Laura's Summer Slimming!

On a catch up - yesterday's food!

Tuesday 27/5/2014

B - strawberries and coconut greek FF yoghurt

L - Feta cheese (HexA) salad with chicken

D - moroccan meatballs with courgettes, cous cous and some random spinach which needed used up too! Was DELISH!

Snacks - strawberries & a FF yoghurt

Monday night I also went back to C25K - I decided to start where I left off at week 6 - hahahahaha! Was a tad ambitious maybe, I had to walk some bits lol, but will crack on with it and see how I do! My calves get so tight, need to do a couple weeks to loosen off a bit!

Then last night on the way home from work I went to to the gym too - go me! My legs hurrrrrrrrrrt today but no pain no gain right!

I'm going light on the syns/HexB for a few days, for a bit of a kick start again!
Amazing food yesterday hun - you're making me hungry thinking about it! What did you put in your meatballs?

With the running, the best thing I found was using Dave's foam roller. THey are about £10 on eBay and are amazing for massaging your muscles pre- and post-exercise so you don't get pain or tightness the next day. It's a bit painful to do as it really works the knots out, but it saves you a lot of pain the day after (and the day after that which can sometimes be worse!).

6 weeks til holiday - how flippin' exciting! xxx
Sean made it so I'm not exactly sure to be honest, lol! It was all ready for me when I got home from the gym - he's on annual leave just now so making the most of it! It was extra lean mince, a Moroccan spice mix, passatta, chopped tomatoes, fresh coriander - served with FF yoghurt with chopped mint too! I'll pop a photo on in a sec! Was very yummy though!

I know 6 weeks, can't wait! But would like to weigh a little less so in a way I am glad it is 6 weeks away too - LOL!

I have been flitting with doing slim fast for a kick start too, just for breakfast and lunch....but really not sure, have never used it before - maybe even just on my work days, so 4 days a week and the other 3 normal SW style. I have been watching your 5:2 fast type days but really don't think I could do the 500cal a day without wanting to grab crap to eat if I was hungry when cooking the kids dinner etc! Hmmmm.....
I did try slim fast back in the day and it worked for me but I put it all back on again afterwards. I definitely think fast days are a bit more sustainable, for me at least, although I'm not sure how it would work with your insulin? You'd need to be careful hun :) xxx
Last nights meatballs! Mmmm!


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I did try slim fast back in the day and it worked for me but I put it all back on again afterwards. I definitely think fast days are a bit more sustainable, for me at least, although I'm not sure how it would work with your insulin? You'd need to be careful hun :) xxx

Yeah I am not under the illusion that it's a diet plan that is sustainable over the long term, I am thinking just as a pre holiday boost alongside the gym etc too! Get a few pesky lbs shifted quicker IYKWIM? Hmmmm. Will ponder further.

Yeah I would have to be careful over fast days but with my pump there's no real reason why I couldn't, in theory! The problem comes in if I have a hypo and so have to eat/drink a hypo treatments (basically pure sugar) then I'd be quickly over 500kcal anyway! And I can't choose not to have it!
Blahhhhhh! Not so great.

Last couple of weeks have just been a bit all over the place, dunno what is going on with me - it must be to do with my pump but I am REALLY struggling to lose weight at the moment, things are still pretty up and down with my pump so having hypos and guzzling pure sugar isn't helping, I'm so frustrated.

It's just under 5 weeks until we go on holiday, so I can still drop a few lbs but my stone isn't looking likely!!! Lol. I am really annoyed but just need to work with what I can.

Very sad weekend too, our lovely little cat had to be put to sleep. :-( I'm absolutely gutted, she was diagnosed with heart disease/failure about 3 months ago after getting poorly and had been on various medications, and had lots of tests done etc but on Saturday night, even after having her chest drained on Saturday at the vet again, she took a turn for the worse and it was just unfair to keep that going, it was horrible to see her struggle to breathe (she was all full of fluid on her abdomen) and it was the kindest thing for her. It was a full on emergency vet run at 12.30am on Saturday night too, which made it even worse.

So my plan of action is for the next 4 weeks just don't eat? Hahaha. Kidding.

I need to do something drastic though, I know at the very most I'll prob lose about 8-10lbs and that's if I can get my levels more stable on my pump too but even those lbs would make me feel better than I do just now! Urgh.

So little or no snacking (unless I'm starving and it's to stave me from then wanting to eat crap!), smaller portions, lower carbs, more protein. No processed/packaged/refined stuff. Drink loads of water. No alcohol. REALLY up the exercise - going out a run tonight after work, before dinner!

Today's plan is:

B - 2 hard boiled eggs, coconut greek muller, a few strawbs and blueberries

L - Egg and tuna salad with a drizzle balsamic vinegar. Nectarine.

D - sweet chilli chicken breast with roasted veg and prob broccoli to bulk it out.

Try to resist anything later on except tea or water, and get an early night so I don't want to eat crap! IF I *need* something I could have a FF yoghurt....

Might be handy for me to make a pot of spicy carrot soup or something too actually to have for quick lunches at work. I might use some of the scan bran I have lying about too to bulk it out as it does help keep you full that stuff! Hmmm.
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Hello poppet,

I'm so very sorry to hear about your poor pussy cat. I can't even imagine what a hard decision that was for you to make, but you absolutely did the right thing. Thinking of you, lovley girl.

Exciting it's only a few weeks til holiday - you will have an amazing time regardless of what the scales say. It's all about having some family down time :)

Thank you lovely - it was the right thing but is hard - keep expecting to see her about the house :-(

Stuck to plan exactly today, am sitting just now drinking a glass of icy water to stave off wanting anything else!

Nothing quite like trying on holiday clothes for a depressing wake up call either, urgh. Most things were ok but a couple of things just a little tight......lets see what this 4.5 weeks can bring I guess!!
Tuesday 10/6/2014

B - a nectarine

L - tuna and egg salad with balsamic vinegar

D - mango chicken curry with cauliflower rice

Snacks - strawberry muller greek (0.5), apple

Had a disaster with my insulin pump this morning which set the morning off on a bad one, got a "no delivery" alarm on it, woke up sky high BG level (17.4mmol, meant to be between 4 & 7!) and had ketones of 1.3 which can be dangerous. So meant I had to wait it out at home for at least an hour, only got into work at 10.30am, so will be working on a bit later tonight - also have a meeting at school for Rachel, she starts school after the summer (eeeek!!) so it's an info evening for that. will need to get dinner before I go or I will be starving, Sean is cooking it luckily so should be ready for me getting home! Hence only a nectarine for breakfast, had to have *something* to help bring ketones down but didn't want to eat anything too big.

Will probably have fruit ryvita (hexb) with some choc philly and strawberries as a snack later on once home from meeting. And depending how tired I am may get out a run, but with a busy evening already I can't promise as by evening I am always SO tired!
Oh bless you honey. Make sure you eat enough to keep your poor little body going! Sounds like a packed evening - don't beat yourself up if you can't squeeze in a run xx