Hi everyone.
I'm still really struggling, feeling quite broken & lost.. I haven't eaten since midday on Tuesday, and not because I'm starving myself purposely but because I just don't have the appetite to eat anything. Occasionally I get the odd hunger pang but it quickly goes, and I'm worrying that if I eat something then I'll bring it back up.
Finally finished moving all my furniture and belongings from my old house into my parents house. Luckily their house is big so there's room for everything, and I have my own bedroom, so does LO and we have our own living room upstairs too. Settling in slowly but still feel a bit lost not being in my own house...
I weighed in last Sunday at 15st 6lbs at my first weigh in, and hopped on the scales this morning & I'm 14st 11lbs, so I'm 9lbs down which is obviously from not eating.. I'm just wondering, when I get my appetite back & feel ready to eat, how will I go about it?
I'm meant to be consuming 1300-1500 calories a day, and the last 3 days I'd say I've consumed maybe 100 a day in the form of semi skimmed milk in my coffees.. So I don't wanna jump straight back up to 1300-1500 or I'll gain the weight back I've lost.
So should I do a refeed thing? Like for a few days try having breakfast so that'll give me maybe 300-400 calories a day, then after a few days include lunch too so it'll boost it up to 700-800, then after a few days include dinner so it'll boost up to 1100-1200 and then finally include snacks to take me upto my allowance of 1300-1500?
I just don't wanna gain the pounds back I've lost the past few days, cause that'll really bring me down. Any advice?