Kitty Kicks Butt 32lbs gone forever.

Official weigh in today (just to get things on track) Weight 187.0 0.6 off since Friday so not going to complain about that. Still on track to make my new challenge, 4.4 pounds to go, 3.5 more weigh ins to do it in! UD today.

You can do it hunni!! I know it xx
188.6 today, acceptable post UD fluctuation. DD today, should be ok as it will be a busy one. Smallest son starts football at 9.30 every day this week so that will get me up and out, then a friend who has been on holiday is coming for coffee this morning. Not much food in the house which also works well for a DD! Shopping coming tomorrow...
Well I'm starving today for some reason. Normally I can go happily to at least 4pm without eating but I have just had a sandwich thin with tomato, cucumber lettuce and a blue cheese triangle, thought I was going to pass out! Means slightly less for dinner but I can live with that. Bank holiday here so everyone is at home, think that might be half the problem, they are having lovely lunch and I'm not....
Well I'm starving today for some reason. Normally I can go happily to at least 4pm without eating but I have just had a sandwich thin with tomato, cucumber lettuce and a blue cheese triangle, thought I was going to pass out! Means slightly less for dinner but I can live with that. Bank holiday here so everyone is at home, think that might be half the problem, they are having lovely lunch and I'm not....

I hate fasting when I'm home with the boys, summer hols will be fun!!!! I have had 170 cals so far & tea will be at 530 as that's when my break is at work....
Exactly, Rach. Bread and cheese which we live on when we're there. Will have to have less cheese and more salad if possible...

Or have less bread and more cheese, salad and meat ;)
Certainly, the more the merrier! Especially if you're bringing Gavin!

186.8 this morning so going in the right direction albeit slowly. UD today and it's all looking a little manic. Leaving small son to footie shortly, call in and get new swimming trunks for biggest son on way back, shopping coming 9-10, working11-1, collect small son from footie then hair cuts for all small people after that. Also need to fit in making dinner/doing some washing etc never mind eating!
Certainly, the more the merrier! Especially if you're bringing Gavin! 186.8 this morning so going in the right direction albeit slowly. UD today and it's all looking a little manic. Leaving small son to footie shortly, call in and get new swimming trunks for biggest son on way back, shopping coming 9-10, working11-1, collect small son from footie then hair cuts for all small people after that. Also need to fit in making dinner/doing some washing etc never mind eating!

You won't have time to eat!!!