No, still no life...

Another quiet weekend.
I am struggling though. And all because I read yet another 'diet' book.

And now, dammit, I'm really torn and I don't know what to do. I know what I want to do, but I can't figure out whether that's just my food-deprived mind telling me that I want to do it, or whether it really is the right thing to do.
You see, I read 'You can be thin' by Marisa Peer. And if anyone here's ever read that book, you'll be able to guess what the problem is. I'm having a really hard time drinking Cambridge milkshakes now... Arrggh!
And the type of diet she recommends is one that I can definitely live with. It's basically low carb (though no dairy products) but there's no restriction on fruit. In many ways, calorie-wise it's what I'm already doing on 810. I've just worked out the calories for what I've had today and it's come out to around 950 calories (and that's including a banana tetra that really didn't sit very well (damn Marisa's hypnotic style of writing

). And I'm not hungry (no surprises there).
But I can't jump off the Cambridge wagon again, can I?

Not after everything I've said in the past, not after all the deep and meaningful chats I've had with myself about not changing horse midstream, that Cambridge is the only way I can get rid of weight quickly, etc.
Except, the truth is, I'm not shedding weight quickly on Cambridge, cos I'm just not sticking to it.
I honestly don't know what to do. :sigh: I can't decide whether I'm just fooling myself again - or whether Marisa's way of eating really is something I could do long term (because actually, I think it is. The addition of fruit makes it very manageable).
So much for being committed, eh?

But I am still committed to shedding weight - just not necessarily to doing it via Cambridge.
I have a good friend who's going to give me a really hard time about stopping Cambridge again - although it's partly her fault, because she's the one who wanted to buy me a session of hypnotherapy for my birthday, LOL.
And God knows what my CWPC will say, LOL. I've started and stopped Cambridge so many times it's like I'm caught in a revolving door.
Can anyone pick through what I've just said and tell me what I'm really thinking, LOL? Cos I don't think I can figure it out!