Hi latte - been awol (again! more visitors) so just had a quick catch up.
Most of the time your food diary looks ok but couple of questions.
1. Does coconut milk class as a HexA? I thought you had to syn it.
2. Do you use your actifry a lot? I know you don't have to put a lot of oil in but it still needs to me synned when you use it.
Quiche - I make a fantastic smoked salmon one and it is soooooo filling. I know you eat salmon but not sure about the smoked variety.
The biggest thing I really have to steer clear of if I want a good loss, is carbs. Bread, pasta and rice - I bloat like hell and retain water. Now I know this is tough with you being a veggie but can you try a week where you limit yourself to only having these say twice in the week. I fill up on baked spuds (done in the microwave) with plain yoghurt or home-made tzatziki as a dressing with my main meal as my HexB on a red day. For lunch I have swapped to wraps and pittas. For some unexplained reason I don't bloat on these - maybe because they don't have yeast in.
Also for lunch I try to avoid any carbs. I usually have a big bowl of home-made "green" soup followed by fruit and yoghurt. This keeps me going all afternoon and is free or superfree and means I don't have to decide until evening if I want a green or red day.
If you want the recipe for the green soup let me know. It is cheap and easy to make. I freeze it in portion sized plastic pots which can be taken to work and pinged in the microwave to defrost and cook. Soup is actually very filling and great as a winter warmer! Much better for you than grabbing something like a mug shot, pasta n sauce, or an Uncle Ben's prepared rice.
Chin up chica, I know you've had a few weeks without a loss, but pcos makes it even harder for you. But you CAN & WILL do this with our help.