Kerry's pregnancy diary
I'm 10 3.5 now... Same as you? You will make up for that by fri xx
No I'm closer to 11 now :-( depressing! I was 10st 11 last weigh in! xx
I'm 10 3.5 now... Same as you? You will make up for that by fri xx
aaah crap!! Are you going to keep chipping away until the wedding and then really get stuck in after it? xx
Go you!!! Its like you're already looking past the wedding into the weight loss mode!! full steam ahead!! Says I stuffing my face with tucs herexx
Yeah but I went a bit ape today haha.. used 37 outta my 26 today!! just demolished a kit kat chunky.. dont even like them!! just cos really!! I'm thinking if I keep my socks up I should be there by xmas!! 3 weeks into minimins and I'm loving it but so bloody tired I feel like I'm dieting since i was 7, get me?? its just been a long pain of a few days haha.. fairy dust anybody?? xx
God i do get you! I feel like I've been dieting all my life!! think this will b a constant battle x x
Mmm I love kit kat chunky's! Loved the orange ones x x
Never tried them, half afraid to.. sticking to my selection of ww bars, 2pp each!! I coulda eaten 3 of them today for that kit kat chunky!! duuuh!! :break_diet:
What's your poa for tomorrow food wise? are you working or what do you be at? I bring a packed lunch with me 4 days and my boss and I eat out mostly fridays.. going good considering he was eating out at cafes 4 days a week with his massive fry up each day.. only so much porridge and scrambled eggs I could order haha.. Mostly I take a sandwich or wrap with 4/5 pieces of fruit but I@m starting to get bored now, must look at lunchbox ideas if i get a chance tomorrow evening xx
Did u find the JUUDD diaries? X
Hi Hun, it's an an 8 hour eating window, so 9-5 or 10-6give it a go!!
Haha look at me trying to make everyone convert lol xxx
They are amaze balls!! think they were just limited addition ones. Which is good cos I'd b buying them all the time!
Not sure what I'm going to have at work tomorrow, I usually have scrambled egg on toast around 8 when everyone else tucks into McDonald's breakfasts ( grrr) and that usually keeps me going through lunch if I have it with beans too, then have a banana or sml sandwich. but with me doing this fasting I won't b eating till 11.30 so prob just be a sandwich at that time. I'm going to be famished! .. You have to mixed it up a bit don't u cos diets do get boring if u stick to the same things xx
Hey hun, Fresh start again today for me. Been to gym and walked the dog so burnt 750 calsalways feel better when I've been to the gym. trying my dress on for the final time on wed, dreading it a bit cos I had it took in a inch :-0
Well done on the loss, I know it's not as much as u wanted but at least it's in the right direction. Once you've got ur results and nights out the way u can focus more on ur diet and get some good losses. xx
Firstly.. 4.30am start?!?! Ill be just back from the loo heading for a second sleepwhat do ya do at all?? Tell me about this fasting you're doing or is it ww or what are ya at? Couldn't go without food haha not a bloody chance.. I'm a pure grazer!! Mooooooooo
yep defo lots of good losses to concentrate on once the next couple weeks are out the way & the dramas died down! pure x-mas slim down count down 4 me & will be giving it my all lol
your hol sounds like such a good incentive! ul defo reach that & will be rocking a bikini feeling awesomecant wait to book a hol once im qualified & earning money.. am thinking cancun.. lush!!
& ps white choc chuncky kit kats are the nicest mmmmm x
Im at work giggling to myself your all writing what id be all should be so proud ur all doing amazing xxx
Well I get up at 4.30, it's 6 am start! I work in a amusement arcade as a supervisor. Once a wk we empty all the machines before we open at 9am. It's tough getting up but once I'm up I'm fine. I'm not 100% how the fasting works but tan on here does it and she has good losses. U have a 8 hr window where u eat then 16 hrs fasting so I've been doing 11.30 - 7.30 eating then fast 7.30 - 11.30 the next day. Apparently u can drink hot drinks with skimmed milk, water, low cal drinks ect when ur fasting. Ur supposed to eat under ur tdee which is the amount of cals ur body needs to maintain , I'll b having around 1500, apparently tho u still lose aslong as ur within the tdee amount. So really within the 8 hrs u won't feel like ur dieting xx