running low on my herbal teas at the mo, need to go buy some, but I have a detox tea which I'm drinking and plan on drinking lots of water today to reduce some of the bloat .

Kay xx