Last Person To Post Wins

just thought i#d pop in to say hi on the end of day 3 all going well even in ketosis
:D morning ladies, how are we all on this dark damp miserable day??? :D
Morning everyone! :D Allan how horrible is the weather in Blackpool? It's persistantly pi$$ing down here, absolutely horrible!!! :(:(

Nikki, well done on the size 14 tops! You go girl!!

Gailt well done to you too! Nearly 4 days down now, keep it up and you should have a great loss for your first weigh in! :D

Becky - shoes, dress?! What are they like? I MUST know lol!! ;):D
well im sooo behind today only had a shake and 500ml water. yikes and i have pile of stuff. going to drive to dublin this eve to get the shoes to go with the dress im mad i know and its pissing rain and i hate dublin but i want the shoes sooo bad! there was nothing in towns around here kips!!! the dress is white with black flowers and has a black belt round the middle! the shoes are just normal heels bout a inch with a wee bow on the front!
Nope! But you're outfit sounds fab! Yay. How have the teams done this week? I'm looking for the results.

well ive just added my teams, so its bumped up near the top :) we lost 1.55% as a team!

Oooh dress sounds nice Becky! Is it a party frock/special occasion frock?

its my bday next fri come on mrs d get with programme!!going out which is prob a bad idea considering i have to be up early sat morning to head to the airport :( at least i might sleep on the plane! will u miss me?

P.S. No you don't win Becky did.

:giggle: spanx x

Frock! I love people who still use that word!

yeah auld ones!!!!!!!! only messing mrs d!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :giggle: :giggle:
its my bday next fri come on mrs d get with programme!!going out which is prob a bad idea considering i have to be up early sat morning to head to the airport :( at least i might sleep on the plane! will u miss me?

Your birthday?!! Really?!! :rolleyes::D Miss you? No!! Only messing! It's gonna be quiet around here, I'll have to think up ways to make sure Allan behaves himself! :rolleyes:

:giggle: spanx x

Naughty Becky!! :rolleyes::D

yeah auld ones!!!!!!!! only messing mrs d!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :giggle: :giggle:

Again, naughty Becky!! :rolleyes::D I'm not that old lol!!
ahh im sure ye will have fun without me. your right your as yong as you feel. im getting close to 30 now though its scary!!!!!!!!!!well one i get to 25 / 26 i will be old :(