Lauren's diary - a new year, & a new beginnings!

Hey everyone!

It's been forever since I've last been online, I actually deleted the app and only now have come around to reinstalling.. so thought I'd pop in and see how everyone is and update you all on how I am.

So I broke up with my OH in January, and that's still over and done and dusted.. I was a shell of a person for a long time, but I've managed to pick myself up and now I'm stronger physically and mentally than I've ever been, and also pretty damn happy too :)

Since mid January I've lost 2 stone and 9lbs.. I think it could've been a lot more if I'd been 100%, but admittedly there's been quite a lot of days consisting of naughty foods and too much vodka! I wouldn't be human if I didn't enjoy myself along the journey..

The last week I've had a nasty mouth infection so my entire mouth has been constantly on fire and giving me a lot of grief, and I've had ulcers covering my tongue, gums, inside of my cheeks and lips! Not pleasant at all! So I haven't been able to eat anything but yogurts, ice cream and milk... Resulting in a bad week of too much sugary diary products!!

But it's back to it now and back to my training schedule :)

For the last month or so I've been back at the gym and go every single day.. focusing on heavy weight training followed by cardio. So now things are starting to firm up, shrink down and look more defined.. and I'm loving getting stronger!

Diet wise I eat 1600 calories a day and now eat as clean as possible - I drink gallons of water which is unusual for me considering I used to hate it.. and I eat lots of chicken, salmon, eggs, veggies, almonds, seeds, protein shakes, greek yogurt etcetc..

All in all I'm doing pretty well.. I know I still have 3 stone to lose until I'm at my goal weight.. but I'm in no rush to get there and am enjoying this journey and the fact it's sustainable and something I can actually see myself doing forever..

Hope everyone else is well :)

Hi :)
Well done x
You sound great which is lovely x
I love my heavy lifting better than my cardio I think :)
Nice to hear from you again x

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Hey everyone!

It's been forever since I've last been online, I actually deleted the app and only now have come around to reinstalling.. so thought I'd pop in and see how everyone is and update you all on how I am.

So I broke up with my OH in January, and that's still over and done and dusted.. I was a shell of a person for a long time, but I've managed to pick myself up and now I'm stronger physically and mentally than I've ever been, and also pretty damn happy too :)

Since mid January I've lost 2 stone and 9lbs.. I think it could've been a lot more if I'd been 100%, but admittedly there's been quite a lot of days consisting of naughty foods and too much vodka! I wouldn't be human if I didn't enjoy myself along the journey..

The last week I've had a nasty mouth infection so my entire mouth has been constantly on fire and giving me a lot of grief, and I've had ulcers covering my tongue, gums, inside of my cheeks and lips! Not pleasant at all! So I haven't been able to eat anything but yogurts, ice cream and milk... Resulting in a bad week of too much sugary diary products!!

But it's back to it now and back to my training schedule :)

For the last month or so I've been back at the gym and go every single day.. focusing on heavy weight training followed by cardio. So now things are starting to firm up, shrink down and look more defined.. and I'm loving getting stronger!

Diet wise I eat 1600 calories a day and now eat as clean as possible - I drink gallons of water which is unusual for me considering I used to hate it.. and I eat lots of chicken, salmon, eggs, veggies, almonds, seeds, protein shakes, greek yogurt etcetc..

All in all I'm doing pretty well.. I know I still have 3 stone to lose until I'm at my goal weight.. but I'm in no rush to get there and am enjoying this journey and the fact it's sustainable and something I can actually see myself doing forever..

Hope everyone else is well :)

So Glad to see you back and doing well x relly hapy for u! i hope i ave the same ammount of by my 25th Birthdah in October!! xx
ah welcome back lauren. its good to see your in a good place now.

doing well on your loses too.

Sarah xx
Re: Lauren's diary - a new year, & a new beginnings!

Hey everyone!

Another update...

I'm currently weighing in at 12st 2lbs and am a UK size 12.. can squeeze into some size 10 but depends on the store!

And I've had the boob job done that I told you all about for ages.. so now my top half is a busty 36DD and all healed and well!

Still wanna lose possibly another 2 stone to take me down to 10 stone.. but taking each day as it comes all training hard in the gym so when I look how I wanna look I'll stop losing cause the number on that measuring tape means more to me than the number on those scales!

Hope everyone is well :)
Hey Lauren

Great to hear from you!!

Your weight loss has been amazing, what weight were you before again? You'll need to post some before & after pics coz it sounds like you've lost a lot. Also, that's great about the boob job I know how much you were looking forward to that. Did you recover quickly?

Hi Lauren :)

You're sounding so well :-D
So focused :)
You had a boob job .??!!!! Wow .! I want mine reduced .!! I'm a 34 F and would live to be a C-D cup ... But iv priced it up and it'll be £5000.. Gulp ..!! Better start doing the lottery lol
The last half stone fir me is hard ..!! But I'm still more into tape measure than scales .! Would like to lose a couple inches on waist x

You keep up the good work lovely xxxx

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Re: Lauren's diary - a new year, & a new beginnings!

Thanks girls :)

Recovery with my boob job went well littlemiss.. I'm 10 weeks post op now and able to attend the gym as normal, lift and everything as normal, wear pretty bras or no bra etc. The first few days were sore but the recovery was actually a lot easier than I expected.. and the scars are teeny!

And yeah Lindsay it is really expensive.. I paid £5000 for mine but I'm really happy with the result and it's helped my self esteem hugely :)

I've just taken some new photos tonight.. so I have two photos, front and side angles, of me back in January weighing 15st 12lbs.. compared with me weighing 12st 3lbs tonight.

I still have another two and a half stone until I'm happy and will have completed my journey.. so there's still fat on my tummy etc obviously cause I'm still a work in progress :)

And excuse the sports bra and dingy white bedtime knickers!! Haha.
Re: Lauren's diary - a new year, & a new beginnings!

Here we go...


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Wow Lauren ..,!!! You're looking brill .!!!!

Well done you ..!!! :)

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