Kay's journey to health and happiness

Hi Kay, glad to hear your aunt was ok. Cheesecake looks delish as usual. Don't think I could have resisted samosas so well done, hat off to you.

Thanks Lindsey it was tough, thank god I packed my SW food with me otherwise there would have been a serious case of syn overdose :D . The cheesecakes are so easy to wiz up and so tasty, you should give them a try you will love them :) . The new choc shot squeezy chocolate is lush, just got that today, I was in chocolate heaven and its only 2 syns for 1 tablespoon which is fab ! I don't even think I used 1 tbsp and still it was a lot :p. Hope your having a nice evening hun :) .

Kay xx
Food looks lush Kay - Im hoping Asda has some of the choc shots in. Lush drizzled over sweet stuff. Oh my goodness imagine it over meringue nom nom x
Food looks lush Kay - Im hoping Asda has some of the choc shots in. Lush drizzled over sweet stuff. Oh my goodness imagine it over meringue nom nom x

I wanted to get mine from Asda too but unfortunately they don't stock them, only Waitrose, Morrisons, Tesco and Sainsburys do. My next nearest after Asda is Sainsburys so I had to make a special trip there to get them. :) It was worth it though it gorgeous !

Kay xx
Mmmm I want some choccy orange cheesecake!!! Xx

It was indeed delicious :). Thinking of trying a choc mint one next with options choc mint flavour sachet, yum yum :p !

Kay xx
I do my cheesecakes like that too but how do you make yours more stiff/set? I have to keep mine in a dessert dish so doesn't spill everywhere x
Will have a look in Tescos next time I am there for the choc shots and quark.

Oh you'll love it promise. At first I thought it was a bit pricey at £2.96 for the little bottle, but then realised a little goes a long way and its very rich in flavour so you don't need much to get that choc hit. The cheesecake is super easy to make, x2 alpen bars (hexb) as base, use half tub of quark mixed with x1 sachet of option hot choc flavour of your choice (2 syns), layer that ontop of the Alpen Light base, then top with fruit of your choice, then squeeze the choc shot ontop for 1 syn, so total syns for cheesecake is 3, not bad at all :). So far I have made choc orange which is my fav, then a summer fruits one and a banana and cinnamon one which was lush. I now want to try out a choc mint one, can't wait :p.

Kay xx
I do my cheesecakes like that too but how do you make yours more stiff/set? I have to keep mine in a dessert dish so doesn't spill everywhere x

This is from an earlier post of mine Jess, hope this helps :) .


The cheesecakes I make round using a cookie cutter. The ingredients is simple and it tastes lovely. The flavours are upto you, you can experiment around with lots of them. So far I have done a summer fruits with chocolate one and a banana and choc one. I want to do a chocolate orange one next that should be yum.

Here is the method for cheesecake -

View attachment 123016Cookie Cutter :)

Take x2 Alpen Light Bars (flavours of your choice - I usually go for the double choc one, it works with most cheesecake flavours) pop them in a microwave for 10 secs (no longer or they will burn). This will allow them to get soft and you can mould them to form the round base. (Best to do it inside a cookie cutter to get the perfect round shape)

Take half a tub of Quark (don't buy a supermarkets own brand they are normally not thick enough for cheesecake, Quarks own is the best). Now mix in x1 sachet of hot choc powder into a bowl. At this stage you can also add a drop of vanilla essence if you fancy. The 11g Options packs are around 2 syns but I use the 16g one which is 2.5 syns but I use only half the pack which is 8g or it will be too sweet. But if you use the 11g pack, you can use all of it, you will be fine.

Once you have mixed the mixture in a bowl, layer it into the cookie cutter, ontop of your Alpen Light base. Now you can choose fruit of your choice to decorate it with. I am normally on a budget so I buy frozen fruit which lasts me longer. Asda do a 500g box of summer fruits in the frozen section, it's wonderful, that's what I used on my cheesecake. You can also use fresh fruit of your choice like I did the banana one.

Now layer with the fruit of your choice ontop of the quark mixture inside the cookie cutter. Now leave it in the fridge to set for 30 mins. Take out the fridge and gently slide the cookie cutter away, very slowly so your cheesecake does not pullout with it, use a spoon to press it down while you pull the cookie cutter away. You should now have a perfect circle shape with all the layers looking pretty.

Voila your 2 syn cheesecake is ready ! :D

Tips - In terms of sweetness you can add sweetner once you have mixed the quark and choc powder if it is not sweet enough for you. I normally find I am ok without it. Also you can dust the fruit with a dash of icing sugar or coco powder to make it look more pretty at the end, but remember to add the syns, I usually use cinnamon powder which is free.
This is from an earlier post of mine Jess, hope this helps :) .


The cheesecakes I make round using a cookie cutter. The ingredients is simple and it tastes lovely. The flavours are upto you, you can experiment around with lots of them. So far I have done a summer fruits with chocolate one and a banana and choc one. I want to do a chocolate orange one next that should be yum.

