Silver Member
Argh been so busy I have neglected you diary! Weekend was a bit sketchy food and drink wise & therefore I shall not divulge what I ate - not horrendous but not quite on plan! 
Less than a month now until I get my insulin pump too, and I had my annual diabetic clinic appointment this morning - Hba1C was 7.4 (which will mean nothing to most of you!) but hoping the pump will reduce that even further. Ideally is has to be under 7 but I would like it closer to 6. I had to fast though and rushed into work and grabbed a small bowl of muesli, a mullerlight & some grapes!
Less than a month now until I get my insulin pump too, and I had my annual diabetic clinic appointment this morning - Hba1C was 7.4 (which will mean nothing to most of you!) but hoping the pump will reduce that even further. Ideally is has to be under 7 but I would like it closer to 6. I had to fast though and rushed into work and grabbed a small bowl of muesli, a mullerlight & some grapes!