Laura's Summer Slimming!

Oh my goodness me, yes I am - just have not had a minute to update here lately, work is crazy busy and when at home I just haven't managed to get on the laptop much at all! Every night I have thought I must get on minimins and never managed to, but here I am back again!!

So last weekend was quite a blow out, we were at friends on Friday night and getting a chinese (which was yummy, first I have had in ages!) and also quite a lot of booze! After that on Sunday it was also my friend's birthday (30th) although she was 8 days overdue at the time with her 2nd baby so wasn't crazy celebrations, she was super fed up lol. But I had a delicious cupcake at hers too.

I had tried to rein it in though through the week and also Sunday night I just had a salad for dinner lol.

On Monday at class I lost 1lb!! I really though I would have STS so was chuffed with that, it was also my Club 10 I got!! This week was meant to be much more exercise as I slacked with that last week, things kept getting in the way but this week is so far going the same which is very annoying, I am itching to get back out a run!!! OH is nightshift though tonight and tomorrow night so no can do :-( I have also been sooooo tired lately (too many late nights caught up with me!)

Hope you are all well, just going to post today's food diary xx

Hi !!! Nice to see you back :)
Glad all is well !!! Well done on the loss and your club 10!!!
Have a nice early night then whilst oh is working x
Wednesday 19/6/2013

Breakfast - peach and pineapple mullerlight and strawberries, 1 hifi rocky road (1/2 HeB)

Lunch - Poached eggs (2) on 2 slice wholemeal (HeB) with salad and cherry tomatoes

Dinner - extra lean beef burgers with salad, 30g low low cheese spread, salad, tomatoes, red onion.

Snacks - apple, custard (4?) (couldn't resist a few spoons of the kids custard, was so hungry argh!) hifi bar (1/2 HeB)

HExA - 1) 30g low low cheese spread 2) 375ml SS milk
HExB - 1) 2 slice wholemeal (400g loaf) 2) 2 rocky road hifi bars

Syns = HP sauce (2), custard (4), curly wurly (6)

Total syns = 12
Personally I think diagnosis as an adult must be a lot harder than as a child, I don't rem life without diabetes so iv never sat n wished I was back to how life use to be without it ... Whereas for you .. Your grown up & must have those moments where you wish life was back to normal ... Must be really hard for you :( .. And getting to grips with having to record everything you eat, not be spontaneous in your food choices .. Whereas Its second nature to me ... What insulin do you take? I noticed you said you half an hour before? Is it the mixtard type? I was on that as a youngster then went on to the two types of insulin as a teen xxxxx

Sorry I thought I had replied to this!! No I take Levemir (basal) and humalog (bolus). I wouldn't like to be on mixed insulins but realise why they used to use them for children. Thankfully more and more children have pumps these days too which are so much more flexible.

Yes it hard for me to think back to what life used to be like, not having to think about EVERYTHING I eat and test/inject before it. But I am also glad I got to have my two pregnancies without it too. xx
Today's breakfast, lunch and dinner :)


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Thanks! I enjoyed it......just wish I hadn't picked on other bits as I fed the kids dinner, argh!

Little pickers DO wear bigger knickers!!

Haha that saying will always remind me of my mum!! :D It's her favourite!
Food looks amazing Laura :) xxx
Thursday 20/6/2013

Breakfast - peach and pineapple mullerlight and strawberries, 1 hifi rocky road (1/2 HeB)

Lunch - Ham salad with balsamic vinegar, 2 sweet onion ryvita with 30g low low cheese

Dinner - Ham and egg salad with salad cream (2) and some ex light mayo (1)

Snacks - nectarine, hifi bar (HeB), flapjack (8? shared with my daughter while my son was swimming, was so peckish! I'll double check syns tomorrow)

HExA - 1) 30g low low cheese spread 2) 375ml SS milk
HExB - 1) 2 ryvita 2) 2 rocky road hifi bars

Syns = Salad cream (2), flapjack (8), mayo (1)

Total syns = 11
It's all about positive choices and you definitely made one there by opting not to have the takeaway! :) x
Soooo my weekend was a bit off plan -met a friend on Saturday and ended up having a 3 course lunch, which was bl**dy lovely but not really SW friendly! Thought I might be able to pull it back on Sunday....until we had a v busy day and were at the cinema with the kids too where I nibbled popcorn etc....and then we had an indian takeaway!!

Again, lovely but oooft, I daren;t imagine the syns!

Anyway my scales were showing 11st 5.5lbs today which would be 0.5lb gain....I didn't make it to any class tonight because I needed to go food shopping after work (we had barely anything in!) and then when I got home I really wanted to get out a run so I did that, because I am fed up with not being able to get out when OH is nightshift (he will be Thurs and Fri this week) and have to fit things in around the kids when I can. So I opted for that, and can either go to a different local class tomorrow, or just go back next week. I am REALLY hoping to see the back of these 4 or 5lbs in the next 2 weeks which is going to mean a big push and effort from me but I feel like I can do it?!

Also at the weekend while shopping with my friend I had to order in the swimsuit I wanted....cos they had no SIZE 12's in stock!!! Ha! Need to keep that to the forefront when I am fancying something I shouldn't have!!

Size 12.
Monday 24/6/2013

Breakfast - mango, strawberries & fat free greek yoghurt with vanilla & sweetener

Lunch - Smoked salmon salad with black pepper cream cheese & lemon juice - blooming delish!

Dinner - chilli with griddled courgettes

Snacks - 2 hifi bars

HExA - 1) 50g philly light 2) 250ml SS milk
HExB - 1) 120g kidney beans 2) 2 hifi bars

Syns = 0

Total syns = 0 (not really planned but just the way my day went!)
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Yayyyy to size 12 swimsuits!! You skinny minnie! :D x
Tuesday 25/6/2013

Breakfast - mango, strawberries & danio fruit layer passionfruit yoghurt (1.5)

Lunch - Smoked salmon salad with lemon juice

Dinner - chicken and bacon creamy tomato pasta with salad, dressing (2.5)

Snacks - 2 ryvita fruit crunch with choc philly (4) and strawberries

HExA - 1) 75g philly light
HExB - 1) 2 ryvita fruit crunch

Syns = danio yoghurt (1.5), salad dressing (2.5), choc philly (4) milk in tea (2.5)

Total syns = 10.5

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