OMG sooo struggled at times,,today ;-( but i have got to 18.20 and not caved in yet ;-)
so far b- Total yog 0%, rhubarb and 2 spiced muffins
l- chicken breast and jelly (not tog!!)
Loads of water!
3.30pm 2 turkey rashers and a fried egg
I have made 2 massive homemade pizzas (yep fris in our house is pizza an pasta night) I also made a tray of rich choc brownies, Mair was bored so she made it with my help. I was busy making more dukan muffins!! Had to or would have caved!!
I made more jelly and yog, still got more chicken to eat, not sure what to have it like yet, prob with spices. I also got 4 muffins left to eat today, no rhubarb or yog left, olympic torch just gone past top of my road and traffic nightmare!!! Not going out as thousands of people around! Already been to 4 shops locally with no luck ;/
I am planning to make dukan custard and maybe dukan choc mug cake as a treat tonight, dunno yet!!
I could use custard powder as a tolerated item I think??
BUT also today arrived some dukan goodies

more biccys this time hazlenut, dukan clusters cereal and dukan oat bran bars,,so will maybe have one of those instead of mug cake n custard. ahhh desicions!!
PP days are not my friend sometimes!!! Did tell myself small sacrifices need to be made to enjoy tomorrows pv day and to continue to lose weight, I defo thought ahh sod it today, i have lost a stone so one slip wont hurt,,OMG what monster was sitting on my shoulder!!
I am v thankful for this forum, really I could hear all my virtual friends telling me to find something dukan friendly and eat it!
My hubby was sweet i told him i was struggling and he said, 'I will serve tea go sit down' he also said go online and speak to the dukan girls! So tea is over, time for me to sit scoff chicken an decide what dukan treat to have ;-)))))))) thanks for listening!