Evening folks
Lily, don't worry about what Cambridge has done for you in the past, if Marisa's way feels right for NOW then go with it! Things change & won't suit you forever. There's no point doing something unsustainable for you at this time, that will make you unhappy. And we'll all be here regardless
It does feel right for now. I just feel that if I do officially decide to ditch Cambridge, that really will be it. I think I've reached that point where I just wouldn't want to go back to my CDC and say, "Please can I do it again?" Which to date, I've done, ooh, too many times to remember. And every time, I've been convinced that this time will be the last, that I won't let anything get in my way, blah, blah. That in itself is no good for my self-esteem. I'm just reinforcing failure - to the point that I've probably failed even before I get home with my Cambridge products and sup on my first banana tetra. It's an endless loop, a mobius strip.
But - and don't laugh - I like being a bit of an expert on Cambridge. I quite like coming on here and giving my two-penneth. I've learnt an awful lot about the diet and how it works. But I can't post in this part of the forum if I'm not doing the diet. Not unless I somehow pretend that I'm in the maintenance stage with 'only' 4 stones left to lose, LOL. :8855:
That's no reason to stay on Cambridge though, is it? Especially as the longer I keep messing up, the less credibility anything I might say about sticking to the diet will have.
ive just had the "maintaining using cambridge" chat with my cdc. she thinks its great ive sts for the last fortnight, me not so happy bout that since it involved eating like food was going out of fashion for a week and then ssing for a week, ive been doing this for about 6 - 7 months now and it is depressing, i live in hope of finding the answer before i hit 23 and a half stone again
I think you've got a bit of what's going on in my head going on in your head too. Like me, you were several stones bigger when you started Cambridge, and now you're much smaller than you were - and so neither of us are at the same level of desperation anymore. I definitely think it is possible to rediscover your Mojo on Cambridge but I think you have to find a new angle to it - to get your mind to view the whole process differently. I think swapping to this diet and that diet has been me trying to cut the corner on all that - never mind sorting out my head, it must be the diet, I tell myself, and off I trot to SW or WW - only to come trotting straight back to Cambridge within a week.
I'm pretty sure that's why I'm unwilling to formally declare this stint on Cambridge as being over - because it's like I'm scared that if I do that, I'll lose the plot on doing the Marisa diet thing and I'll have failed again. I keep thinking that if I can show myself that I can stick to a wheat-free/dairy-free diet for at least a week that maybe it will be okay, that maybe I will have found the diet for me - and I can officially give Cambridge the heave-ho.
I have been on that hamster wheel for years too and am terrified of going right back up there.
Does it make a difference if you give yourself permission to not worry about it for a while? x
Like Claire, I worry all the time. It's my default setting. I'm better at letting things go over my head than I used to be but I've still got a way to go. I have a tendency to take things personally when in fact, they're just challenges looking for an answer. I'm getting there, but I'm a work in progress. So I guess the short answer to your question Jo is 'no' (why didn't I just say that?

Hi Lily, et al --
I have gotten caught up on your thread -- and as usual want to put my two cents in, so I will.
I think that you should, perhaps, go back to Beck and the beginning, then work through the getting ready to diet steps, and choose TWO diets. Start with one and if, after you have given it a fair chance, you find (along with doing Beck) that it isn't suting you, then change to other (hopefully, very different diet) and choose a second one for back up. As long as you keep trying you will (or should) make progress. Then, if you are using Beck and have instituted some of the changes -- if you take a break from dieting proper -- you should be able to hold your own.
I was a month away from my programme: but Beck's rules (i.e. sitting to eat, leaving food on your plate, only eating to comfortably full, drinking your water, unplanned and planned fitness, trying to limited extra calories to two hundred a day when on holiday, etc.) helped me to maintain my losses. I went back to my CWPC on May 3rd (my last visit had been April 5th) and weighed exactly the same!
Now, I am trying to get back into my programme -- and I think I will start at the beginning (working through the first few weeks in a couple of days) and using CD810 (with South Beach food options, as I am still cooking SB for OH), I will shed the remaining regain and continuing learning how to manage my food, fitness and maintain my losses.
BTW, OH has now lost a total of 3 stone since January 2nd on South Beach.
Hang in there, Lily. You are inspirational (and a good writer).
I think you're the one providing the inspiration, Mel. :hug99:
I do need to look at Beck again, to yet again see if I can refine my ARCs into something I truly honestly mean (and not what I think I should be telling myself). I do think though that it is quite hard to combine Beck and Cambridge - for example, you can't really do the hunger thing, because hunger in ketosis is a very different thing to hunger at any other time, you can't practice leaving food on your plate (unless of course you left a gulp of tetra in the carton

). I'm working my way up to confessing that Cambridge may not be right for me anymore but I'm not quite there yet either...
Heey Lilly hope your well today ?
And taking each day as it comes hunnie x
I am trying to, hun.

I'm trying really hard not to think of time in terms of how many pounds I could get shot of - because the moment I start counting weeks and speculating, something seems to short-circuit in my poor brain.

So instead, I'm doing some heavy duty visualisation of my slender self in a slinky fitted red dress, having fun at a BBQ with a glass of Chardonnay in my hand...