Life begins at 40, maintaining with SW for Life -Green days & some EE/Red photos inc

Still no movement on the scales at all

I'm only booking a holiday in case I don't weigh next week as well as tomorrow

Its seriously getting me down. Its ridiculous how my scales aren't moving and I know they aren't broken
Apple and pear

Egg muffins carrot gherkins onions and tomatoes
Nuts hex b

Options 2 syns
Rice crackers 4 syns
Defrosted berries and fromage frais

Sweet potato and leek soup

Dry shreddies hex b
2 mint wafers 4 syns

Total 10 syns


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No not at all especially as I get weighed every time I go to clinic but she obviously doesn't know all the history and she is really trying to help me

At one point I provided 3 months worth of written food diaries to both slimming world and my Dr and nothing was done
Sw just said the diet works for 99% of people and I must have a medical problem. My Dr just said some people lose weight easier and quicker then others and I'm not one of them

This was before the current gastro diagnosis
I just wish I knew what stalled me and what I can't and can't process properly

I mean I know I can't eat meat or poultry and also need to be mainly lactose free but I've not changed my diet really at all for months and months since I went lactose free and obviously I've been able to lose weight and get below target