Here is the method for cheesecake -

http://www.minimins.com/attachments...57-kays-journey-health-happiness-img_0741.jpg http://www.minimins.com/attachments...06-kays-journey-health-happiness-img_0742.jpg http://www.minimins.com/attachments...95-kays-journey-health-happiness-img_0769.jpg
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=123016"/>Cookie Cutter :)

Take x2 Alpen Light Bars (flavours of your choice - I usually go for the double choc one, it works with most cheesecake flavours) pop them in a microwave for 10 secs (no longer or they will burn). This will allow them to get soft and you can mould them to form the round base. (Best to do it inside a cookie cutter to get the perfect round shape)

Take half a tub of Quark (don't buy a supermarkets own brand they are normally not thick enough for cheesecake, Quarks own is the best). Now mix in x1 sachet of hot choc powder into a bowl. At this stage you can also add a drop of vanilla essence if you fancy. The 11g Options packs are around 2 syns but I use the 16g one which is 2.5 syns but I use only half the pack which is 8g or it will be too sweet. But if you use the 11g pack, you can use all of it, you will be fine.

Once you have mixed the mixture in a bowl, layer it into the cookie cutter, ontop of your Alpen Light base. Now you can choose fruit of your choice to decorate it with. I am normally on a budget so I buy frozen fruit which lasts me longer. Asda do a 500g box of summer fruits in the frozen section, it's wonderful, that's what I used on my cheesecake. You can also use fresh fruit of your choice like I did the banana one.

Now layer with the fruit of your choice ontop of the quark mixture inside the cookie cutter. Now leave it in the fridge to set for 30 mins. Take out the fridge and gently slide the cookie cutter away, very slowly so your cheesecake does not pullout with it, use a spoon to press it down while you pull the cookie cutter away. You should now have a perfect circle shape with all the layers looking pretty.

Voila your 2 syn cheesecake is ready ! :D

Tips - In terms of sweetness you can add sweetner once you have mixed the quark and choc powder if it is not sweet enough for you. I normally find I am ok without it. Also you can dust the fruit with a dash of icing sugar or coco powder to make it look more pretty at the end, but remember to add the syns, I usually use cinnamon powder which is free.

Hmm pretty simular way too.... Some people did notice the quark at Tesco seems to be runnier than usual. May have to see again how it is as when I take the mould I use away the quark starts falling down the sides :/ that's why I started using a dessert dish instead... Thanks x
Hmm pretty simular way too.... Some people did notice the quark at Tesco seems to be runnier than usual. May have to see again how it is as when I take the mould I use away the quark starts falling down the sides :/ that's why I started using a dessert dish instead... Thanks x

Hi Jess, Golden Acres Quark is the best, it the perfect consistency for cheesecake. Asda sell them for £0.96 :) .

Hi Jess, Golden Acres Quark is the best, it the perfect consistency for cheesecake. Asda sell them for £0.96 :) .

<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=126907"/>

Yeah that's the one that's been quite watery on top. Might of been a bad batch. Ok pop to shop for some more tomorrow :)
Hello Kay :) missed you yesterday. Glad your aunt is doing ok & you got to spend time with her. That soup look absolutely delicious. Please tell me how you make it I want to try it. Cheesecakes look too luscious for words xxx
Hello Kay :) missed you yesterday. Glad your aunt is doing ok & you got to spend time with her. That soup look absolutely delicious. Please tell me how you make it I want to try it. Cheesecakes look too luscious for words xxx

Well done on your fab loss Cookie :scale: :party0011: so so happy for you !! :p ... okay will post up kale soup recipe in a bit hun ... xx

Ingredients -

x1 small diced onion
x2 stock cubes
x1 can tinned tomatoes
x1 can chick peas
x1 can red kidney beans
75g Kale chopped
250g sliced mushrooms
250g frozen mix veg bag (of your choice, I buy mine from Asda, its an oriental mix one, its yummy)
pinch of garlic powder
pinch of chilli flakes
pinch of black pepper
pinch of cumin powder
pinch of smoked paprika
squeeze of lemon juice
fresh coriander to garnish

Method -

Take a large saucepan, spray with frylight and sauté the onions on medium heat until brown, now add the tin tomatoes and crumble the x2 stock cubes in, cook for 3-4 mins, now add all the vegetables (leave out the kale) add all the spices add more water to the pan so the veggies are covered and now allow to simmer for 15 mins on low heat. Now add a squeeze of lemon juice to the soup and now add the kale and simmer for a further 3-4 minutes then turn off the heat. Garnish with fresh coriander. Your Kale soup is ready and its packed with nutrition and flavour :) .

PS. I used chick peas and red kidney beans to bulk mine up because I was not using chicken because I do green days. If your making this on a red day, then leave the beans out because chicken will be your source of protein, use the rest of the veg and the kale, should come out lovely. :p

Enjoy !! :) xx